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 Nov 2013 Sameer Chhetri
You all must be social
because you judge
without knowledge
My first 10 words poem in a while, hope you like it
 Nov 2013 Sameer Chhetri
I am not your good critic
Do not go deep into my critique.
As for me every creature that walks the earth
is beautiful down to their soul.
For me every adversity is a rebirth,
of a thought new to this world

I will never point the wrong, in an action
I will only make you strong, by my actions,
And if i cant i have some words to spare
Some dark tales of mine i can share.
I shall shed light to the brighter side,
show you codes by which i abide.
For those in suffering only come forward
Let this bad critic give you comfort
Lights everywhere. Twinkling and shining.
Some shining bright like the sun,
those lights remind me of your eyes,
Some twinkling, almost like they're shy to be seen, like you.

Your eyes were a mixture of both the bright and twinkling lights,
You didn't like being seen ,
though even when you didn't want it, you'd get the attention.
Just like the stars.
At times, I like to assume that stars don't want to be seen,
that's the reason they keep twinkling, almost like illuminated eyes, blinking.
Wanting to see the world, so they open their eyes,
Then realizing that their eyes are bright and not wanting the attention,
they close their eyes.
It's an endless cycle. Repetition all the way.
Not wanting anyone to notice, but getting noticed anyways.
Written for this guy that I once knew. A.
 Nov 2013 Sameer Chhetri
Dear Mithila,
The mother of my children,
the love of my life
Yes, this place doesnt have wine
so no i havent been drunk

Heard my grandson's prayers,
you've been ill.
Heard you dont even go to the stock market
all day my wife is still.
I met your insurance contractor
And oh! is he a fine entity
he still bestows his powers upon me

My dearest Mithila
Loved you i have for seventy years
And ill love you till seventy eternities more
Our dead son, opened the door
and this place we reside is warm
unlike the winters where i went to the storm,
and blasted rifles in names of a revolution

The love of my life,
the mother of my children.
Teach our grandsons the song we sang
The bells in the market we rang
And let them ask if not pray
for their grandfather far away
Let not little grandsons of mine
forget honor due to evils of time
Oh! how i miss you dear
and oh, how i was wish i was there

You'll come in time, but understand
your wishes, my queen, were commands
but this wish i cant fulfill and i wont let the company,
wont let them take you like they took me
Stay! for my daughter still needs her mother
and my grandsons and granddaughter
needs to know of our love

Forever yours,
My grandad was an atheist and he ridiculed places of worship as stock market(temples, churches) or just markets, and he called god an insurance contractor who went out of business a long time...but he never openly mocked god and religon because he loved my grandmom a lot who has been frequently getting ill after his passing...this is just a small tribute to their love
 Oct 2013 Sameer Chhetri
In my consciousness remains  darker images
undefined ideas some literal espionage
that it pulls
my words rhyme to the sense
when we go behind zero and null
that empty space in our brain
And to our vibes remorse which die
in my consciousness i reside
along as i go by

And is there a reason to explain what i think
as a million thoughts have passed when i blink
is what im hearing thoughts of my own
or is it someone else's whistle in my head blown
But all this has made reflect
that down in the sunshine resides a darkness in my head
a world in my consciousness i neglect

If you shall get me you'd understand
whats in your head makes you appreciate
what makes you retaliate?
is it just function of a naive mind?
these questions pop in my conscious
 Oct 2013 Sameer Chhetri
Winds stop to gaze ever shallow morning,
To wake little miss sunshine off her bed

And to take the Winter Princess to school
on the school bus full
And yet she is angry because of words she said
unto to me which came out of my mouth unspoken as much
A certain small trust broken as such
and her temperance is now her temper only
which burns me, makes me whimper totally

And it yet not be the first time i angered her so,
but i am a person who understands slow,
yet im fast enough to apologize
because beyond chemistry and history
i still recognize her,her eyes when i see
the reflection of the moon on the pond
where we met much of the time
Yet memories sublime i know too much to tell
but i had to, get people down to their level to sell
to them, a certain reason they wont buy
Business and technology is inconsistent because
oceans are far apart from us
yet souls draw near and i will thereore fear
of always losing the touch
from your soul of beauty
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