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caroline Dec 2018
the reality i entertained
was nothing compared to
the world i created
from the remnants of
God’s breath  
the wind in our hair
caroline Dec 2018
if i am a sinner
then watch me commit
my scorned heart will burn
i’ll make you submit

but if i am a saint
warm blood in my veins
it’ll spill out for you
until nothing remains

so i guess either way
your wish is fulfilled
i’ll fall at your throne
the figure you killed.
caroline Dec 2018
when night falls and the clouds blow in
thats when the ghosts appear

all of a sudden
all at once

they’re slow dancing in our favorite spot

but the wind is a cruel mistress
and blurs their once distinguishable figures

to nothing again
caroline Dec 2018
aristocratic air
bountiful glory
but don't forget
even beings birthed straight from a supernova
still rot like the least of us.
caroline Dec 2018
today has to be the day
i must drag myself out of this bed again
claw my way down the street
plaster that fake smile on once more

today has to be the day
i have to act like a human i guess
do the things all people do
force myself through the motions

today has to be the day
because tomorrow, you see,
the excruciating effort of being
will come knocking once more
caroline Nov 2018
my sanctuary
my one true peace
illuminate me
strip away your elegance
the truth
comes pure and light
caroline Nov 2018
your careless whispers
subtle affection
maybe it's just misdirection

say stay awhile
an invitation
maybe it's no indication

your glance my way
my mind a mess
maybe i just can’t care less
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