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Sam Hawkins Apr 2013
What we have named Fire Escape
(an ordered, angular tangle of ladders and rail)
had made picture geometries in my west window
well-framed and flat--set foreground and background
in two dimensions, as the sun hid,
and my round eye opened.

What we have named Fire Escape
was flaked-paint brown orange, as if
first it had been born of a flame
and then had taken up living as metal--
tempered itself into usefulness,
which I should trust now, in case of the yelling
and the engines.

What we have named Fire Escape
was happy Jungle Jim or Jungle for Jane
for the sparrows I saw this morning
which flitted and wildly played
within, rising up
arched and back again.

Made of the square pairs of ladder rungs--
a tunnel entrance or ducking posts,
or highway bridges to clear;
the birds like small plane, daredevil pilots
each following each, going under.
No sparrow would ever crash.

And what is this I remember now?
How one bird eased its engine and perched there to stay?
As if to offer me, with a little turn of head gesture--
a thank you, for the bread I'd left on the sill? Or to say  
I'd better shut the curtain and make my exit?

Either prideful guess gets me nowhere fast.
Failed even is speaking in any sparrow languages
from my recline stuffed chair; again, but now imagined,
to draw beady eyes to fix on me, telling me much less.

That morning, with the very last sparrow gone,
I remember that nothing in my sight moved,
save an American flag at a distance in the wind,
with its one red-white striped wing
waving toward the cold north,
as the white church spire,
framed in open quadrilaterals,
held its position.
written and posted a few hours before the Boston Marathon Bombing, Monday April 15th, 2013
Sam Hawkins Apr 2013
In the early dark of the morning,
dark inside the crypt of my bedroom--
you sparrows came to me there.

I had only said in mind these words:
a forgiveness of sparrows

And there you were, feathers
all fluffed out, and I
searching inside myself.

I think now to tell the better truth -- to say
that mixed in with my need for calling you
was Brueghel, his painted picture with the crushing board,
trip-cord, and feed for bird killing

and my imagining snapshot young Hemmingway
capturing pigeons in Paris to eat them

and feeling the presence of
the one small bird I'd shot as a boy
out of the apple tree
falling falling falling

Sparrows, forgiveness flies all around me!
The world cries out, everywhere!

A police car slides down my street,
as I hear your first chirp in the morning.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2016
sensing you, i stood myself tall
i stayed and in my staying i grew
ten thousand tiny legs or more—

each root foot set upon your shoulders
lifted me among constellation stars

home i had never left,
not you

thank you ancestors thank you
for your neighborly attentions
sound vibrations spiral strung --

God’s first word, first and second
generation sun, a greening earth,
until everywhere shaping intelligence
this my body finally here

steady and true as weighed stone,
unjudging love is

what you have come to teach me

that i could choose to die to fear
and die to death itself
Sam Hawkins Nov 2022
mother father god         mother father god
mother father source    mother father source

          goddess the mother god the father
Is this simply to play a game of sematics?
Nonsensical switch up?

Could be a powerful choice, for some.
To each, her or his own.

For me and many--
Patriarchy needs a balancing with Matriarchy.
Let's invite a Levelling Up.

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine together, as EQUALS. Not gender based; but within ALL.

Altogether, it's a non-duality.  As "Yin-Yang spin dynamic" may seem to be rooted in the reality of oppositional, duality/ polarity forces; yet, could we go deeper to understand that one force cannot exist without the other--it's a condition of interpendency.

This poem as Mantra.
Vibing these words silently in head anytime is a choice. For me, it is making all the difference; transforming me, expanding me.

Opening my Heart to Truth.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2019
All across the world
may our Human Family
wake up.

May All Hearts Heal.

Freshness naturally flower.
Presence abound.

May we heal from the inside.

And Death no longer touch us.

This version posted to a dear friend today 11:11 at 11:11 pm
Sam Hawkins Jul 2018
When greening land and the azure sea
had first appeared to bodiless me,

it was naturally quite alluring--
and precipitous down-sloping
was required.

I leveled my sights
and I dove down--

I imagined there--my new life,
emergent forming.

When at last some pre-form-idea me
had touched the ground--shock surprised,
I sprung up and I flew again.

My mother-to-be
could have been but was not
in the least alarmed.

I sensed her nearby

Below me, seawave
collapsed into seawave,

wide ocean surfaces
flashed fields of whitecaps,
each one existing only for an instant.

So brief it is to be alive, I know this is true!
Yes Yes! Adventure
be assigned to me!

