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 Dec 2013 Sameer Chhetri
JR Potts
I am not the man you marry.
Not at all!

I've never had a good job
I've never owned a nice car
and I don’t buy dinner.

Your mother will hate the way I dress
your father won’t trust me
and your girlfriends won’t ever be impressed
that you got me because

I am not the man you marry.
Not at all!

I drink too much
I smoke too many cigarettes
and I like to get high sometimes.

You’re right to think I’m crazy
you’re wrong to think I’ll ever stop being so
and if you ever thought you could change me
than you’re two cans short of a six pack because

I am not the man you marry.
Not at all!

I’ll make you nervous
I’ll make you uncertain about your beliefs
and I won’t ever apologize for being me.

You'll cry
you'll hurt
and you’ll try
to make it work because

I am the man you love
but I am not the man you marry.
Originally written: 06/10/13
 Dec 2013 Sameer Chhetri
I can bleed a poem,
from the compass blades i cut
through my skins for
for directions unknown

For the life lived in
an inertia is better
than to feel and react.
The hysteria of the mind
is too violent to me
and all on my part
i can do is bleed in words

Because if nature abhors a vacuum,
like science says
in between that space
must be letters and sentences that rhyme
there might have been poetry sublime
And we can scribble them down on the
Or we simply can bleed
My first free verse poem
 Dec 2013 Sameer Chhetri
Blood and bones
never leave the adversity,
with which the lifeless tones
spark with melody

live demons,
or monsters whatsoever
The chills of summer
and the heat of winter
Might ignite a million suns
Under the skins of humans

Consumes them till they are burnt
or down under earth six feet
Melody drags with no beat
and no such audibility
Only exists under my skin
In my favors and sins

My demons, my angels,
The hexes, the spells
All under or inside us to begin
All lay there, and then
Under our skins
 Nov 2013 Sameer Chhetri
Self takes one
Love takes none
Humor takes words
words make puns.
Sunset shows birds
birds make songs
That winds sing along

Sore the winds is a cry
A helpless, faithful cry
to hear it takes one
but cry it takes none
To hurt it might take many
to get hurt it takes plenty
To be happy then
takes none,
To smile through pain,
For momentous gains
A gaze into the world of beauty
and be in the daze of tranquility,
It takes one to make
the world, to intake
All life gives

But it takes none
to go astray
of all the good things
It takes none,
to take it all away
 Nov 2013 Sameer Chhetri
Call me crazy but
I'm afraid of saying the word "Goodbye"
Because I'm so afraid the person would take it literally
And they'd leave forever and ever.
That that "goodbye" would be the last thing I say
Before she jumps of the building or
He decides to be heroic and save someone in need.
And they die.

Call me crazy but
I'm afraid of making promises because
How much it would **** if
Someone made a promise to get back to you safely
And he or she never did.
You'd just be left in anger and desperation,
Wondering why the hell
They never kept that last promise
Before they died.

Call me crazy but
I'm afraid of saying "I love you".
I mean like, how many movies have we watched where
Two people exchange "I love you"s
And it becomes their last words and it gets
Etched permanently into the living one's mind while the other one

Watching too much TV again...
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