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Scott Shaffer Nov 2013
Does a broken body still feel?
Or does it stop from the pain that is much too real,
Did it quit on me as I quit on life,
And wished to pierce myself with a knife,
Because it failed you?
Or did something else fail, too?
Heart broke,
Oxygen choked,
Bones so fragile,
Left with a body that isn't so agile,
Why did it quit,
Why did it?
Is it because she is gone?
Is that what's really wrong?
Because she went away,
Because I was too cowardly to ask her to stay
Scott Shaffer Nov 2013
Why do we feel?
Is that our Achilles's heel?
Is this our curse,
Knowing we aren't feeling better, only worse,
Stay away, for I don't want to feel,
But if you do, than this loneliness won't heal,
Why are we burned with these feelings,
For they are such stupid things,
Why must I feel so lonely,
And why does it feel like it affects me only?
I hope this is just a dream,
Please let it be, for if not, then my life is coming apart at the seam.
Scott Shaffer Nov 2013
Rip out this still beating heart,
Then call how you did it a art,
I'll still forever be yours,
Even if we live on different shores,
The pain you've caused,
The way you pointed out my flaws,
The wounds you make,
The hearts you break,
The lies you tell,
The day you made my life a hell,
None of those matter to me,
Don't you see,
I need you,
But you never knew,
Living in your head,
Pretending I was dead,
When I cried,
You just sighed,
I'm sorry for the disappointment,
And for my smile now bent,
Please forgive me,
And don't leave
Scott Shaffer Nov 2013
I miss you,
All I want to do is kiss you,
But now it's to late,
For being alone is my fate
Scott Shaffer Nov 2013
I needed you the most,
But you treated me like a ghost,
Why are you not the person I once knew,
And how come I am now dead to you?
Scott Shaffer Nov 2013
My hope is lost,
And happiness is a far cry away,
So I wait for my final day,
As my soul slowly begins to frost
Scott Shaffer Nov 2013
Boredom and sadness intertwine,
Sorrow shows on my face,
They ask if I'm okay, I say I'm fine,
If only they knew the bitterness I taste.
The years fly by me,
Death slowly nears itself,
At least he won't leave me,
Maybe I won't be all by myself.
Who do I fool,
A life of misery and loneliness is all I know,
Why is this life so cruel,
And why does it make me feel so low.

— The End —