was the blackest night i could remember
i didn't have the voices of angels to sooth me
demons took charge that night
i feel bright blue eyes settling on my
as piercing as the dark scythe he held
another painted white creeped out
their faces smiling with the smiles i did not want to see
i try to tell myself it will be okay
but in my heart i knew it wasn't
i pray as they come closer
their prescence tighten my throat and don't allow me to speak the words i needed
i clutch blankets as a shield
but i could feel my former protection wrap around me like the chains coming up from hell
i scream
with a scream i hope was not the voice of him
i imagine the tears streaming out like the phlegethon burning the demons
but it only gives them like
arms catch me
it takes me a moment to realize that they were neither angels or demons
but soothing arms that actually cared about me
i surfaced out of my run away imagination
it is no longer black
and no demon is no longer there
but i was so sure they were still watching me