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I’m heading near the ***** pine
To pick a flower from the mind.
My footprints leave a brawny mark
Along the tender forest line.

-And may the grass stay keenly clear
Before the sturdy moon appears
Above the trees and limpid lake;
It barely needs to be sincere.
Should I tell her that I love her?
Would I love her if I tell her?
That her should love I her;
Her? love would I tell her? I tell I if
I her? her that her?
I would her;
I love should her? if would I.
Love I I love her I love.
Tell if her should tell
Love her? I would I love her? if if tell;
I I tell I her?
I love;
That if.
Tell should her? her would;
Love should her? her? I her tell I I tell I should love I should her that;
If tell her? her that love her that tell her I would would I love.
Love her? tell
If tell if love;
I I should;
Would love;
Love that;
Her would.
Her? her I her?
I I her? if I tell her I;
If her?
Her? I that her? love her I.
That tell tell her? tell tell love;
Tell her should her? I love if if I her? love if her? I would her;
I I love love would.
Love I should love;
I tell.
I that her I should;
I her? her I tell would I I her love if.
Her her her tell would;
Tell her?
Her? tell her would.
Tell I her.
Love her? her if I tell;
Would her I her I her? I love if her? her? tell would love would should her her? I her;
I tell would;
I love love love should I.
Should I I her? I love if;
If her? love I;
(I her?)
I love I.
Her I love her?
Should her? I love;
Love I;
Her? I her.
Love her? that if
Her? should.
Tell that tell;
Should that tell her? that I;
Would love I absolution I;
Love I her should love should love that;
Should tell if her would love her I tell love I if.
That I love would.
If love I.
Her I tell her? would if tell.
Her? as tell that;
If her tell.
Tell I if love that.
If love.
Tell if.
Her? tell if love;
Would tell;
Should I.
Is there nothing
to this cerebral portrait?
(I have already tried
loving— and
going for it). Yet,
I cannot deny that
a memory differs
from a moment.
I have watched
the silver rough
come against
the fissures of
wet stone.
And no—
it does not look
to let up. Its own
glimmer is not
good enough.
To just be it: a moment
I come back to. Ourselves,
going before the wet rock (again,
before the sun hits).
A woman who
walks toward her car

wears a black dress
under her trenchcoat
The bench was cold;
it was cold today
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