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Sadie K Sep 2013
If I don't finish the work by
10pm tonight...

Is Frank gonna do art?
Sadie K Sep 2013
Can't exactly
Blame a voice
In your head
Sadie K Sep 2013
Oh Frank...
If only you didn't
Put me in bed so early,
Why didn't you ask
If she was okay?

But I can't exactly
Blame you
For even I
Wouldn't know
What to do.
But still...
Sadie K Sep 2013
This is the
First time
I cry in the morning
Like this.
What is it?
What's wrong?
Why do you suddenly weep?
There's absolutely
Sadie K Sep 2013
I am confused.
Why do I feel?
It hasn't happened to me.
But yet everytime they mention
Any one of
Their problems,
Why do I feel so?
And what is the emotion?
But what I feel
Is only a glimpse...
Sadie K Sep 2013
There's something.
I feel it
In her bones,
Beneath her skull.
A sharp pain.
It's physical.
I don't know
What it is.
I worry.
I hurt.
Something's there
Like it just
Shot her in the head
It hurts
A lot.
What is it?
Help me.
Help her.
Sadie K Sep 2013
She's probably going to
Freak out
When she finds out
You're sick
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