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I am a middle-aged grasshopper
fiddling my way to Winter
I can feel it coming
smell it in the air now
my days are getting shorter
and soon I will know my first Winter
and my last
and I see the ants all around me
going about the business of their days
while I fiddle away in mindless joy
I am free from all their cares and concerns
I share none of their worries or woes
and every moment of my life is filled
with more bliss than they will ever know
but the price to be paid is Winter
when the long night comes
they will have time for reflections
they will enjoy a sacrifice-earned peace
and plenty
that I will never know
they will possess a special wisdom
born only of accomplishment
that I am doomed to covet
but never share
the precious sounds I drew from my strings
that spread so much joy to so many for so long
lost now in the howling winds of the storm
and lost soon after even to memory
but that I enjoyed it all every second
to the fullest
every moment but the last
there is no sign to mark my passing through or by
no trace left of me where I danced my life away
but perhaps the impression of an almost imperceptible
in the new-fallen snow that covers me where I lay
next to the towering mountain hill of the ants
teeming with the frenzy of the living
who will know a second Spring
 Jul 2013 Sarina
 Jul 2013 Sarina
i should be sleeping but i'd rather
think circles around three months
that you called
a waste of your time.

you lied at some point
i just don't know
i've been desperate for answers for two years.
 Jul 2013 Sarina
i've been thinking of going to sleep
for hours now
but every time i do
i'm reminded of you
this is a ******* poem about a ******* situation, but what's new?
 Jul 2013 Sarina
Colin wheeler
The moon was just as bad to sun as the sky were to the sea.
You will never reach me you will allways just see me.

Something wont be right. Togetherness with all that is,
are you lost within the sight.
How are they not joined as one;

Who is this lit moon
Who is this pale sky

Wake the **** up
Is that the question?

We are mind body and soul joined in one to be together here under the sun
Walk the light to the dark with an open heart

Too scared to try,
but all well done in the mind,
just do what feels right,
walk the path to something you're not
Let's all pretend to give a ****
I still have
the note you wrote,
kissed with your raspberry lipstick,
licked with your bedtime ink.

For years, left to dry
in a drawer, inhaling the dark,
I found it, like a stale apple,
blushing yellow.

I understand the words now,
the loops, the curves, a fairground ride,
that's what we were
before the carpet scorched our knees.

Did you keep the one
that I wrote you?
No, maybe, torn at the top
and stuffed somewhere.

I let your message breathe again,
swallow the days,
this red stain rages upon my eyes,
a note with no writer, how it all fades.
Written: July 2013.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time - not based on real events.
 Jul 2013 Sarina
I am trying to remember your tattoos
and I cannot.
You had a goddess on your calf,
but which one?
There are the vines that started on your ankles,
I think,
and wound up your strong legs,
traveled the curve of your hip,
to where?
Or did they begin on your arms?

****, I should know this.

I remember the heart on your ***,
the mermaid on your chest,
the rocket ship, somewhere.

I spent so many hours looking at these tattoos
I should know them as well as my own body.

I don't though.

The edges blur away
into skin
and elbows
and smells
and sounds
and feelings.

When I try to think of your body
I feel my hand tracing the curve of your back.

I smell amber and wine.

A fertility goddess on the shoulder,
laughing and tumbling
out of bed together in a
breathless heap.

Crime scenes, willow leaves on your neck.
Drawings by Luke, a rocket, a cat, and was there a heart in there?

I should know this.

I tried to memorize them on so many nights.

I should ******* know this.

The lilies on your arm, I can taste your stomach.
I tried to look back at the captured moments.
Never once did I think,
take pictures of all her tattoos,
one day you wont be able to remember them.

One day you will not be welcome to look or touch.

I can remember every curve of your body.
I remember every fold,
every scar.
I can feel your soft feet and your stubble covered legs
I would not want any other way.

But...I can't see you baby,
I can't see you.

How many times
did my hands roam your canvas?
How many times did I long to be the ink
in your skin?
I wanted you to
take my pain and make it yours,
carry me around with you,
as you.
I wanted you to blend our pain
and make it something beautiful.

I can hear your voice,
the one I thought you
just for me.

The stain of you covers me and I just want this taste out of my mouth.
 Jul 2013 Sarina
maybe i'll come
see you
i could use
a ****
 Jul 2013 Sarina
 Jul 2013 Sarina
just the eyes of a child
seeking its place
in a meadow
of flowers
fixed on the horizon
out to sea

steep climb
yet I want to sit in that storm with you
in the eye of it all

sitting with Mimi-meouw and biscottis
and mind .... so far away...

the heart
one more line
closer to the sky

S T, 30 June 2013
Ha... 'tis a beautiful it not :)

Despite the cooler climes....the sun shines yet for....all.

(Am enjoying Bowie at present and his outrageously cool outfits....really love this innovative song!
Performed it last night - smashing feeling :)
Only wished my courage matched his avant-garde presence! lol

Sub-entry: “Space Oddity” - David Bowie

Ground control to major Tom
Ground control to major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on..

Now it's time to leave the capsule .... if you dare

.. I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

Here am I sitting in a tin can far above the world
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go

.....your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me...........
Can you...
Here am I sitting in my tin can far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do‎
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