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519 · Feb 2014
Samantha Steele Feb 2014
one time someone said a gruesome thing to me

"i swear to god i will slit you open and drag
you up and down my street by your entrails"

people have told me to

"**** yourself, your not worth the space"
"fat cow"

and I froze up with fear
from the hostility
and I thought
"Where has our humanity gone"

And I relized

We lost it with our sisters and brothers over seas
with the violence
on our TV's
with the routine crime
in our cities and saying
"its just how it is"
our humanity has been bread out
and society has created
shells of once humans
i dont know where im going with this
516 · Apr 2013
Samantha Steele Apr 2013
Even though your at your end
You push through the sleepless nights


And once again everything is blurry
And your mind is everywhere

And those sweet little tablets
Cause your dispare

Mouth turns dry
And your face becomes pale
And your eyes become dull
And your body is weak
And bruises cover your soul
511 · Apr 2013
Samantha Steele Apr 2013
When stuck in a flesh cage
You must nourish it
You must feed it

She is stuck inside of you
You must purge her out
For she is sin

You must starve her
For she is sin
So you can be sinless

For small is holy
And that is what you must be
501 · Oct 2013
Samantha Steele Oct 2013
Was the temporary
worth the
long time
496 · Dec 2012
Samantha Steele Dec 2012
Your eyes are so mesmerizing
Your voice like liquid gold
Dripping off of my mind
Soaking it thoroughly
And my body turns to gold
Because of you
474 · Aug 2013
Don't Understand
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
you don't know what it's like
to look in the mirror and hate
every part of you
so please
don't say you understand
463 · Nov 2012
Words That Won't Flow
Samantha Steele Nov 2012
I cant write anymore
The words just won't flow
I have no anger- well, I have it
It just won't show.
I don't got no tears to shed
Ill just sit here, for hours on end.
If I did something drastic
The words would flow again
© SamanthaReganess
462 · Nov 2013
Clouded truth
Samantha Steele Nov 2013
with every exhale
she weaves a lie
the truth clouded
by the smoke in her lungs
and the smile
on her porcelain skin
458 · Nov 2012
Samantha Steele Nov 2012
I don't think
I could ever get past
The illusion
Of calling him daddy
442 · May 2013
words you didn't say
Samantha Steele May 2013
go ahead and drink the rest of your dad's whiskey
tighten the rope around your neck
and then jump away
and don't even say
RIP Kenny, ill miss you so much.
439 · Dec 2013
I want to be a Teacher.
Samantha Steele Dec 2013
I want to be a Teacher.
I want kids to feel the fire
that I do
not to just say
"Yes ma'am."
"Yes ma'am."
"Yes ma'am."
and not question
what they are being taught
I want them
to question
I want them to learn
not to take everything
at face value
and to
and I want that fire of theirs
to never go out
437 · Aug 2013
May 9th
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
May 9th

May 9th was the day you died
May 9th was the day your family died

May 10th was the day you almost died
May 10th was the day you went to the ER

May 11th was the day I almost died
May 11th was the day I didn't care anymore

August 1st was the day I started to care again.
436 · Mar 2014
The colors of the sheets
Samantha Steele Mar 2014
sheets were once colored red with passion
and so were your eyes
but the red soon bled out
and the sheets were changed
to a dull white
because of accidental bleaching
(but I wished they turned pink)
because the sheets lost their color
just like your eyes
434 · Apr 2012
Samantha Steele Apr 2012
It started with my wrists,
The deep gashes I made

Hands trembling
Scarlet spilling
Tears being made

With out hesitation
Without pause

My blood was spilling
Into the snow
Turning into a black pond

The razors slipped
Slick with blood

Blades falling into the snow
Tinkling like a wind chime
The sound was


And I started going mad
started hearing sounds
started SEEING things

The snow was red,
The rain was red

Everything was red
427 · Aug 2014
Samantha Steele Aug 2014
God, there's something special about

But I couldn't tell you what
It's somewhat
But well known
How when uncut
I loosen up
I really don't know what to do with this.
426 · Sep 2013
Samantha Steele Sep 2013
you called me feral
and played with my hair

but i felt tamed
by your hands
424 · Nov 2013
Why is it?
Samantha Steele Nov 2013
Why is it
that my misery
is always so beautiful?
Why is it
that my pain
is so exotic?
Why is it
that  my heartbreak
is so amazing to you?
414 · Oct 2012
Mutual Agreement
Samantha Steele Oct 2012
Ha, love. I don't even know what it is anymore.
He thought he did for the longest time.
He knows,
Knows that he can make me feel good
Where others have hurt me
He will hold no convictions or judgment
In exchange for the same
I can agree to that
One of these days he says
Just let me come show you a good time
Unlike I've ever experienced
Because I know I need it
Maybe you need it more than I do
412 · Dec 2013
Samantha Steele Dec 2013
I can feel
the seasons changing
the icy cold
the fire in the hearth
talking about Gods
because they are not dead
they live within me
and my stories
weave the web
that catches them
406 · Oct 2013
An emotion so
Samantha Steele Oct 2013
an emotion so bitter
that it makes your teeth clench