In my own way I breathed in.
I was arriving.

In my own way I breathed out.
Sam Hawkins Jul 2023
bedside lemurian crystal water magic?

in my tub 3 am
full july buck moon
through the window shining

by candlelight, my left hand submerged,
appearred -- two knuckles
popping up
made glints of wet light

two little eyes
baby gator
what happened.
Sam Hawkins Jul 2018
from where I now am at home
easy on my blue couch

a wisp of a thought had come to me
with that -- circles of you
spiraled and cut messages in the air

clockwise danced around dangling
pinpoint flowers holding

white and white again, each petal
accompanying rush of shallow river water
talking over rock

if I had had the notion to
carry you home in a pocket
would you have nipped at me on the way?

this is to say
I have carried you home today
and you are no further from me
than my very breath

this is ever so

I buzz
while you fix dinner
Sam Hawkins Jun 2019
would that each one of us--

truly feel
the pain of our shutness

our lived lies
our hiding

o loving heart
with your spirit turned
toward the sunshine

on this day
help us to blossom

we thank you
A Prayer on this day ~ beginning the cycle of New Moon June 3rd 2019.
Sam Hawkins May 2019
do you sense a shift

corner turn
wind bring

mary poppins
from north ancestral lands

sky-blue signals
perfect blue

blue of whale

blue in the eyes of the newborn

blue of the revolution

this morning
half moon
over the mountain
south of the peak

three clouds
thinning to two

over sedona red rock
one o so tiny cloud
has near disappeared

to blue signals
Was out walking, just have gotten back---feeling giant change this may 24th 2019 9:52 a.m. high desert az. Is this only me changing? Seems HUGELY bigger.

"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone...all of the sad feelings have disappeared" I love you, Jonny Nash.
Sam Hawkins Aug 2017
I have awakened to a land called Hu.
I fling my senses in all directions
and love sings.

Green and living I am
and with greening things
I am friend.

I cry out--not publicly, but demure.
I conceal and voice
to God.

How is that the air has become so crowded?
Spirit fills balloons as large as the sun.

I am not breathing this
so that it becomes what it is.

All breathes and all sings
and this is where I am.
Sam Hawkins Jul 2018
Dare to live.
Stop insisting on chasing after death.
Stop trying to die.

Quit the grand illusion.
You shall never die.

Grow your wings and fly to the mountaintop
of your world.  Breathe stars.
Bravely go alone. Only you can do this.

Regularly in your day--exercise conviction.
Visualize Stars, the Sun.

Golden, fibrous threads
of starlight, of sunlight --

take them in, through the nostrils.

This is nothing less than
soul's power-fuel.

Inhale slowly and experience
the gentle music of love's fire,
as flames would pull up
a chimney stack, up pipes of ovens.

Faith builds with such breath practice.

Greed cooked transformed.
Anger put to rest.

Ignorance surrendering
to ways of knowing.

Prepare that your purpose
shall speak to you.

Breathe starlight.

Are you surprised
that you feel no heat?

Your unique timelessness
awaits your recognition.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2017
Gratitude felt like a handshake coming back.

Spring green leaf calling,
made echoes in me.

What a family this is!
Now that I have ears to hear!

In every cell of me,
a Universe.

In every Universe of me
a forest of magnificent trees

dropping discreet
and sometimes upsetting
Sam Hawkins Apr 2023
When I pulled my hand from the spaces of the in-between,
lights danced in the pattern of another hand.

But she was not confused by this, as it had happened to her
and also to her of the other hand.

That's when the universe really began to laugh outloud,
and right then we two she and I

in the kitchen
automatic writing. the title is a plural noun.
Sam Hawkins Nov 2023
could it be this star struck night above
has filled my cup of faith?

i feel star held, star cared for,

my heart
Sam Hawkins Jun 2018
death breathed me
had seemed
to be breathing me

moving air in my chest
taking hold

i had only said hello
and death was answering back
Sam Hawkins May 2019
sunset streamed stark images
i emerged from the lowly bridge

traversed veins of a leaf
treading them all along
one two just so

at the left of me
clouds had been sliced in two
i sandwiched my way

if you see a real busy line
O well go stand at it

when you get ticket
meet yourself first time
ask questions

voice answers
are friends

all voices
pals like that
began as automatic writing at sunset, the mountain just out of view 5-30-19 … 7:52 pm West Coast, early a.m 5-31--trimmed the fat
Sam Hawkins Sep 2017
a tick of your distant heart
and for me, wheels go spinning

golden spires in evening breeze dip
and you, gripping, reach to the river

what do you see
with your hunting eyes?

what tastes come
in memory?

i see peace all about,
your wings of splendid silver filigree

tail tilted to the setting sun
many Suns within your heart of hearts

do you know i forever run toward you
to all your dragon friends

do you feel me smiling laughing
my joy my welcome?
Sam Hawkins Oct 2013
On the low-flung periphery of the salt marsh bay,
near the twisted beach, an eddy--

Sun low with the tide going up
where softly and under I lay.

