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Sami Oct 2012
If I promise to fall asleep fast tonight
And wake up early tomorrow,
Will you promise not to be in my dreams?
Sami Sep 2012
Before I knew you
There was nothing about you that screamed
"We're meant to be."
But there was something intriguing
(maybe it was the beard, but I don't think so)
Just a stolen glance every now and then
At you
Standing across campus
Smoking a Marlboro and talking with your hands.
I never thought I'd hear you tell me
That you were sad you never noticed me earlier.
I never knew I would be so nervous walking up to you
For our first date.
And I never thought that I would be so calmed at the
fact that you were shaking like crazy.
You were nervous, too.
I didn't believe that anyone could knock down the walls I had built--
They were tall and strong, but you blew them down
Like they were made of thin paper.
I didn't think I'd ever hear you whisper
"you're beautiful"
As you drifted off into sleep.
I didn't think you'd leave so suddenly
Telling me "you'd miss me"
And as you left,
I asked if you thought there was a future for us.
Your response was
"Of course... Who else am I going to do karate in the garage with?"
I didn't know I could fall in love that fast
Or that deep.
Or that I could trust someone with my heart
After what others before you had put it through.
I didn't think we'd ever be more than strangers
But we were.

And that screaming I never heard before?
I hear it constantly now that you're gone.
And since we're being honest here...
I'm worried I'll hear it til you return.
Sami Sep 2012
I miss you even though we never met.
And I imagine you as my guardian angel.
I think about what you would've been like...
Your name is Jake.
You have two kids and a beautiful wife.
And you live an hour away, but we get together once a week
To talk about Mom.
And your family.
And my ****** dating life.
You tell me I deserve better and I believe you.
And I tell you that I'm completely happy for you
And you believe me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you.
And Happy 38th Birthday my older almost baby brother.
Sami Sep 2012
You smile and wave like nothing happened.
I do the same
When all I really just want to do is hit you.
When all I really want to do is slide my key across your driver side door.
I want to kick you with my steel toe boots where it counts.
I want you to feel the pain you caused me
When you lied.
And wouldn't return my calls.
And gave that ring that was mine
to her.
...And I found out through pictures
One. Week. Later.
And you wanted "time for yourself"
No decency to face me.
None to apologize.

And then...
I remember I forgave you long ago

With or without one.
Sami Sep 2012
At the end of the day,
Your name is close enough
To a four letter word.
Just one letter off.
But close enough.
Too close for comfort.
Even with the slightest mention of it
My soul is crystalized.
My heart is stopped.
I go deaf for a moment.
I cannot speak or utter a sound.
But, "thankfully" my eyes are sharp
And they well up as you walk by me.
Sami Sep 2012
The rain hits the windows.
And his fan is on.
And a faint blue light pours in though the blinds.
And rushes across his face.
I can hear his heart.
I can hear him breathe.
I can watch him dream.

He smiles in his sleep.

Take me back to here.
Sami Sep 2012
We sit on your porch in silence.
You take a drag.
I take a drag.
You blow the smoke in my face.
I smile.
"How do you feel about the L word?"
I stare back at you.
"I'm madly in it with you."
I smile.
You smile.
I take a drag.
You take a drag.
We sit on your porch in silence.
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