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caroline Nov 2018
those perfect eyelids fluttered shut
lips inching towards the flame
i never wanted to be fire before
but now i wish i was ablaze

i watched you make your silent wish
and saw it melt away
the embers swirled with energy
your eyes made them ashamed

and as the black smoke settled
i knew your wish would come true
but surely, dear, you’d wished for him

too bad
i’d wished for you
caroline Nov 2018
we’re parallel lines
domain: infinity
destined to remain side by side forever
but never quite able to reach out and touch
caroline Nov 2018
my trembling fingers are frantically searching for you
why have you hidden so deep in those woods now?
i need to tell you how you shine
illuminate, radiate, glow
your light is too dim for my unskilled eyes
i can barely decipher you’re silhouette in these shadows
i know it’s still there, you’re still there
i see your hope, i’ll hold onto it for you
all you need to do is grab hold
my arm can only stretch so far
don’t let them take how you danced,
stopping time and my heart
i’m dizzy out here alone
i know you are too, so grab ahold, love
it’s still here, we’re still here
i’m still here
caroline Nov 2018
endless chatter can make a full room seem empty just as words full of life can make an empty room seize with energy
where the right smile or laugh can surge through your bones,
triggering your pulse, endorphins, mind
once all the living fibers connect in both people, all the space becomes insignificant
the once stagnant air now spiraling between you
if telepathy were real, dear, it would happen between us
our every thought delivered just at the threshold of the other’s consciousness
hearts breaking and repairing together in an perpetual cycle
extreme highs and lows
but, in an instant, the bond snaps.
you’re gone, we’re gone in the wind
how can once indivisible should be back to monotonous motions
seemingly disappeared altogether
but do these lines of communication every truly break?
caroline Nov 2018
the crinkled pages send a cloud of dust into the air when they open
so useless, unreal, ancient
but the roots of the tree have long since grown down through these pages
grasping for anything it can hook onto
solid, steady, grounded
this is only to find its rooted itself in an object whose seams could disband at any moment
disrupting the very structure
the branches make their way to the heavens
twisting, turning, reaching
through cloud of thought an uncertainty
the base is wide but each limb becomes paper thin
so fragile, fleeting, transparent
the leaves seem to spring from the branches with no warning
some even have eyes watching and examining the damage below
oh, the mysteries they must see
the questions they must have
where does the line between fantasy and reality disappear?
caroline Nov 2018
is it all so carefully staged?
you’ve crafted a convincing plot, i’ll admit
was it all premeditated,
down to the residue of a nonchalant grin that was leftover where your lips should be
layered on top of your lightly dusted skin?
you seem to have embodied this role for far too long
even your subconscious doesn’t question your blurred motives
though the polygraph remained stagnant,
my eyes are not so gullible
at some point, your cover will be blown
your alibi will fall through
so don’t expect me to still be around
you cant care about not caring,
nature has strict rules about these contradictions
so make your next move carefully
authenticity always comes at a price,
and sometimes its even higher than that of concealment
caroline Nov 2018
just as i suspected, i can’t stop the earth’s rotation
solemn solidarity, thank you, you’re so gracious
i open those blinds every day, expecting a different outcome
even though we’ve reaching a mutual decision,
the clouds outside that window and i, that is
i guess i’ll take the blame, then, for how this unfolded
the reel of film spews out image after image
but as they develop, unbearably slowly,
nothing ever appears
each time, the anticipation the excitement builds
but i already knew it’d be futile
the light still claims it is recording and the blinds still rise and the world certainly still rotates
and behind my fleshy exterior, i still bleed
the flowing won’t stop
and thats the only thing i know for sure
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