For a pillow I was given
a yellow shell.

My ears were listening.

In its restlessness and reaching,
my tongue and its languages
felt lashed and closed.

I shall not leave
my waterworld.

But I must go,

Hermit crab
raised itself up.

One silvery minnow played
across my open eyes.

Then, a cloud-blue sky
answered me
with a white seabird,
overhead circling.

So strange and beautiful,
this land of my dream I see--
in my amphibian way.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2013
paved over is our feeling
and truth is nigh

know this stillness
it is real

faith can supply and make
for all what must be love

our earth is ill

she cries and she chokes
at our words

which say she's not
or it's not so bad

or that we are trying hard
which we aren't

come O earth lover -- Sun

speak now speak
release our ways

shake unfreeze us
god-self be true

we are careless children
and we misbehave
Sam Hawkins Oct 2018
Who would have guessed — when I tilted my heart
toward baby lizard, perched on a colored desert stone,
she’d blink one eye at me, turn to smile, it seemed,
and lend a listening ear?

I’d only said in a lizard way
“I love you”.

Who would have thought — when that stone had heard me
loving her, it would, it seem, speak back?
Loving stone too, I was!

Stone, I so admire your villages.
I smile toward your many stone peoples.

I eavesdrop on universal questions posed
around sacred fires carefully tended.

And around one hearth, among
cinder specks scattered – one minute wisp,
one grain of cinder there.

Dare I say I love you too?

For in that cinder grain I hear —
worlds of stars, sweetly singing!

By way of explanation, reader friend,
such is what a practice of
Loving All Beings Equally
has made of me.

A crazy being?
Could be.

But would you nonetheless
accept the possibilities
and likewise go love adventuring?

If you’d prefer, we all could earnestly
and objectivity talk it through.

Or say ~ Love come! Come!

Speak through us.
We are listening.
In Thich Nhat Hanh's book "Present Moment Wonderful Moment" he teaches (among many "gatha" practices) Mindful Eating. With the fourth mouthful one recites in head "I practice equal love for all beings".  This has been challenging for me, this "equal love". I like what has happened to me!
Sam Hawkins Sep 2019
A split down the seams it was and justice
come--struck the bonds which held me,
to my pain, my enemy, me, this.

Touch aligned my heart.
Spoke calm and peace.
September 23rd 2019 today is Equinox. Daylight and night are equal. My heart energy felt like an equator around my body, receiving and radiating.  Earth and Sun at the same time. An awareness of Beginnings and Endings.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2018
every day to shadow–sing fling
drop it down

be what all
what most you fear

stare the mirror
smile your welcome there

this steady unease

hold it
breathe it
top to bottom
round and through

whisper to its tiny ear–
leaning toward you

i love you, come more close

do this until at last you know
this teacher is your friend

not separate but At One with you
'til end
Sam Hawkins Nov 2017
There is no end to my exhale;
flowering emptiness filling me, infinitely.

Subsurface tides of me rush recede and
waters winds in beautiful tandems leap.

With in-breath I am remembering my birth,
with out-breath I my dying.

When I am silent to the very bone,
beyond myself, my edges blur and free

what choruses now, what string, what flute notes drum
who is it who sings to and through me?

When life and love breathed exactly into this world,
and I became here, was someone beside me then?

What did my face look like
before I was conceived?
Sam Hawkins Dec 2019
Was this your farewell to me, my friend?

You had crossed my mind today while driving
the counter-clockwise road,
that you were leaving (had left)
this world.

The Hospice place we knew
was hid behind the hillock.

And over its sign across my path just then
came a raven flying, caress cut the air
in a long glide.

In morning sunlight--there was green,
shimmered across its back and wings,

as if to announce eternal verdant springtime
and you -- as if you were chorusing to me,

hey **
waving good-bye.
Sam Hawkins Nov 2015
On this early chill November morning
where are you now, my firefly,
in crystal ground, under log or leaf?

