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Everyone has a breaking point
And I guess I've reached mine
Everything seems pointless to me
And nothing seems worth the time
The  medication isn't working
And the coffee is weak
I don't see a point in anything
I wish the will would come back
I'm done caring
I'm done hurting
And I'm done inflicting pain on the people I love
I'm tired of being lied to
I'm tired of you talking about me behind my back
I'm tired of people acting like they care.
It all started with the flip of a coin
Fate is what they call it
Darling I'll never forget
The innocence in your bright blue eyes
The rainy walks through the grave yard
Living on other's graves.
Silent, but our minds loud
Soft, curious lips meeting for the first time
When I explained to you what love meant
And when we decided to share "I love you"
Tangled in each other's arms in peaceful harmony
Darling, I'll never forget.
They aren't your friends,
And even they talk about you
Everyone thinks you're an outcast
And everyone IS laughing at you when you think they are
All your self hate thoughts are true
And he doesn't love you
He wants better
Everyone hates you.
She was like a tree
But not a spring tree
Lively and green
She is a tree with nostalgic initials and empty promises carved in her side
Pieces of her are eroded from all the rain
But she remains standing
Through the people who carve their initials and promises of forever in her sides
Through the rain in which she erodes
Prompt: Life of a tree/free write
Kiss your lips goodnight,
But I'm not actually sleeping
Sorrow fills my heart
I think of your eyes closed and your steady breath
Probably worrying your pretty little head about me
But I don't want you to worry
You don't deserve to worry
*You shouldn't have to worry
Stuck in a rut
Darling I couldn't be more sorry I bring sorrow upon you
I don't mean to I swear
I guess emptiness will never fill
And I am alone
Without you,
Without anyone.
I remember it like yesterday
Sitting on your lap, rocking back and forth
Being lulled to sleep by your scent and the quiet television
Grandpa and the dog snoring into a deep sleep
Cutting out paper dolls and dressing them
Watching cooking shows and attempting to cook like Bobby Flay or Rachel Ray,
Regis and Kelly,
And reading books.
Holidays were always in order,
Something like a magazine
But as I grew older
As I grew wiser
I knew something was wrong
I knew you were sick
a monster called
Overweight, but you had no will
For you were secretly depressed
Had the world broken your heart too, Grandma?
Sicker you got,
Hospital trips, Doctor visits
I always though the angels you told me about as a child were watching over you;
that they wouldn't take you from me.
Things grew less innocent
Lost their magazine touch
I never knew you would leave me, Grandma.
I never knew it could all end so quickly.
But I guess you're with angels now
The ones you told me about when I was small.
RIP Sharon Joyce Satterfield. February 24, 2004.
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