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I wish I could tell you what's going on
But I'm not so sure either
My feelings are scattered all over the place
Scattered like rain falling from the sky
I want to leave,
But my heart strings are tied to you
In tight, tight knots
Glued together
Needing to be pried from your grip
Distance is no way to love someone
And we both deserve more.
I wish I could humor you
And say that forever and always is true
But I can't
So it has ended
And the thing we called love will only remain a distant memory
Nothing lasts forever, my dear
And I'm sorry it had to end this way
We were trying to provide things to each other that distance was taking from us
Sometimes, things don't work out
But maybe in the future some day, my dear
When we aren't silly teenagers
When the distance will no longer exist.
Oh darling
We're falling apart
I wish it didn't have to end this way
But I'm learning that forever and always is only an overused phrase
and infinite is just an empty word
Sorry could never describe what I want to tell you
I hope that you can find better
But that I remain nothing but a memory
Not an empty memory
A memory with love and a memory with laughter
Distance is keeping us apart
But maybe when we're older, my dear
Because right now, we're just young teenagers in love.
I'm slowly turning to dust
Everything is becoming pointless
I'm withering away to nothing
Flames licking me away like a child and a poisoned sucker.
The lies will never stop
And the addiction will never grow silent
Your words will be spit out at me like a demon
Insults, lies
Don't worry dearest, I'm not high's
Can't you see
I can't handle anymore
Can't you see
I am eroding
Fading away
Losing myself
I can't continue this way
And some day you'll be on your own
I hope one day you'll learn
That the disease can be conquered
And I hope one day you'll realize how much this affected me
How many night's I've lost
How many tears I haven't been able to cry.
I hope maybe one day, you will put an end to it.
I guess this only a phase
But the negativity is becoming so real
I wish I knew what was real anymore
I'm pathetic
Loneliness is my weakness
And it feasts upon my paranoia and dances in my brain
Is it possible this feeling is being made out of nothing?
I wish I could have an answer.
What if there is someone else
But you don't have the heart to tell me?
What if your love is a facade, and what if I am being led on?
Forever and Always is just a phrase, darling
And I'm beginning to wonder if what they're saying is true
*Forever and always doesn't exist.
Losing sleep
And losing emotion
I can't tell what's real anymore
Is it your missing presence
Or does forever not exist?
Why is it I get anxiety when
I simply think of you.
An unpleasant feeling in my stomach arises
Isn't it true the gut feeling is always right?
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