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Summer is a time of fun
A time of song
A time of sun
A time for smiles
A time for hugs
A time for flowers
A time for bugs

Summer is a happy time
A time that loves
A time that shines
If friends were flowers, I'd pick you.

I would gently pluck you from
The softest of soil.

I would bring you inside and place you
in a vase of glass that best
compliments your petals.

I would place you on the windowsill
So that you could soak up the sun
And watch life as it passes.

And people who pass by and look at you
With their eyes of envy will see
And they will know that this
Beautiful flower belongs to
A very lucky me.

And how lucky I am indeed
To have a flower as a friend.
For my dearest friend, Olivia
Listen to my heart
As it beats out of tune
It sings faster and slower
And wraps around you
As we embrace, our souls touch,
And they sing their own song
Of freedom and love
And memories passed on
Listen to the melody
Of this familiar tune
It sounds like the tears
Of a very sad moon
The stars tell of memories
That are lost to the storm
The Earth cries out,
For a kind friend it mourns
This orchestra of love
Is sung in the sky
It is hummed within the hearts
Of yours and mine
If you forget the words
To this song and its sound,
Cast your eyes to the heavens,
For to our stars, it is bound
For the boy who gave me the stars
There once was a child, lonely and scared
Who knew not how to talk, so his sharp teeth he bared
He played by himself, alone by the fence
He day-dreamed in class, not much made sense
He would punish himself for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a boy, outcast and alone
He didn't say much, mostly just groan
He wouldn't look into those judgmental eyes
He just slept in class, passing time with sighs
He would punish his wrists for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a man, who knew not a friend
He never spoke kind in letters he'd send
He worked by himself, alone by the wall
He sat there and stared waiting for calls
He would punish his liver for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a man, old and grey
He never said a word, he had nothing to say
So he sat in a chair, away from the fire
He did nothing at all, his eyes too tired
He would punish his mind for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

So on a night that he laid in bed
He passed away, not a tear was shed
She was a girl so young and sweet
And eyes that sparkled blue
Who whispered her wish into the wind,
Her love to find her soon

She wrote him letters
Late in the night
With questions of who?
When? and just what might?

She sealed each letter with a kiss
And was sure to put the date
She prayed to God far up above
That her love won't make her wait

She lived each day with a settle hope,
And slept each night with a yearning dream
Her muscles ached to feel his touch,
Her heart bursting at its seems

So in love with a boy
This girl has never met
She whispers to him through the wind
Her heart on him is set
For Olivia, the girl who waits
I am a wall
Tall and sleek
Covered in layers of paint
What you do not know
Is what's underneath
This white isn't such a saint
I'm rotting and bruised
With holes and nails
And insects that crawl between
My old colors are faded
Now old shells
Never again to be seen
I've had paper with flowers
Cover me up
From window to floor to hell
Paper with bunnies
And plates with cups
A mask that always fell
But now I'm white
Sincere as can be
Unnoticed and watching you all
And I know you don't look
Because, well it's just me
I'm nothing but "that **wall"
10 Years of Discretion
9 Months of Persecution
8 Semesters of Imitation
7 Weeks of Affliction
6 Days of Temptation
5 Hours of drug Consumption
4 Minutes of thought Malfunction
3 Moments of Desperation
2 Seconds until Eradication
1 Life of Lacrimation
I want to inhale you
like the sweet smell of rain
as it drizzles down upon my window pane.
I want to crave you
like a smoker craves a cigarette
he cannot afford.
I want to search for you
like a child searches for Santa
on a late Christmas eve.
I want to take your placidity
like a gentle wave breaking on the sandy shore line.
I want to consume you
like a thousand beautiful butterflies in your stomach.
I want to leave you speechless
with nothing left to say.
I want to take your breath
like the moon takes the day.

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