Where is your crew in its dying?
Have your babies wakened
to winter sleep?

I recall how on July evenings, when I came out,
I had long listened for your messages.

Blessings to you for accepting me, my witnessing
your spotted twists free-floating down;
your drifting off and on through moonlit tree,
visits to my wrist, a shoe.

I was happier than happy—
happiest as happy be.

Had you felt my spark
electric energy?

Multiple mystery goes slipping
in and out of my pocket.

And now, these few months hence, there is
this glint on the frost-etched window.
Flash of apt stillness.

A wild-voiced picture:
our pleasure’s twin.

How could I say I know exactly what you are?

By my ear and everywhere I would say!
These light flung words of yours,
not mine, to lend.

Yet, if I could love you so truly and then release you,
would I comprehend what life wishes to teach me
about possessiveness, the brevity of existence,
time itself, worlds of no time?

Most joyful would I leave all the faces of my dwelling.
Sail headlong into far-flung dream,
toward sky’s moon, hunting the sun.

Glimpse heaven in our dancing?

Behold you and my own body, firefly,
before we were born?
Sam Hawkins Jul 2017
leaning from apartment rail
out from dry haven of a slant roof run
my fingers palms cups overflow

and i imagine
tiny fractal mouths all
in a pine tree nearest me

bundles of green frond tips
opening to first arizona rain

later, the afternoon sun appears
shadowed in a cloud break

every water slick
green of pine
casts ornamental silver

and one hummingbird
dodging drops
edges my head

all wonderment
grace a fresh summer's day
Sam Hawkins Aug 2019
Today my walking seemed steady enough.
Considering the truth of flash, it's amazing that anything
can stand.

Sky and Earth flashing in and out of existence
faster than the speed of light makes any concrete
"here and now" truly a miracle.

My mouth and breath are locked and unlocked this way.
The list is never ending. Time and no time together.

When I placed the dog dish of food on the kitchen floor...
Miracle of miracles!

The food remained quite nutritious, stayed in the dish,
my dog regarded me with love; nothing fell into empty space.

Even now as I write, though multiple languages
and non-languages from many lifetimes
come and go, I still can show up, here.

Singing the praises of flash!
Do you hear?

What of this I, this you, who senses
all things everywhere.
Sam Hawkins Jan 2018
With a shift inkling, concepts dropped
and I was all of my true name.

I etched in moving water.

I streamed me--water frozen,
water falling, water drifting
as fog, as cloud.

I was mini-singular

My two hydrogen rabbit ears
danced five different ways,
and oxygen laughed and sang
(what a team!)

Sundried, now as the clock strikes noon,
I find my feet and I stand.
I build myself of basaltic rock.

Tower of Babel--polyglot soundings
in cyclic revision speak intelligence,
spirals I am.

Inverted, I apt dive down.
In transition, I grow rounded

I Earth. I Center.
I Sun Earth Center

where timeless pinpoint passages
****** me home again.

O, what strangeness and wonder
it is -- this practicing freedom.

And you, too ~ have experience?

good beginning.
Sam Hawkins May 2019
the air it felt like water it felt like sand it felt like hallelujah

cloud and cloud and you and you going by yourself

you running to a future
remembering a past

free falling
falling upward
Sam Hawkins May 2017
with intuitive hand of polished sensibility
i turned the **** to crack my safe

dailed in universal consciousness
dialed in life good ole fashioned love
dialed my mother

but no
it was God all along

that secret place

one happy tear
Sam Hawkins Jun 2015
slow the waters were ascending
high waters turning turning

like a baby’s satisfied fist

bees and butterflies come
and everywhere
Life is

green calling out to everything
strutting and shouting success!

silence underpinning green

sunlight announcing it
up to the sky
Sam Hawkins Jun 2017
innocent and forever renewed

(as if flash flashing
back and forth to heaven)

one hundred trillion cells of me
notice i am noticing them

i send them
all my love


i am walking tree
with fibrous light as root


i am sitting stone
galaxy within galaxies
infinitum spinning

my body
the dance of the universe

do you tell me i am anything less?

do you tell yourself
you are anything less?
"My body's the dance of the universe" is a beautiful mantra from Deepak Chopra's book "Power Freedom and Grace"
Sam Hawkins Apr 2023
through the six voices of my fingertips i spoke to you universe

         ­                                       ! es !
                            six waltz to foxtrot & back again

                                       foxtrot to cha-cha
                                            to five five
word-vibe inspired by my guitar & Pink Full Moon today, 4.5.2023.
First Full Moon of the astrological New Year...
Sam Hawkins Oct 2017
Hands awaken! Speak out! Answer to sacred shouts,
subterranean whispering, to stars above rooftops—
thread sunlit branches with the chattering of a thousand leaves.

