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This tangle of feelings you left at my apartment
is consuming me
leaving me exhausted
and at the same time wanting more

The other night it climbed down my throat
and made it's home wrapped up around my heart

It is heavy as it is tight
Its mass tiny, yet it's weight enormous
I know that I want it gone
at the same time don't know if I could live without it

It has been with me for so long now
If I remember right, since long before you
You have only made things more complicated
my grip tighter
the feelings, ugly
the light darker
the tangle more complicated
I have jumped so high
worked so hard
strained nearly every muscle in my body

all in a futile effort to get over this wall
a wall that exists only in my mind
It is a wall that only I can see
a wall that with every jump only gets higher

A wall whose bricks look thick and heavy,
but then disappear when I remember that
nothing and no one
says I have to let there weight
drag me down.
In my dreams she is an angel
who comes down to me from the night sky
to sooth a heart that burns like fire
to calm a mind that will not sleep
to calm my fears and tell me that I will love again.
We have yet to meetPatiently I have waited, biding my dreaming of youthe time we will spend the wonders we will whitenessthe songs we will singthe love we will sharethe heights we'll reachwill all stand as evidence to the grand mystery our lives have become.I love you
The birds turn circles in the sky, completely unaware of the goings on bellow them.. No knowledge that most of mankind is caught up in a ritual of repeatedlybeating our heads against a wall. The birds are totally at peace as they carry out a ritual practiced for thousands of years.
all of a sudden and without warning the answers to my problems are coming down on me like a warm  fall rain. They are keeping me up sometimes nights in a row. I am delirious, but they seem to make sense somehow. It is if the universe is channeling its energy straight into me. The negativive I have carried with me most of my life seems To be pouring out of my feet and fingertips while positive comes in through my heart. It is overwhelming and intense, but I know I will come out the other side of this wormhole much closer to being a whole man.
SerenityA truth I have sought over a lifetimeIt can be fleeting, fickle and hard to hold on tooonce you do it is like your favorite blanket or worn in pair of boots
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