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 Jul 2016 Sandra Kosgey
its the fire of your blood
constant pump of your heart

silent breath riding the sky
a song on your lips

all the singing Universe
the beauty of loving

its life unfolding
the travelling of your mind.
 May 2016 Sandra Kosgey
What is reality?
I am a flower;
a beautiful, white-lipped daisy
Just unfurled into the world.
No rips, no tears.  Not yet.
People stroke my velvety petals carefully and cautiously,
Careful not to break me.  
Don't break me.
I will just reform into a
****** white velvet mess in the dirt of stars.
I feared to feel
My soul too young to resolve
Cold as snow,the tale of my heart
Bitterness and anguish the tune of my music

Then paths crossed with Him
A teacher to my heart, a new rythm born
A wave of the most pure
Yet happiness braced with fright
The freedom too unreal

A deadly  ring in mind, was i playing too naive?
Mama's story, Cousin's story
Where they felt solitude when love ran out
I couldnt, I shouldnt
Forced to forget

Sorry doesnt mend this
I was a fool to believe
The story unfinished
Maybe we will meet and make history
When the heart is brave
Brave for love.

— The End —