If flux and urgency of confusion or death
should drawn you into the self-box--
remember when one constructed prison fell away.
However you helped this forward,
do more of the same.

Be rain-hands, laughing, steeped in earth fragrances.
Be fingers in blossom, loves innumerable, rough-cut and bedazzled—unafraid to be splayed wide open.

Be pocketed hands, released to the welcoming wind—
multiplying there in mid-air, they ride the four directions.

Be hands of smoke and of fire, descending and ascending
like ragged bird-song—effulgent, charged with surprise
and now even with mock surprise.

Start at the beginning, exactly where you are.
Not satiate with loll-lolling recede wave’s tide,
not retreated back and back,
until grown utterly intellectual and lumpish!

Now, Human Being—you come awake also!
Sweep furnishings from your table.
Upend the table lawlessly.

Bring the muscular, fleshy, feminine to the masculine and muscular.
Likewise, bring the masculine to feminine. Bring friend to enemy,
estranged neighbor to confidante.

In a dance of pressing hands,
let subtle conversation play.

Ring all the tiny bells.
Stir the King and Queen of Remembrance.

In over-arching restraint, hold back one iota, so pure notes sound—
bring sunburst, sphere and harmony.

Make your entire body a listening board
forming therein—tender shapes around which love
seed unfolds its infinite spaces and then…

Spring awake! All to better dreaming
where your faith is undashed, not with this dying.

O, hear me now! Hands, every which one of you,
with every human—never again sleep,
never abandon!
Sam Hawkins Jun 2018
I felt a giddy laughing all about.

100 trillion cells of me leading sweet chorus,
mostly in my gut.

I shout it out, so all the world may hear!
I’m in a new love relationship!

When’s the last time any significant other
kept you up, all night?

Last night, it happened to me.
I was supine with my instrument.

She’d only waltzed into my life yesterday
and man do we sing it up,
she and I!

Me and my stunning-to-the-T.

I very love
my sweet-song her!
Sam Hawkins Jun 2016
The chilly camp-like home where I was staying,
had no running water, in winter all shut down,
but had—amplitudinous electric.

I must have been thinking extra sharp that morning,
when to electric stovetop I came; soon had boiling
Cumberland Farm’s bottled water
in a copper *** with four brown eggs.

With careful timing at last I took the four eggs out
and with the heated water applying
Barbasol and razor, so I shaved.

Please take care to not spill a single drop
of soapy water into the winterized drain pipe,

I heard in my head my sage sister say.

I discarded the contents of the ***
into a snowy patch.

Good morning, and happy happy, I sang.
I hefted one oak log onto a dying fire.

Two of the four eggs I ate,
saving the last for leaner days.

So complete--eggs
and hot shave breakfast.
on the lighter side...HAheho, written about 2007
Sam Hawkins May 2019
Calling long and deep
into the bottomless well of me,
my heart, I posed a wordless question
that water--free--be invited to speak.

So I listened paused I listened--
opened and dissolved
fear in me.

Water of my hands
woke up, sprung up.

Water of my feet.

Water of my eyes,
my brain.

There were no parts of me
my invitation was not reaching.

Little baby faces all that water was--
and each, an innocence,
a living breathing star.

And therein
other starry lights.

Green and azure golden
shot high and all around me.

Rainbows spinning, under and over-lacing,
composed a heaven's tapestries.
Sam Hawkins Jul 2013
This hand which moves and rides some voice is not mine.
I have given it over to you, young boy.

This is what makes it fly so, traveling out,
tripping along in dance of shape and sound.

I acknowledge your presence in this fashion.

You tell me by messages,
beaming out the back of your head,
you are the very boy who has waited an eternity
at some upper railing.

You sit and peer through the spaces,
down the twisted stair.

Your hands, they grip the vertical rail.
Silent. Silent. Waiting you.

Let this right hand of mine be your secret voice.
Let this scrawl and scratch be your gravelly tongue—
ick-nicking, ga-chooing, click and stutter.

What language may I shape for our sake?
With you, may I follow, setting trail markers just so.

Will others come mistaking their ways for yours?

