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Sarah Elizabeth Sep 2013
The sirens won't stop
Everybody is running
The world is ending
Sarah Elizabeth Sep 2013
You cannot love her
You're not supposed to love her
You're in love with me
Sarah Elizabeth Sep 2013
Today's a new day
I should get out of my bed
But somehow I can't
Sarah Elizabeth Sep 2013
They say if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything. But I've run out of nice things to say to you. It's time for me to stop lying and pretending and start being real. And that might mean I'm not always nice. It's my turn. After all of this, I deserve to be selfish for a moment and let all of this off my chest.

I loved you. I have for years, and I'm afraid I always will. Your first love just isn't something that goes away. But you lied and manipulated, and played all kinds of games. And I'm saying no. I can finally say no. I can't put myself through it anymore, and I shouldn't have to. It's not fair. Everything isn't just about you. Your actions affect those that are around you, and I can't take it any longer. I'm not going to be your way out, and I'm not going to let you use me. Find someone else.
A conversation that I've played over and over in my head, but I've never been able to really have. Just had to let it all out.
Sarah Elizabeth Sep 2013
I wish that I were sorry
Sorry to have met you
Sorry to have known you
Sorry to have hurt you
Sorry to have been hurt by you.

I wish that I could do it over
That I had gone to a different party
That I didn't say yes to that dance
That I didn't take you home with me that night.

I wish we hadn't shared
Our favorite movies
Our favorite songs
Our similarly strange philosophies.

I wish I hadn't gotten so close
But I did
And we are
Or at least we were.
I wrote this quite some time ago now, but it's now been just over two years since the last time I saw you. I wish you the best -- until next time, my love.
Sarah Elizabeth Sep 2013
I can put on a smile and pretend that I'm alright
But nothing could describe what I really feel inside
Everything seems normal
Like nothing ever changed
You think I would have learned by now
But its all the same.

You're the guy I fell in love with
All those years ago
Your flaws and imperfections still invisible
Though I've been hurt so badly
I can't seem to let you go
You're the one I want to be with
Crazy, I know.

I remember
Staying up late
Talking on the phone
I don't really know
How it all went wrong
I still smile every time I hear your name
Since you came into my life
I haven't been the same.

I was unsure but you build me up
I let you lead me and corrupt
You call me up
And we go out
But still you just want to fool around
I've made mistakes and foolishly
Believed you'd still be there for me.

I blink my eyes
And you're not there
Thoughts of you are fleeting
But then again, without fail
You come back for one more thrill.

I'm getting sick
I'm so confused
What else more could I do for you
I've fallen hard
I'm head over heels

But you're just passing through.

I remember
Staying up late
Talking on the phone
I don't really know how it all went wrong
I still smile every time I hear your name
Since you came into my life
I haven't been the same

Many sleepless nights
Trying to figure out
I don't really know
What I did wrong
You say that we're still friends
But everything has changed
You came into my life
And I'll never be the same again.
Sarah Elizabeth Jul 2013
I am broken
I've seen things
No one should ever see

I've had pain
Unbearable pain
That takes a lifetime to heal

I am broken

But just for a minute
The past disappears
And life resumes

A glimpse of what could be
The unattainable
The normal

I am able to forget

You've arrived
And shown your cards
I want to play the game

In that minute
Of a worldly bliss
There is hope

Concealed in a kiss.
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