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1.3k · Aug 2016
If I Die Tonight......
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
If I die tonight would planes still fly?
If I die tonight would you still wonder if I cried ?
If I die tonight would you think of me here and there ?
If I die tonight would you act like I was never here?
If I die tonight would you be happier than  you are with me?
If I die tonight would you be okay if I left you be?
If I die tonight would you regret ever kissing me?
If I die tonight would you regret ever meeting me?
If I died tonight you'd be a better person...
If I died tonight would the pain I've caused just worsen?...
579 · Dec 2016
Final goodbye
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
I say I'll end my life a lot
After I saw you yesterday my heart dropped
I haven't even bothered to pick it up
I love you with all my heart
But I'm done with this horrible part
Of life and pain
I just wanna end all my shame
I'll write you a letter
I'll tell you my good bye
Forever and always
I know it's not a lie
525 · Feb 2017
Our lil monkey
Cyphers Queen Feb 2017
At one point you said you weren't ready
Now we're having this blessing
Things will get rough
Buttons will be pushed
But I want you to know
No matter how much we undergo
I'll stay by your side
As long as I got your back
I know you'll have mine.
This is a huge step in our relationship
But we gave each other so we'll make it
You're going to be great
Even the nights you have to stay up late
Warming the bottles, changing the diapers
You never were like the others
Your mightiness and royalty glows
You'll fall in love once you see his little toes
He's very fragile
So don't get crazy
My love we're having a baby

Cypher I'm in love with you my king
444 · Dec 2016
Come back
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
I miss you so much..
It took me a lot not to jump off the chair.
I told my self
"Why can't you be here"
I cry in my sleep
How the **** could this be...
Please baby..
Just come back to me...
390 · Aug 2016
The Rose
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Red... Full of life.. Beautiful..
But why is it when you try to love it, it stabs you and hurts you..
The pain makes you drop it..
As it falls to the ground the rose feels nothing but pain also..
Because it cant be loved..
And this beautiful rose only damages the people who attempt to love it...
372 · Aug 2016
c l o s u r e
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
I wonder if I'm better
Play this playlist over and over
Maybe it'll make me feel better..
I hate this time of night...
I just needed closure...
369 · Aug 2016
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Hear the raindrops hit the window
Feelin' like a scarecrow
How many times before I shatter
I guess I'll just talk to you later.
Hearing the thunder
If I'm okay that's something I wonder.
How many times before I break down ?
On the floor there lays my crown.
Hear the cries of the sky
Here I lay on the floor as I cry
Finally I've reached the end
I have to just float away with the wind.
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
I cried so bad last night
After I found out what you've been doing
When you're not in my sight
I took that rope and almost jumped off that chair
But before I could, I thought
"Maybe he does care"
But if you cared why won't you message me??
Why don't you give a **** about me!!!!
I gave you every ******* piece of me!!!!!!!
302 · Jan 2017
I miss you
Cyphers Queen Jan 2017
Happy one year and 8 months...
286 · Dec 2016
Anger strikes again...
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
You have the ***** to cheat and lie
But you can't face the woman
Who stayed by your side
No matter what
Through thick and thin
I was never gonna ******* leave you man
I don't understand
How the ******* can be like this
After everything we been through
After I carried your baby
You left me for someone new....
282 · Apr 2017
Cyphers Queen Apr 2017
I miss you
But You hate me
I need you
But you ignore me
I've never felt this alone
You showed me the unknown
Remember that promise
"I'll be here for you no matter what happens"
I was your Pocahontas.
I know we been through hell
But I swear to you I'll never bail
You were there for me through my darkest days
You made sure I wasn't afraid
Please just give me a chance
Just one more chance
To prove you wrong
To show you the real me....
Not what everyone else wants me to be...
I know what we're going through right bike is extremely tough, but just as you are mine, I am the love of your life. We can not give up just because they wanna break us up and break the bond we share.
277 · Apr 2017
Cyphers Queen Apr 2017
My heart craves you..
**** it I don't know what to do...
Please come back to me... we're supposed to be meant to be
277 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
A birthday wish no one will understand
A birthday wish that will intertwine our hands
A birthday wish that you'll text me
A birthday wish that together forever we will be..
For my birthday I want a text
Saying how you love me
Though we may not be together
I still want you in my life forever..
