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2.7k · Sep 2012
First Time
Sami Sep 2012
We sit on your porch in silence.
You take a drag.
I take a drag.
You blow the smoke in my face.
I smile.
"How do you feel about the L word?"
I stare back at you.
"I'm madly in it with you."
I smile.
You smile.
I take a drag.
You take a drag.
We sit on your porch in silence.
1.8k · Sep 2012
Karate in the Garage
Sami Sep 2012
Before I knew you
There was nothing about you that screamed
"We're meant to be."
But there was something intriguing
(maybe it was the beard, but I don't think so)
Just a stolen glance every now and then
At you
Standing across campus
Smoking a Marlboro and talking with your hands.
I never thought I'd hear you tell me
That you were sad you never noticed me earlier.
I never knew I would be so nervous walking up to you
For our first date.
And I never thought that I would be so calmed at the
fact that you were shaking like crazy.
You were nervous, too.
I didn't believe that anyone could knock down the walls I had built--
They were tall and strong, but you blew them down
Like they were made of thin paper.
I didn't think I'd ever hear you whisper
"you're beautiful"
As you drifted off into sleep.
I didn't think you'd leave so suddenly
Telling me "you'd miss me"
And as you left,
I asked if you thought there was a future for us.
Your response was
"Of course... Who else am I going to do karate in the garage with?"
I didn't know I could fall in love that fast
Or that deep.
Or that I could trust someone with my heart
After what others before you had put it through.
I didn't think we'd ever be more than strangers
But we were.

And that screaming I never heard before?
I hear it constantly now that you're gone.
And since we're being honest here...
I'm worried I'll hear it til you return.
1.7k · Oct 2012
Sami Oct 2012
I didn't love him because of his looks.
I know this because the whole time I knew him his face was covered
By a blanket of red bristle he took great pride in.
I fell in love with his soul
The window to which I could see through smiling hazel pools.
And when I think about it,
I mean really think about it,
It all happened in an instant.
Not the instant him and I met for the first time,
But the instant I realized he wouldn't let me run away from us.
I should have known though.
I should have kept running.
Because the instant I stopped?
Our roles were reversed.
1.6k · Sep 2012
Your Birthday Eulogy
Sami Sep 2012
I miss you even though we never met.
And I imagine you as my guardian angel.
I think about what you would've been like...
Your name is Jake.
You have two kids and a beautiful wife.
And you live an hour away, but we get together once a week
To talk about Mom.
And your family.
And my ****** dating life.
You tell me I deserve better and I believe you.
And I tell you that I'm completely happy for you
And you believe me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you.
And Happy 38th Birthday my older almost baby brother.
1.5k · Sep 2012
Sami Sep 2012
It's not 'cause I still love you.
I don't hate you in the least.
Seeing you with her isn't it,
Not really.
I just like to avoid you.
It's easier that way
For me to go on pretending
That my first other half
Never belonged to you.
Easier to pretend
I didn't ever care.
Easier to pretend
You never existed to me
In the first place.
Sami Nov 2012
They loved each other once.
You'd never guess though;
The way they walk past each other is as if
They've never met.
But for 6 years they were perfectly imperfect.
They fit like mis-matched jigsaw puzzle pieces,
But they were soggy, so somehow they fit just right.
Eventually the pair grew up and they dried out
And the pieces didn't quite fit the same anymore.
They were warped and damaged.
And when the pieces got pulled apart
They were torn.
So each piece of the puzzle had a part
Of the other piece stuck to it.
Fused together;
They couldn't be removed from one another,
No matter how hard anyone tried.
So maybe they still are fused.
Maybe they still love each other.
But no one will ever know.
Because no one really cares.
And no one ever asks.
835 · Jan 2013
Serpent Charmer
Sami Jan 2013
Feel free to constrict me
Steal my last breath,
Strike at me and
Wrap around me
When I least expect it.
Warm scales on my trembling skin
I promise it won't hurt.
I want it so bad.
741 · Oct 2012
Coming Down
Sami Oct 2012
If you ask me, blissfulness is completely overrated.
It's a feeling too close to excitement and being giddy,
Except it lasts way longer.
It can be a terrifying feeling.
You feel like you're flying.
And your feet don't feel like they're hitting the ground
When you walk down the street.
You're high.
And you're not in control.
And you can't imagine what life could be like
Without this wonderful sensation coursing through your veins.
And once the feeling is gone,
Your feet feel like cinderblocks on the pavement.
And all you want to do is sleep.
And colors seem less vibrant.
Jokes aren't as funny.
Hugs aren't as warm.
...No...I'd rather feel content.
I find it much more appealing to be
Not completely unhappy,
But not too happy either.
And to feel like myself.
And to be in control.
738 · Jan 2013
Over the Moon
Sami Jan 2013
Not even the birds chirping,
Nor the grass swaying
Can feel the inner warmth
I'm feeling
In this moment.
Just the moon.
'Cause her and I are right up close--
Just happy.
736 · Sep 2012
Favorite Song
Sami Sep 2012
The rain hits the windows.
And his fan is on.
And a faint blue light pours in though the blinds.
And rushes across his face.
I can hear his heart.
I can hear him breathe.
I can watch him dream.

He smiles in his sleep.

Take me back to here.
Sami Sep 2012
You smile and wave like nothing happened.
I do the same
When all I really just want to do is hit you.
When all I really want to do is slide my key across your driver side door.
I want to kick you with my steel toe boots where it counts.
I want you to feel the pain you caused me
When you lied.
And wouldn't return my calls.
And gave that ring that was mine
to her.
...And I found out through pictures
One. Week. Later.
And you wanted "time for yourself"
No decency to face me.
None to apologize.

And then...
I remember I forgave you long ago

With or without one.
673 · Oct 2012
Sami Oct 2012
If I promise to fall asleep fast tonight
And wake up early tomorrow,
Will you promise not to be in my dreams?
660 · Sep 2012
Sami Sep 2012
At the end of the day,
Your name is close enough
To a four letter word.
Just one letter off.
But close enough.
Too close for comfort.
Even with the slightest mention of it
My soul is crystalized.
My heart is stopped.
I go deaf for a moment.
I cannot speak or utter a sound.
But, "thankfully" my eyes are sharp
And they well up as you walk by me.
608 · Jan 2013
Sami Jan 2013
You cling to the clothes and hair
Of everyone who dares to touch you.
Puffs of white powder
Allowing people to write beautiful things
In solid form.
Leaving pieces of yourself behind
As evidence.
517 · Jan 2013
I Liked You Better
Sami Jan 2013
I'm tired of seeing you.
Whether I walk through the halls of my dreams
Or down the halls of reality
You're fiery appearance finds a way to make itself known to my senses.
You're familiar yet distant scent lingers in the air I walk through as we pass each other.
No words spoken anymore, no waves waved.
I don't usually ponder about my love for you anymore.
Just about how I  abhor that "woman" you left me for.
...And how I liked you much better when you smoked.

— The End —