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In  eyes  overcast  with regret.
We battled many storms.
To many togather to ever forget.

Two ships passing silently without  wake.
Still water memories  flow  gentle  as a dream.
When we pass from every past love we take.

Fail we have  but still we did try.
Tears can only wash clean.
The bitterness of this goodbye.

After the glow
there is only a spark.
She knew another.
As strangers we view thoose flaws as new
lovers kindle passions fire in that same old park.

She said I can"t say the words underneath
the sunsets  fire lit sky.
As burried the past only to her.
For my heart can never forget this goodbye

Just a write i did off the top of my head sorry
for it's  lack of talent.
they cant all be diamonds.
The dinner was made, but something was wrong,
She tried to eat something, appetite, gone,
The view from the kitchen was a sky black and grey,
She got under the table to get out of the way.

Even moms home made cooking couldn't beckon her out,
For she knew fine and well, that a storm was about,
Such a crash, then a light filled the kitchen completely,
Then a hug from two arms,"Daddy please dont you leave me".

As her body was lifted to a warm loving place,
Daddy wiped away tears from her four year old face,
Then it seemed as though nothing could hurt her somehow,
Not the storm, not the flash, not the terrible howl.
As the storm grifted by, daddy hushed her to sleep,
Snuggles up with his baby,safe and warm for to keep.
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