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165 · Jun 2019
Kristen M Jun 2019
I don't know what will happen to me but I say,
Trust in God he will show you the way,
I came up short and became a stray,
But all I need is to pray,
He said "Listen my child, Follow Me, And Do As I Say, And You Will Be Part Of My Family,
Death will not take you from me because you would have morality.
Trust is all you need.... I asked God into my heart and I been changed ever since...
161 · Apr 2021
Not Knowing
Kristen M Apr 2021
The Weight of this fear is crushing
Everything in my mind is rushing
It goes fast,stops and goes in slow-motion
Not knowing what is right or what is wrong
Not knowing if I can stay as strong
{Not knowing if I can continue or if I should just give in}
Not knowing if should speak or stay silent
Not knowing if I am able to be nice or be violent  
Not knowing if I'm able to smile and be happy
Not knowing if I am able to keep a fake face
Not knowing if your able to keep your head out of space
Not knowing if this fear will take you or let you be
Not knowing if this thing will break you or take you
Everything is backwards nothing is straight
Not knowing if the path is wide or narrow
Not knowing if today is the day
The day we all fear, The end is near
so what will you chose?
155 · Apr 2021
Kristen M Apr 2021
The night falls near and so do my fears,
They terrify me in the night and stay till the morning light,
They keep me up and wondering who I am,
They keep me thinking who gives a ****,
The nightmares cut like a blade across my skin,
They push and pull me till my wit's end,
They slash at me with every move I make,
They do it till I'm about to break,
They go away till the next night,
Then they repeat till break of morning light,
They claw at me with all their might,
I may just be losing the fight,
Not understanding why me,
not knowing if I will be free, Free from all that pains me,
Free from all that takes me,
I fear it might so I continue to fight
but for how long can I hold up, I feel like I'm slipping again
That I'm losing all my fight, That I may just not be alright
I hide being a fake face and say I'm ok
But everything is starting to weigh
It's starting to weigh on me like a brick so heavy I can't lift it
I don't understand how to ask for help so
I just write this as a quick task.
151 · Jun 2019
Heaven Bound
Kristen M Jun 2019
I am hurting and broken
For you are my token
I call upon your name with all my might
You take me in your hand and hold me tight
I know I am safe and sound
For I am also heaven bound

"With you I know I can do anything Even conquer this pain  ,For you are my king as I am your follower
Take the right path
144 · Jun 2019
The Bird From Heaven
Kristen M Jun 2019
Your light shines bright on my face,
You make me the opposite of an empty space,
I get sad a bit then I read your word,
Then I look outside and I see a bird,
You sent the bird to show me the way,
And I follow it throughout the day,
In the end it leads me to you,
And the gates of Heaven open to let me through.....
The gates are open for to me but are they to you????
135 · Feb 2021
Kristen M Feb 2021
Her smile once so big and bright,
        Has now turned dark and without light,
Her eyes once had a sparkle,
         Now they are just empty and void,
Her heart once filled with joy and compassion,
         Has now turned dark and cold like the bottom of the ocean,
Her love once so strong,
         Has now turned into who can I trust,
Her being so brave,
         Has now turned into fear that keeps her slave,
Her happiness was so overpowering,
         But the fear is now towering,
Stopping her from doing anything,
          Always second-guessing,
Her friends once there,
        Are now gone like thin air,
She struggled and called out,
But no one understood her way of needing help,
She lost her way and lost everything,
She is alone and without hope,
She wishes people would understand,
She wishes people weren't so cold,
She just wants to be understood and welcomed,
But that will never be.
If there is anything you see that would make this better let me know. I am still learning how to do poetry like this.
134 · Jun 2019
Kristen M Jun 2019
The Ghost's Of My Past haunt me every night,
They dont go away even at morning light,
I ask you to take them away but they always stay,
You say "Listen My Child and Follow My Ways and Continue To Pray,
So I read your word and start to pray,
The ghost's of my past start to fade,
I am now following you and your ways,
I hope to be happy the rest of my days.
128 · Jun 2019
Happy Father's Day
Kristen M Jun 2019
Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers.... To the single parent Dad's... To the Foster Dad's... To the Step Dad's who take care of their kids..... To the ones who don't get to see their kids because there protecting us... To the ones we lost and are now in Heaven... To the ones we love the most.... To the ones who are new fathers... to the ones who are Grandfathers... And to GOD who made us and made our Fathers....

It may not rhyme but it's ok....
127 · Nov 2020
Kristen M Nov 2020
Alone I stand here under a birch tree,
Wanting to be set free,
Yelling all the words that are all unheard,
  Needing to get them unblurred,
If you could only know how bad they tear me apart,
Them words they are just stuck on my heart,
It tears me from the inside out
when I begin to start to shout,
but in the end, they will always stay unsaid.
126 · Nov 2020
Would anyone Care
Kristen M Nov 2020
Would anyone care if I just gave up
Would anyone care if I drank out of my death cup,
Would anyone care if I just stopped it all
Would anyone care if I jumped off a stone wall,
Would anyone care if that blade ends everything
The weight of the world gets to much its like I'm a puppet on a string,
Being pulled every which way not knowing which way I'm facing
My soul is giving up and my heart is racing,
Not knowing who is there or who will be
Just might be the thing that saves me or ends me
115 · Jun 2019
Morning light
Kristen M Jun 2019
I lay here in my bed at night
wondering about if I will see morning light,
My heart starts to race and it looses it's pace,
I can't seem to stay, I am always wondering away,
The place I call home is no loner there,
I drifted into the darkness without a flare,
Can anyone save me from myself, Or should I just say a farewell,
I scream and shout but I can't let it all out,
I can see you through the gray but you fade away,
But I can hear you say,
Come with me and you will see, A kingdom where all your pain will go away,
I find the strength to keep on going, But then I start to hear a crow Crowing,
Death is on its way, I can try to outrun it but its no use I can't fight it,
It come to take me away, and all I can say,
Please spare me, rescue me, I don't want to die,
I want to be able to see the next morning light.....
113 · Nov 2020
I'm Sorry
Kristen M Nov 2020
I'm sorry when the pain gets too much I shut down
I'm sorry that my smile has turned to a frown,
I'm sorry the person you would turn to for help is now helpless
I'm sorry that all of this is leaving me breathless,
I'm sorry when everything gets too much I don't know what to do
I'm just hoping that I will push through,
It gets hard at times to keep going
When all my flaws keep showing,
I'm sorry that I can't be enough for any of you
I'm sorry I can't be as strong as you need me to,
I'm sorry to drag you into my mess of a mind
I just need help getting out of this bind,
I struggle and I try to get out
But all I can do is scream and shout,
I yell at the top of my lungs but no one can hear me
I might as well go float in the dead sea,
I'm sorry that I drug you into all of this
But I'm stuck in an abyss
107 · Nov 2020
Mess of Me
Kristen M Nov 2020
In the middle of the night, I scream and cry
Contemplating on my last goodbye,
Thinking where will I go where will I abide
My mind is a warzone I'm broken on the inside,
Not knowing what will happen scares me
I just want to be at a place where I am carefree,
But that will never happen with the way I am
I just wish I could be a hologram,
Now you have seen the mess of me,
Now its my time to be free

— The End —