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 Dec 2013 Sarah Bourret
Take me away
Far away so I can
Away the pain
The hatred
This feeling I can't seem to shake

Take me away
Far away so I can be
Just for a day

Take me to our special place
Where you will always find me
Take me to the lake

The lake
My escape
From these
tearing me down

Take me away
So far away
Take me to our lake
So I can
Having a rough time lately...
 Nov 2013 Sarah Bourret
Only one plate? said mother
Is that all you're going to eat?
You said,
I've got to save some room for the treats.
That's a tiny piece of cake. said mother,
Are you sure you don't want another
You said,
Well, we have to save room for the others.
Are you sick? said mother
As she opened the bath room door
She saw you shove your finger down your throat
Then you threw up all over the floor.
I'm so sorry, said mother.
Your sad because it isn't her fault
She encouraged full figures
But a stomach is something you didn't want.
I knew you were getting so small, said mother.
I should've said something
And you began to cry
Because what she could've said would've meant nothing.
Mother called father not knowing what do do,
Instead of helping, father came screaming into your room,
You're going to start eating young lady! Father shouts
If you don't then we will have a problem,
Then he slammed the door on his way out.
You wonder what you should do as you sit upon your bed,
Should you allow daddy to hurt you?
Or get fat instead?
Maybe, just maybe, you think
You'd be better off dead..
 Nov 2013 Sarah Bourret
I don't understand
why I like you
You're nothing to me,
Not a friend,
You're just there
always in my thoughts;
You're nothing but a

In truth I think,
I like having you in my head
That way someone else
Can understand just how crazy it is
To have these thoughts that suffocate me.
The thought of
The lovely pain it's all caused me.

I'd like to think
Someone is right there with me.
Holding my hand.
Someone who *understands.
I scream your name
At the top of my lungs
But you never answer
Not even with the smallest whisper
I'm starting to realize
That you stopped caring
And that I need to just give up
My greatest dream
And my worst nightmare is the same person
My last thoughts will be him
My last words, his name
Always on my lips
I whisper it
I scream it
Knowing once he answers
My world will be whole again
And  everything will be okay.
I hold on to his name like an amulet
But what if he doesnt answer me anymore ?
Your mouth
could do
to my
but you’re a
I’m willing to
because I have a feeling
your hands
would do
to my
I just wanted
A small scratch
This huge ****
He touched her with his big hands,
Kissed away the flow of tears
He offered his strength
She let the pain go.
He was the only one she could do this with

Rocking her gently
Pretending not to notice,
The quiet whimpering.
The muffled cries
Guarding her heart from all trespassers
While he stared into the night

He would never again allow sadness to befall her,
An oath he took to himself.
To the gods he prayed,
To protect her from harm
Pledging his soul
Any who dare try he would slay.
He is now and forever her protector,
She loved him,
Though some fear remained.

He was solid and hard as granite,
She was very dear to him,
His love.
His life.
Knowing of her sadness
He saw lines of violence
Written upon the small face

After a while the shadows disappeared,
From his beloved’s world
As he held her close, stroked her hair and sighed.
She was oh so very dear to him this damaged soul
His love,
His life.

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
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