My hand is opening and opens wide.
I remember you. I am returning.
Let it be.
Sam Hawkins May 2019
Like Houdini gone under river's ice
(a trusted but not perfected trick)
I have listened for a soft murmur
to lead me to the escape hole.

Not knowing has thickened the surface.
It fills my ears with confusing bubbles.

Whether I open or I close my eyes
-- the same blur sun.

My lungs tick-tock.

Each time, when I am dying,
I know I know nothing.

When at last I am gone,
all things are made known to me.

In this life I know I'm alive.
I exist.

I shall soon enough join
the world's understanding.

I shall answer confidently  
to my given name.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2017
With lift-off intention I jumped to fly.
I was something like root grounded tree.

Taking flight was so absolutely hard,
though my guru counseled me.

With acquired and studied implements
I tried to cut each holding.

My intellect in truth was rather dull,
though Spirit bolding.

In hieroglyphic's manual page 222
I intuited hints, incantations true.

Here for scheming:
Fly-O  Fly-O  Fly Fly-O!

I recited that fortissimo for a week
in lucid dreaming.

Then my weighed body, my un-weighed soul
together I suppose remembered it simply,
that God had intimated flight for me
(gratuitously gave).

In classical mind's eye I spied
Icarus sploshing in a wave.

Entered in-- Ab-or-ig-inal Self.
Whoa, I said, hello!
shocked at that showing.

I know... I know... I know...
with ease -- be natural, just be still.

Unequivocally state
(this way make your start)
I need help.

so I believed it
I spoke it

and then I sailed and sailed away
with freedom, my heart.
Sam Hawkins Aug 2017
Did someone leave my door ajar?

Or there is no door but what I make
by my question.

Light has left me cryptic messages
such as these, and I have nibbled.

This morning rather I gobble.
I take my cue from my dog
who seizes moments.

This morning I've eaten all the bait.
Hook line and sinker.

Where there are no doors, cracks forever are.

Wherever there are slippings
and mighty shifts
love is.
Sam Hawkins Apr 2016
i love you i love you
i love you i love you

i love you i love you
i love you i love you

you are so beautiful
you are so beautiful

you are so beautiful
you are so beautiful

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
mantra love magic
addressing god love soul life...

reciting without lips

an aboriginal time-space mindbody natural expression

in six beat (heartbeat) feel...
in music symbology ~ cosmic 12/8 time
Sam Hawkins Jan 2017
earth & sun
pretty passionate lovers

but not by gravitation

full-opened body of earth
full sun

gaze upon
one another

Sam Hawkins Dec 2016
sensations of purples

streaks of luminous black
dashing my eyes

star woman her wisdom
my body

star man sliding into view

blissful laughter
echoing my heart

was it God Truth speaking?
Will you marry me?

Yes! Yes! I cried
And I shall marry you again
Sam Hawkins May 2019
under the cool of a desert morning
clipped to synchronic timing
5:34 am

this new moon

she has named herself
baby water dragon

spell cast in her patterned rhythms
now in my breathing

how we say goodbye
how we subtract

how we say good morning

with a renewed
and loving heart
Sam Hawkins Sep 2017
You see every bit of me, my morning star.
You pour life to me, no matter what.

I need not ask.
I open to receive.

You turn the bucket of me
right side up.

When you fill me with your golden fire,
you stretch my edges wide
and this -- my ecstasy.

I breathe and grow into my new skin.

Is there no end to this?
One part of me cries out--please stop!

Another part sings
with grand crescendos.
Sam Hawkins Jan 2016
My quarks my molecules my cells --  
they all piped up.

Universe was playing
its simplest tune.

My heart skipped a light fantastic
to the moon.

Moon expressed her left and right,
her face turned to everyone.

I heard her voice
serenade the sun.

Natural me is I ~ I am.

I offer myself
to the sky above.

Bow to earth.
Dance my love.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2017
on this new moon satellite day
lunacy seems ebbed to zero

circle light perimeter fading grey
challenged peripherals

i have anticipated one hundred percent
only wild surprises

cross-tie co-synergetic
flash miracle

does that loop you in?

O new moon
with not one iota of moonlight

playful monkey
shining down
Sam Hawkins Jun 2017
as my two equal hands make one
in reverence in honor prayer

my left and my right brain do

let's not dwell too much on it
one hand washing the other

simple voice of reason
simple voice of nature


at peace
inspired in part by reading the work of Thomas Paine and by reading Carl Sagan's "Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence"....chapter "Madmen and Lovers"
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