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Sadie Feb 2014
on and on and on
so much space ruined
by simple human emotion.
we are destructive beings, after all.
nobody will care,
but also...nobody cares because I don't tell them.
I can't find my lover,
with the three, sharp and cold rings,
whose silver smile cut through me quicker
than your glance.
I feel unconnected
I can't do the actual damage,
so I fantasize about it,
dream about it,
trace it out on my skin with my fingers.
even now,
I can't break my promise.
I'm high and drunk off of my imagination and music.
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Sadie Feb 2014
Is it bad that I feel lonely?
Is it bad that even though I am not alone,
I long for company,
I just don't know whose.
Is it bad I'd rather sit on my floor,
look at the wall and feel the world around me move,
but feel so still in all of these bright, false colors.
Is it bad that I want to be alone,
but not lonely?
I want to run away.
It's happening again,
I've been feeling it coming for so long,
but warded it away.
It's coming on to me so quickly now..
the broken glass on the floor,
the bite of the razor,
the cold water and wet clothes,
the music and voices no one else can hear.
I want you, who used to always notice,
notice me now in this state.
I thought you would see the signs...
but you haven' I'm alone again.
Should've known.
It's okay, though. It's happened before,
I'll leave you alone now.
I'll run away on my own,
and keep being alone and lonely,
because it's better than feeling falsely loved.
It's okay, I'm used to it.
No fault of yours.
metal is always cold. it never feels warm. maybe it cuts better like that
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Sadie Feb 2014
I want to write about your lips
and your kiss.
How incredibly soft and warm they
always are.
Pressed gently or roughly against mine,
they always show your love.
You are gorgeous,
smiling and frowning.
A perfect moon and a perfect pout.
So full and lovely.
I could watch you talk all day
and memorize the way they move,
and when I catch a glimpse of your
teeth or a sliver of your tongue.
I don't think you realize just how
much I've watched you.
You are beautiful,
and I'll always listen to what you
have to say.
On the flip side of my poem "****", this is how I feel about my girlfriend 99% of the time, because we rarely fight.
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Sadie Feb 2014
I  see us dancing
Your hand on my scars
Our first kiss
Holding my hand
Your smile
You hate me
You hate me
You hate me
You hate me
I ****** it all up
I had been so happy
You were my world,
My sun.
You were my everything.
I don't know why I did it
I don't know.
I told you I hurt everybody I loved
I told you that I would hurt you.
But then I lied to myself that I wouldn't.
And I believed that lie.
Until several demons knocked and
reminded me of the truth
I hate them.
I hate me.
I hate everything.
But you.
I don't, can't, won't hate you.
I love you...
But those three words
They are fragile, you see.
They break easily if meant to be broken.
I don't know
I DON'T ******* KNOW
I want to hold you
To kiss you
To see you smile
But I can't because I destroyed those.
And I don't even know if I can fix
them, no matter how hard I try.
I feel like my mind is going mad,
driving itself crazy
And in the middle
Sits the calmest, but the worst crazy.
It's called the truth.
I hurt you. And I don't know if I can fix you.
I'm so sorry.
I don't even know if they matter to you but
I am so so sorry.
I wrote this on the night I nearly broke us.
I'm still sorry.
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Sadie Dec 2013
I've always wanted to be a rock star
the idols of ***, allure, drugs, and music.
I want to be someone's god
I want to walk onstage and command
I want them all to be mine and be untouchably touchable.
I want to wreak havoc on the order and rebel against them all.
Glam rock has a particular appeal with the
makeup and costumes and aura of
*** and sensuality and vulnerable impregnability.
I want to be idolized and unconnected with everything.
You all mean nothing but are the reason for my existence.
This is my wish
It's an impossible desire.
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Sadie Oct 2013
The girl I love is sad.
But she's happy and no longer lonely
when she's with me.
I kissed her and told her
I loved her in the
candlelight and soft music bedroom.
Our bodies entwined and our mouths together,
breathing for and with each other.
I traced and kissed the cuts on her arms and
she promised not to do it again.
Just like, once upon a time,
I had promised her the same thing.
I love you and
*it's okay, I forgive you.
Happy anniversary love
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Sadie Oct 2013
Jittery and alone in my room
I run through a list in my head
My grades are okay, my friends are okay, my family is okay
my girlfriend is amazing, my life is doing just fine.
So why why why why why why
do I find myself thinking of that black room that I locked up
in the back of my head?
The one with all my anger and darkness and blood and razors
and all the insanity and pain.
It's just so ******* ****** up that I
want to go there again and indulge in that rich, filthy blackness
and embrace it again.
I made promises...that I wouldn't
Welcome back those demons and give them my blood, body and life
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
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