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 Dec 2010 Sawr
What is it with this fatal attraction
For my soul that’s what it is
I have tried hard to ignore it
And not always give in

Erase you from my heart and mind
To be free from you at last
But every time you’re near
I simply have no chance

What is it about you
Keeps me wanting more
Your eyes mesmerize me
And pull me into your world

Your body makes my pulse race
I undress you with my eyes
I wish it were just physical
I’d have walked away by now

I love the way your mind works
Even if I don’t always understand
You make me think about things
That I never have before

The way you make me smile
And the way you make me laugh
Is just another of your facets
That keeps me coming back

I love the way you accept me
Like it’s ok to be myself
I let my guard down around you
And I take off my many masks

You seem to understand me
Even with all my many quirks
You even seem to tolerate me
When I’m acting like a *****

There’s so much more about you
That I just can’t find the words
To tell all the reasons
That you're driving me  berserk

That’s why I keep staring at you
With such passion in my eyes
You're my fatal attraction
And that I can’t deny.
 Nov 2010 Sawr
There once was a girl who was utterly mad
She was tired of living and was always sad
So she stabbed herself with a knife
So that she could end her life
And now she doesn't feel so bad
thought about this as i was driving home today.
 Nov 2010 Sawr
Pink Taylor
 Nov 2010 Sawr
Pink Taylor
The shrill reaches my ears
And I'm in tears
        Solid stone shaken by
a gust of wind
        Solid bone shattered by
a whispered secret

My pendulum swaying
             balance broken
How can you walk around
    when the walls are shaking?

Steady peace
is what I'm trying to reach
     when all my flat feathers
have been ruffled
     when all the outside has
           been muffled
by the silent storm within

by the breaths caught
       short and fast
more choked back
            than the last
try to remain steadfast

try to recover
when all the noise is over
when the pain is really gone
    why does it linger?

Why am I still trying to
            figure out
How to turn the ****
                             thing off
  when the task has been
when the ringing
          has already stopped?
 Nov 2010 Sawr
Fred McCarthy
A succesful lawyer is deeply and desperately mourning for his dead wife today. A robber broke into their house yesterday, took their money away and killed his wife who happened to be at home alone watching TV by strangling her to death. He blames God for his wife's terrible death and decides to convert himself to atheism.

A Mother has just got a terrible news this morning. Her son died in war yesterday. She blames God who let this happen and the goverment who sent her son away into battle

Neither of them has the slightest ideas of what would happen in the near future if their wife and son hadn't died.....

The lawyer's wife someday would be so bored of her husband's job that keeps him busy all the time and then start seeing another man. He then would find out about his wife's affair, confront her and after a fierce quarrel **** her by strangling her. After he kills the man his wife has an affair with he then shoots himself as well in the head...

The woman's son would return home on leave immediately  and accidentaly run into a very attractive mid-aged woman . Both would start seeing each other, to the woman's husband's dismay who then would end up killing them both before finally kills himself.

Things happens for reasons....
Life is like a river.... You change its course, it would come three times swifter than it should...
 Nov 2010 Sawr
crimson stars
 Nov 2010 Sawr


first star--
I see tonight--

i wish
i may
i wish
i might




i don't really feel anything you know--


searing burn
of the branding iron pressed against
my heart
before my ribcage is put back together--
like a little puzzle to be solved--
like a clock taken apart--*

just get it over with
and leave me be.
stars are prettier than lines.

Emily Dickinson was my shoulder angel when I wrote this.
 Nov 2010 Sawr
Sleepy Sigh
I know you've always considered me
A mechanical man -
And I'll admit
I do my share of clicking and whirring
I do have my own processes -
Alien to you -

But I have all the same ones
Too, and a beating heart within my
Clank-clattering flesh.

I watch
You, like a camera, like a scanner
Searching for a price tag. Bar codes
Are simple.
I like simple, but you must
Not think me mechanical for it.

When you see me,
I adore it, but often you
See preconceived pictures and

I'm terrible at this, you know, dreadful.
I should stop, there's no way to say -
No way to show that I am more than -
You know, that I am eyes and skin
And marrow, but more too, more than
Even you -

Nevermind, nevermind.

There's no way you'd think I'm
Human: I can't even speak.
I just click quietly to myself and bend
Toward you slightly with an injured creak.
Now with 1,000% more dashes
 Nov 2010 Sawr
Dorothy Parker
Should they whisper false of you.
  Never trouble to deny;
Should the words they say be true,
  Weep and storm and swear they lie.
 Nov 2010 Sawr
 Nov 2010 Sawr
You keep me waiting

I wait, I wait, I wait...

Just a little longer now
I know it
I do

You'll be here

I just have to wait

Wait for love
Wait for bliss
Wait for you

Be patient

Wait it out
Just wait it out

Just wait



I'm still waiting for you

I wait and wait and wait...

Any moment now
I think you'll show
I count on you

Maybe someday
You might appear

I keep wasting time

Waiting on a presence
Waiting on a touch
Waiting on you

Be strong

Wait for my turn
Wait for it to come
I wait



I waited for so long

Waited, waited, waited some more

You never came
I should've known
I trusted

Time traveled backwards
I stared the clock

And waited

Waited for you

I'm in line
I'm last
One day
I'll be
The last
For you.
 Nov 2010 Sawr
the way
 Nov 2010 Sawr
the way
I spin
you leave
I'm twisted
the way
you care
I share
you're wanted
the way
I scream
you listen
I'm wasted
the way
you try
I lie
you're trusted
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