I want no anger
Nor sadness
As long as you're in my life I know
That I'll be my happiest
276 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
The man I love is still there
I'll make you find yourself again baby I swear
Just give me a chance to be your friend
And from there we'll move on to something that will never end
274 · Dec 2016
A call out to Cypher
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
Dearest Cypher,
Here I call out to you
To explain my love for you
You were once my everything
You're still the air I breathe
I can't understand why you would just up and leave
Just message me..
267 · Aug 2016
The Feeling
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Butterflies in my stomach
Like when you ride a rollercoaster
Or the smell of cookies fresh out the oven.
I say goodnight yet I stay up an hour afterwards
Just because I cant get you off my mind.
Constantly running through my mind...
Its like this was all perfectly timed.
Everything fell into place..
I need to see you. So here I patiently wait.
263 · Dec 2016
lying king
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
mr. conditional lover
i wish you never promised things that never did come true
if you don't learn
you'll never know a good thing
you'll never get it
I'm here on my own
259 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
You lied to me
You promised that you'll never break my heart
Why'd you lie to me?
And say you loved me from the start
252 · Dec 2016
You're my everything
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
Love bug
Father of my unborn
The best thing that's ever happened to me
You're the air I breathe
Forever mine
Us until the end of time <3
I love you with all my heart till death do us part
250 · Dec 2016
You never cared
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
I gave yo my everything
In return you broke every piece of me
How dare you not care for me
How dare you be okay
Knowing you hurt me so tramindesly
I haven't ate
I haven't slept
All I do
Is ******* cry over you
249 · Apr 2017
Cyphers Queen Apr 2017
I imprinted on his soul
With out him I feel as if I'm becoming cold
The numbness in my heart
Causes us to drift apart
So I imprint on his soul
That way he'll never be alone
Together till the end of time
I am his and he is mine.
May 7, 2015
249 · Oct 2016
The Night
Cyphers Queen Oct 2016
When night falls the thoughts become darker
When night falls my soul slips even farther
Though I no longer feel happiness
I reminisce about our sappiness
It's time to move on
No not what you think
Only to my next life
Where I'll forever he freed
248 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
245 · Nov 2016
waking up to you
Cyphers Queen Nov 2016
One day I'll roll over
I'll kiss your cheek
As you snore asleep
Ill whisper in your ear
"Baby I'm forever here" <3
240 · Dec 2016
Your new girl
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
I heard you're with someone new
I guess I wasn't good enough for you
You make me feel like ****
I don't even wanna be alive man
**** this ****
240 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
**** it I still need you.....
240 · Dec 2016
Now that you left
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
I no longer feel beautiful
I'm just all types of shameful
I was left in dry cold air
******* it man this wasn't fair!!!
On everything I love I just want you back
Remember all those times you said I gave you a heart attack?
You said my body was a garden
I hoped for a love like ours since kindergarten
You haven't watered this so called beautiful garden
So now it's withered and no longer jaw dropping
You see me dying and you're still watching...
I have scars everywhere on my body
It's not even attractive
I ruined my beauty
Now I say I'm okay
**** I'd be a good actress
239 · Oct 2016
Her Goodbye
Cyphers Queen Oct 2016
Silence falls
As the demons crawl
The blood drips down
As he makes a frown
This is the end
Her last breath she said:
"till death do us part"
She followed as the demons led
235 · Aug 2016
My Husband
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
My husband is the best
I asked him if he thought another girl was pretty..
But he passed the test.
My husband Is the best
he makes me so happy
**** I'm truly blessed.
234 · Aug 2017
Cyphers Queen Aug 2017
The love I have for you is irreplaceable  
Your body is just so irresistible
I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with you
Man the baby's I pop out for you
Will be the most angelic on earth
The vows we exchange
Will be the most truthful and loving on earth .
233 · Aug 2016
Suffocated By Thoughts
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Dark room
And it smells like sugary perfume
Consumed by my thoughts..
How much does your love cost?
I cant breathe
I'm only drowning.
Watching as the world fades away..
Goodbye I'm off to a better place.
231 · Sep 2016
Cyphers Queen Sep 2016
End it here end it now
It'll only hurt for a little while
Reunite with our son in the sky
This is our last goodnight
229 · Aug 2016
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
No good
Like a rotten apple
Feeling worthless
Feeling stupid
Why can't I do anything right?
I just wasn't worthy
So I take this paint brush
Put it to my wrist
I think of all the things you've said.
