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Sam Newton Aug 2012
There's something about us.
Daft Punk makes the music feel fresh,
It spreads the love like freedom of the press
Sells out sets, so quickly among eyes
That can't quite catch their breath, no blinking
We wish we could but the bass hits too hard for breaks
I know by the end of the day I wont have to wait
Because one way you'll walk me home
Either we'll be too drunk to care, or I'll give you an offer
To hold your hair, hand you the water and let it all spill there
Into the the oval bowl of ceramic snow
The percipitation gets ***** and you feel better
But only until the next caring couple comes by to help our affair
I miss the nights I can't remember and hate the mornings I do
One day I'll see it all clear, hopefully you still wait for me my dear.
Sam Newton Jul 2012
How did we meet,
Was it out there on the crossing paths of the street
Eye contact interrupted by the buzzing of the bees
A bus and trolly wafting a cool breeze through the air towards me

We could never know because it's only a single serving interaction
A single packet of cream on an airplane
A single serving packet of asprin
Something that will never amount to the idea of what my eyes wanted to claim

But in that moment stranded in time, away from everything else
The lock of two strangers eyes can amount to all that I needed to see
To help me know what I alone could be
The anonymity of your life to mine the mystery is what makes it a beautiful lie

Not a lie in the sense of a falsehood
But rather in the sense of placement on a fairway
The geographical landscape of our lives,
In which I can spot you and you can see me
But we remain never to interact
And live on our lives in the vastness of our own the sea of lies
Sam Newton Jul 2012
Drugs are fun to use, abuse, infuse, and include
In all of my activities, to be used into infinity
While I write for my infantry of souls dancing
My thoughts move forward and grow colder
For the serotonin in my brain is all but in order
And now I must refrain to live a life of logic
Just after this one last puff, and after this one last line
Because oh my lord how I've never felt this high before
I've found a new place now within my mind, but between twine of two worlds,
Heavenly and fiery and thats how I plan live among the almighty...

Even if I dissipate in years, minutes or seconds
I will always remember my first time
There is no perpetual high, there is no lifetime I can cheat death to sneak on by
So why not live it up while I'm here, aren't we all just waiting for our chance to disappear?
Sam Newton Jul 2012
His holiness is my virtue
But not the divinity it commands
Nor the depravity it understands

But what I alone as one man
Can come to understand

Why do we follow so blindly the belief
Why do we seek so longly his relief

In my world I am my creator
And I will live for my savior

It is no one else's fate but mine
To disregard his time
And take my place in a long unlawful line

— The End —