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 Nov 2013 Sarah D
Joseph John
Red roses, red ribbons, and war.
I’ll fill you up and leave you wanting more.
White wine, white lies, and dust.
I’ll turn your “might” into a “must”.
Dark eyes, dark nights, and a game.
I’ll be the winner, you’ll bear the pain.
Clear head, clear heart, and hope
I’ll hang by your feet at the end of my rope.

You’ll dance on my fiddle,
and seek my acquittal,
as I stand, non-committal
and feed you love’s riddle.

One hit, one kiss, and a hook.
I’ll script the ending to your repeatable book.
Two more, too much, then again, more
I’ll be the curse you long to endure.
Three hopes, three ghosts, and a ****’s crow.
I’ll write the only truth you’ll choose to know.
For what? For whom? You’ll plead.
I’ll offer a reminder: you exist for me.

I’ll act as gravity,
a pull towards depravity,
and at the brink of insanity,
I’ll walk away, earth-shattering.
 Nov 2013 Sarah D
Aisha De Laney
I wonder each day,"What did I do that make you hate me so much?"  I have had so many sleepless nights trying to figure out how to apologize to you. PLEASE,please tell me what do I have to do,what do I have to say,to make this overbearing guilt go away. The words "I'm sorry!" do not seem to satisfy you. Whenever I see you I scream on the inside. I Have so much to say but I don't know how to say it.  These UNSPOKEN words seem to have me trapped. I hope someday soon,I will get the courage to speak to you, my UNSPOKEN WORDS.....
I cannot have her,
Though I dream of her soft touch.
Can't, won't, forever.

Her skin, forbidden,
I crave to taste her sweet neck.
No, I can't and won't.

Her innocent kiss,
Our lips meet, my heart melting.
Lips, so far away.

Her body and mine,
Can never be intertwined,
Hers pressed against mine.

Eyes closed, mouth open,
She moans with desire, passion;
Writhing from ******.

Her skin against mine,
Tangled bodies become one,
Yet this is not real.

This life, so unfair,
Desires left unsatisfied.
She'll never be mine.
 Mar 2013 Sarah D
Ayaba Babe
I am going to make love to myself, to remind myself of
What I feel like.
I will hike
To the summit of my
And entirely
On the ****** of my
 Mar 2013 Sarah D
Ayaba Babe
Your skin
My skin.
The luminosity of curiosity twinkling within.
When you touch me,
Do you feel me?
You could heal me
My sins.
-from every angle-
Are you able
To shed skin?
I will shed you
Of the evils
You harbor within.
I will harbor
I will harbor the DNA you shed on my skin,
I will anchor on the harbors of your depths deep within
-you could heal me.
Tell me again;
When you touch me,
Do you feel me?
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