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 Apr 2014 Sayedda F G
Mike Hauser
I'm Afraid when I start this poem
From the moment that I begin
I'm Afraid I will get to the point
Where I won't be able to end

But here goes...

I'm Afraid of the darkness
I'm Afraid of the light
I'm Afraid that all my wrongs
Will never work out right

I'm Afraid that I will
I'm Afraid that I might
I'm Afraid that one day
I'll be asked the question why

I'm Afraid to inhale
and exhale the air that I breath
I'm Afraid of what is real
and what is make believe

I'm Afraid the colors are bleeding
In the Red, White, and the Blue
I'm Afraid of the ever increasing lies
Hidden inside of the decreasing truth

I'm Afraid of my neighbor
I'm Afraid of the neighbors dog
I'm Afraid that there's more to this
Ever growing cough

I'm Afraid to answer
The shrill ring of my telephone
I'm Afraid that the end
When it arrives will be a brick wall

I'm Afraid of this life
I'm Afraid of it's death
I'm Afraid of the thoughts
That keep bouncing in my head

I'm Afraid of you
I'm Afraid of me
I'm Afraid of what I can
and what I can not see

I'm Afraid of being Afraid
Which makes me more Afraid
I'm Afraid that one day
I'll run out of things to say
Which makes me even more Afraid
 Mar 2014 Sayedda F G
Mike Hauser
We all carry a concealed weapon
All have since we've been young
Sharp as a knife, used a lot in life
The weapon is the tongue

It has the power to cut you down
Bring you to your knees
Also strong enough to lift you up
Both it does with ease

Yes, it can lift you up
Or it can cut you down
The latter is done far to often
Stabbing at the slightest sound

The problem with this weapon
Is the lack of self control
It comes out slicing and dicing
As if backed against a wall

We even turn it on ourselves
And carve like we're abstract art
Leaving not a mark upon the flesh
But wounding deep the heart

I've talked of using it as a knife
But it also doubles as a gun
Firing from long distances
Beware the weapon in use...The Tongue
 Mar 2014 Sayedda F G
Zak Krug
When he ran
it was fire that followed.
An orphan with a family.
Remembering all the wrongs in the world.
These false pretenses
will be the death of him.
Forget what the past says,
and just keep running.
Through fire and wind,
change will occur.
Only when it is least needed.
These lies are eating up the insides.
They are making for a dark future.
Regret nothing.
Just look for the wrong answers and
find the truth hidden in
this scorched Earth.
When he ran
it was fire that followed.
It was fire that extinguished
the truth.
 Mar 2014 Sayedda F G
Mike Hauser
The past I can't remember
The future I can't see
The here and now if I think about
Only confuses me

Where does that tend leave me
Besides a limbo state of mind
If I dig to deep inside of me
Afraid of what I'll find

I get out my shovel anyways
And if curiosity kills the cat
I'll toss it in the hole I dug
Then that will be the end of that

Because the past is long forgotten
With a future yet to come
I'll just take the hear and now
And continue playing dumb
 Mar 2014 Sayedda F G
 Mar 2014 Sayedda F G
you can destroy my body and cut my skin
or invade my mind to "make me thin"
but i have gotten stronger,
i have seen the light
no mental disorder
is killing me

Sometimes, when i look down at my wrists
Or my thighs
Or my hips
I realize that ever scar there
Is a battle that I have lost against myself.
But when I look in the mirror
After months of being clean
I see a survivor of the war
That I once thought I could never win.
Nothing is right, everything is permitted.
If I was the king of the world, I'd make more things round, nobody's
Baby ought to be put in the corner. Nebraska full of skyscrapers for earthquake And hurricane victims, the soybeans and corn there is a machine of mutually Exclusive syrups that taste the same. We could go back to calling sugar what it Is, sweet.

I could make you a prince, her a dutchess, myself just another worker among Workers. This hive society is getting old, and Britain holds half of our honey in gold bullion. I would make stone soup, and make it Special on Friday. Acorns would be exclusively for dendrofied alum, and not for raking or Rattling. We could call the bad sick, because there is no bad; and we could Eliminate the goods and musts, and mustn'ts as they just make people feel low. No one can feel fat, they can only think they are.

We too could have an organized society of writers and editors and critics Whom decide what words we allow into the English language. Commercials Are poisoning our youth, our mainstream, our middle-American allies that Rebel against us with their extra-laminate NRA cards. My right to bear arms Allow me two, a left arm and a right arm. That should be plenty for many of Us.

I would call the president a model citizen, since he only models. Change Fitness Journals into Fashion magazines- everyone would like to dress Similarly enough as it is. The costs are high, and the big cities have rifles and Shotguns aimed at us over their shoulders. Data sharing, wi-fi could come With high-fives and we could all use one cable for everything, and one Password of password that unlocked everything.Perhaps we could begin Banishing people to live outside of Rome again. The hunting is better in the kept gardens. so we should allow this.

I've done something wrong, I've been rendered invalid by the bell, cowardly When it comes to giving advice, and if I was the king of the world I'd make More 24hour pizza places in Chicago, following the outdoor food-styles of New York CIty. Given names should serve as middle names until people are Old enough to choose what to call themselves.

We should reward more nobodies, and depopularize all of these "somebodies," leaving a little room for the poets to do their work.

If I was the king of the laughter, I'd package laughter and ship it Internationally, bottle up messages and send letters. In fact I don't have to be The king to send letters, I just need some postage and an envelope. One for Every person on the planet, to send a thank you note for being alive, a flower To bring them comfort, a quarter, and a bottle of pear nectar to nourish and Show them that I care.

That I care about we and not just me.
 Mar 2014 Sayedda F G
They smile together and laugh together
so nobody's seen the bruise on her shoulder

They always hug and kiss good-bye
so nobody's seen the cut on her thigh

He's met her parents and she's met his
so nobody's seen her slashed wrist

They have the same hopes and the same fears
so nobody's seen her tired tears

They've had so many great times, tons
So nobody's seen the terrible ones.
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