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My body craves yours
Holding me so tightly
I remember it perfect.
Close my eyes, picture lying down and tangled legs.
Soft and passionate kisses.
Kisses that meant something. That let electricity flow.
That tell me forever is true
That tell me exactly what is written on our necklaces
Love knows no distance.
People disapprove of us, but we are in love.
Meant to be.
My brain is everywhere
Feelings are dancing around as they please
I wish happiness would take a seat and stay a while
And just keep me at peace
Anger gnaws at the walls,
Screaming and urging me to scream also
Sorrow wants to let the pain out
With incisions.
To let the sadness drip drop out of me.
Sorrow wants me to cry.
But my body can't. Won't.
My body is numb. Tears remain in a bottle, anger won't flow.
As the world is silent, I want to scream
Until my voice is gone.
Until someone comes and saves me
Until someone can let the tears out of the bottle
Until the anger can flow.
Until everything is okay.
To me is home
I let the music flow through my veins
And my hate dwindles away
No stress, no paranoia, no screaming or hateful words

I am alone.
And I guess I'm bothered that I don't have friends
But I guess that's okay also
I've become everyones doormat
Sure, I'll buy you this
I'll listen to your petty problems while an (unmentioned) family member of mine does some more ****
But in my head, I scream as loud as I can for just one person
To hold me while I cry
And tell me that everything IS going to be okay
And that all this IS going to be over soon
But I guess we can't all have what we want, right?
While being left in the dust by the old
But taken under their wings by the new
I have found new people to go to
And new people who care
Though I will more than likely never meet them in my whole life because they're spread out far and wide
I feel like I have become close to them, and I can trust my new friends on the internet.
Change is in the air,
I can feel it in my bones
Moving homes
Things coming clear
I see who my true friends are
And I see where I belong
Who truly does care
And I will not let my insecurity tell me differently.
Im beginning to better myself.
Show me your scars
Tell me your fears
Let go darling
Because its safe here
Lay your lies out in neat rows
And let them disappear to dust;
I look into the mirror and I see ugly
I'm haunted by my appearance,
Taunted by the low self esteem
Never good enough nor will I ever be
All I want is the best for you lover.
You don't deserve the hideous monster I am
With awkward colored hair
Crooked teeth, pale lips
Curved waist, big hips
Obnoxious laugh
Oh what I wouldn't give to be pretty just like normal girls
What I wouldn't give to be beautiful.
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