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Sam Newton Apr 2013
Her* lips were soft,
Moist as Her clothes fell off
Anxious I would never be lost
In the maze of Her loft.
Crawling around in the dark,
Wrestling with who we are.
Thinking that if the world were to end,
We could repopulate the ark.

Slowly losing sight of Her heart as I
try furiously to split Her apart.
Sweating swearing turning yearning
Trying to be smart.

But it is beaten by an evil lurking somewhere in the start.
I just wanted to remain inside of Her for a lifetime,
Remembering that the only love She had ever felt was mine
as I finish up just in time to avoid his eyes.

I'm sure Her boyfriend is still quite blind,
Just how much She shines without him in mind.
Sam Newton Apr 2013
Rivalries are an excuse for animosity to be abused.
A tradition to explain the irrational and depraved.
A justification for future insubordination
Of logical arguments by the sane.

Beasts competed with one another through physical altercations,
But we have evolved to call everyone our brother.
So why is it that we must see fighting between one another?
Why is it that we may not all show that we're lovers?
Is there something wrong with the tolerance of each other?

Whatever rationalization is created for the promotion of hatred,
Should be abolished and ashamed,
That it may show its head and become a vein for placing blame,
Is unsettling all the same.

We are all too similar, and that should not promote altercations of an individual,
Rather it should be used as a connection to the familiar.
It should be used in stride with the builder
Of peace, and a reason for all this nonsense to cease.

We have developed into adults,
and it is time to show this with amiable results.
By citing a rivalry as traditional is exactly the reason
It is sinful.
One day we may see the end of this spitefully built fence,
By breaking down the wall separating far too many of us all.
I hope it is my lifetime here, for failing to unite us,

is my deepest of fears.
Sam Newton Apr 2013
All I ever wanted to know was where my dad is,
But now that I'm grown and over my own madness,
I feel that everything that never matter was the sadness.
I've become a person who is stronger because of his absence,
And luckily, the man who raised me was never hurt by me asking this.

Who was he and why did he leave me?
Where in the world could he possibly be?
Is it something I did wrong, or something he saw in me?
What did he see, that made him disappear so suddenly and flee?

But when I look back on my life,
Trying to understand what caused all of my strife,
I never consider the cause to be,
The one who took on the responsibility,
To care, nurture, and look after me.

Because without him, who knows where I'd be.

Not knowing my father is not something I could explain to my future daughter.
It is a void in my soul, a place that will forever remain far from whole.
Growing deeper and darker because of a man I never knew.
While the man who raised me will forever remain to be,
A shining light, rising higher and brighter
Burning inside me, becoming the fuel for my fire.

I hold no compassion for the man who left us behind,
Because I was saved by a real father, one stronger than any potential dad of mine,
A tangible fodder to my fire, to help me live on so one day I may die,
A better person because of my experience in life.
Far beyond any expectations, despite my former father's resignation.
I will forever hold one man in my heart, who taught me to always lead from the start.

I know who I was raised by,
And he will be my father for as long as I am alive.
And after, until the end of all time.

Rest in peace former father, for you are no patriarch of mine.
I was recently legally adopted by the man who raised me. If it were not for him I would never have understood the true meaning of love.
Sam Newton Apr 2013
As Some early rap group plays in the background of my life
The relationship with my Brothers has changed my insight, it helps me decide when to lie and defines who I am, what I mean to the fam and everybody who truly knows me as Sam.
That isn't to say I'm not intimate today,
I love everybody in a different kind of way,
It makes me smile even just to say it.
I have people in my life, worth the slang I derive from these pretty soulful lines
Something I cannot measure, but simply as a sense of pleasure
All in a world I feel is mine, making them Brothers and therefore a lifeline
Any person I can call when I need little time,
If I need a friend or a relationship to mend, some cash in my pocket for my next canned soda
Looking at the twizzlers thinking I could use them as a straw, daydreaming again, just a big kid standing a little too tall.
Looking from the top thinking that's a long way to fall,
But as I get closer to edge and look down on,
I see that my Brothers already have me harnessed up, they intend to let me jump.
Letting me learn my mistakes to help discern from the fake,
Because the ones who criticize you are the one's who hold you when you cry,
Trying to make myself better, if only for my guys.
The brothers that I never had, they help me see who I want to be
Help me envision what I want, but make me stand to reach my next treat
To find the earth from this place up here.
Looking, I contemplate how I want to create to change, or maybe cause fear
If only small things, I will be the force to define the voice of my people
A generation left behind to figure out what is evil.
A knew definition nowadays because of where it's living, in our hearts and even in this page.
All I want to do is sleep because without my Brothers I'm just dead meat.
All I want to do see a world made for me and you, my Brothers, a relationship above all others.
The thing that means the most to me these days, is the fact that no matter where I go, my Brothers will be with me. Something I can always see, it resides somewhere inside of me. Emotionally and Mentally. Today they rest with me. Humans, people, beings, whatever they are to me, you couldn't possibly begin to conceive.
I would **** for the people I call my Brothers. It deserves to be capitalized after what we've been through together. It sounds a little too sentimental. But without them I would not have developed into myself.
Sam Newton Aug 2012
I am not a hard guy
Just as hard as the wall I leaned against all night
Stuck in fantasy about about amnesty
But how can you forgive someone who doesn't feel?
Because compassion is real
And in order to heal
Its takes a person the audacity to stand when sitting
That relaxed sense of spinning
Something that we can only call surprise,
When we are becoming ourself, we are only one step closer to die
The maturity of time will always outlive any of these lines.
Why we must  act now and rise,
To the calling of good deeds, not by any entity.
We see the problems we have created in the world, so why not absolve the rest of the unfurling
Now or never, so let it all come together.
Sam Newton Aug 2012
I am not a hard guy
Just as hard as the wall I leaned against all night
Stuck in fantasy about about amnesty
But how can you forgive someone who doesn't feel?
Because compassion is real
And in order to heal
Its takes a person the audacity to stand when sitting
That relaxed sense of spinning
Something that we can only call surprise,
When we are becoming ourself, we are only one step closer to die
The maturity of time will always outlive any of these lines.
Why we must  act now and rise,
To the calling of good deeds, not by any entity.
We see the problems we have created in the world, so why not absolve the rest of the unfurling
Now or never, so let it all come together.
Sam Newton Aug 2012
I've got a twisted sense of time
One that never dies
Turning and burning but never reffering
Only through my eyes when I pass
I'll wake and think it was mine that sent you there
How'd you find your way?
Love won't guide you to this place, only my mind.
Only walking in with that key of mine,
Back to the place of ***** bathrooms, clothes and mess on the floor
I'll find a hole for the two of us, one that gets you off my head
And into my heart, only for the night
Until the morning starts, no pause
But drop the blinds and hit the lights
I'll consider you mine in this place of art
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