The good and the bad..
I don't end it I just have no choice but to be sad..
229 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
Im done being broken
Your true colors are really showing
I'm done with the lies
I don't have **** to hide
I really do miss you no lie
Because I know I'll never find the love we had ever again in my life
Remember when you said "no matter what I'll stay by your side"
That was a lie
Because now that I need you the most
You're not in sight
Maybe you just have things to do
But I don't care what you do
Ima always give my heart to you
You're the love of my life
That ***** never gon change
I gave you my everything...
It kills me... to know how happy you are without me.. but that's all I ever wanted. Was for you to be happy. So there we have it you left me and I'm still in the same place you left me in.... alone hurt angry... **** dude... I miss you like crazy
228 · Aug 2016
Me and You
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Memories of the time
I had no one by my side.
Then a few months later I had a group of them fakers
Now I got you and there's nothing they can do.
224 · Nov 2016
Part One
Cyphers Queen Nov 2016
I think the world is better off without me
How does it feel to ignore me
I been texting you for days...
I guess I haven't found a way
To forget all the pain
Are you ready for that call?
"I'm sorry but she's gone..."
You'll have no right to cry
Only because you ignored me when I needed you by my side
224 · Oct 2016
i miss you
Cyphers Queen Oct 2016
I know you're trying
I know how hard
I know you have no time
I know you've been busy..
We barely talk anymore..
Maybe im not the one slipping away as sand.
For I am the one who sits and waits
For your time dedicated to me...
222 · Nov 2016
Declaration of love
Cyphers Queen Nov 2016
Tell me you love me
Tell me I'm your queen
Why don't you want things the way they used to be?
I used to make you so happy
Our love was so fancy
You used to tell me 'this is real. I want you forever'
Even when we argued and you gave me high blood pressure
Or when we laughed so hard we couldn't breathe
I found all that pain underneath
Maybe your past relationships were all broken foundations
This is my declaration
Of forever and always
All these fights are just a phase
We'll get through this no matter what it ******* takes
Because no matter what Ima always have your ******* back
**** I wish I was an amnesiac
We gon' make it baby
No matter what I'm your lady
220 · Jul 2017
220 · Nov 2016
Cyphers Queen Nov 2016
No we haven't forgotten about you
We say goodnight to you thinking your on the moon
Or somewhere better where you are safe
You're still our son
That we never got to raise...
219 · Oct 2016
good morning
Cyphers Queen Oct 2016
Remember that day
I texted you and said
"I never want to wake up and not be able to text you and tell you I love you"
This morning I rolled over
Only to realize
There was no longer a you and I
I prayed the night before
That you'd walk back through this door
I sit here patiently
As my tears hit the floor
I see nothing..
219 · Aug 2017
Cyphers Queen Aug 2017
I've never wanted to die so bad ...
Tears streaming down my eyes
How sad..
I don't know how
I don't know where
But I do know tonight will be my last ...
219 · Dec 2016
What do you expect
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
I'm dead **without you...
How do I live without you...
217 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
Was I not good enough?
**** man you're all I ever wanted
Now I got ****** hitting me up
Talm bout come through
A year and seven months
That's not gonna change
I'm still your wife
We still have our baby
I was I not good enough?
A blade to my wrist
But I promised you I wouldn't try it
That promise is still bliss
I'm never giving up on you
Keep ignoring me ..
Once upon a time you said YOUD NEVER GIVE UP ON ME
I love you so much..
Was I not good enough?
217 · Dec 2016
Cyphers Queen Dec 2016
Please come back
Let me give you the love I have left
214 · Oct 2016
Cyphers Queen Oct 2016
No excuses I need your attention
Please just sit just listen
Listen to me cry that I miss you so much
Listen to me yell for the way everything once was
211 · Nov 2016
Cyphers Queen Nov 2016
She was prettier
She was thicker
She smiled more
The reasons why you left me..
I cared
I loved
I gave you my everything
The reasons why you left me...
207 · Oct 2016
His Secret
Cyphers Queen Oct 2016
I was never the one
202 · Oct 2016
old memories
Cyphers Queen Oct 2016
Phone calls all night
Smiles all day
Laughs and giggles till 3Am
Up all night just getting to know one another
194 · Sep 2016
An Angel
Cyphers Queen Sep 2016
hear my cries
see my blood
I thought you would save me
*I'll just watch you from above
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