an emotion so strong
that you cant even breathe

an emotion so wild
that your whole world turns red
405 · Jan 2013
I love you
Samantha Steele Jan 2013
I didnt realize it when it happened
I had no clue
But I let you work your way in
I love you
I love you
I love you.
And it hurts so bad
And your lips are so good
Your arms around me feel amazing
Your breath on my neck when you sigh
Your heart beating quickly
You lips leaving red marks on my neck
Your body aginst mine as we dance surrounded by people
The look that you give me.
I love you
I love all of you
And it hurts so bad
Cant you see how much pain im in?
Just look into my ******* eyes
You scare me
I love you too.
395 · Jan 2013
Samantha Steele Jan 2013
The water surrounds her
Gently kissing at her scars
Turing her skin red
The razor glints in her hand
She stares at it absent mindedly
Deep in thought
Thinking about her past
And how it brought her to this point
She lays her head back and sighs
*"This is it".
394 · Apr 2013
Physical Nightmare
Samantha Steele Apr 2013
Hair darkened from the ashes of burnt souls
Ruby lips from painting on sinners blood
Sharp nails to take away your sight
Skin pale from taking the sun
She makes your desires dark
Twisted like her
391 · Dec 2013
10 months
Samantha Steele Dec 2013
Its been 10 months
and I still love you
ive heard you cry
and beg for forgiveness
but none was given
but 10 months later
im still alone
and I still
love you
390 · Sep 2013
Samantha Steele Sep 2013
They were our thing once.

We would gift them to each other,
to help us cope with being

I have one
and it still smells like memories
cigarettes, ***, your home.
but its fading

The other one smells like you
And I hold it to me when im sad
                                                 or mad
                                                      or scared
                                                          ­or just numb.
374 · Dec 2012
Haunting Dreams
Samantha Steele Dec 2012
You say you'll haunt me in my dreams
But baby
You dont realize that you already do
I dream of you
Torturing my body with yours
Get ******* in me
Because baby
I want you so much it hurts
374 · Aug 2013
I saw you in my sleep
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
I saw you in my sleep
slamming my door
and showing me my biggest fear

I saw you in my sleep
wrecking everything I hold dear
and you lying on the floor

I saw you in my sleep
372 · May 2013
I'm Here
Samantha Steele May 2013
When you fall down screaming and crying
Know that I'm here
Screaming and crying with you
Holding your hand
I'm here
371 · Oct 2013
Samantha Steele Oct 2013
we laid down together
and you asked me about the stories
behind my scars
and I told you about all the times I fell
and how I got that one on my shin
and the one on my chest
but when you got to some scars
I just shook my head and smiled and said
"maybe ill tell you one day"
but I don't plan on ever telling you
about the cluster of scars
on my thighs
or my wrists
because I may be a book
but those are stories I don't ever want to tell
370 · Oct 2013
Samantha Steele Oct 2013
I think that being lonely
is one of the worst things
a human can experience
because it feels so final
than everything you've ever felt
368 · Dec 2013
Samantha Steele Dec 2013
Ive held the winters frost within my veins
as your flaming tongue lingered upon my lips,
wanting only you.
Feeling your fingers dance along my hips
making me feel like I am engulfed in fire.
For fingers slowly melted my heart.
I had opened to love,
for that you gave me.
368 · Apr 2012
Death March
Samantha Steele Apr 2012
A death march,

My death march.

Die and be dead.

A death march,

My death march,

Everything was red.
366 · Aug 2013
If I Jumped
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
If I
I would turn into a memory
my things would be put into storage
and the sound off my voice forgotten
the way I laughed
it would all fade away
in a matter of seconds
364 · Jan 2013
Im fine
Samantha Steele Jan 2013
No, no, im fine.
I swear.
Ill just take some pills to make it better.
They make everything fine.
Everything better.
I forget.
362 · Jul 2013
Black Blood
Samantha Steele Jul 2013
I can feel it slithering through my veins
turning my blood black
and grabbing hold of my soul
and never
351 · Jul 2013
Samantha Steele Jul 2013
Laying under the stars
but I cant see them
Hold the sun in my eyes
but I don't show it
Hold the universe in my soul
but I don't unlock it
342 · Apr 2013
While im gone
Samantha Steele Apr 2013
The things you do while im gone:

-Forget about me
-Sleep with her
-Fall out of love

with me.

-Go to sleep happy
-Have a restful sleep
-Wake up happy

without me.

-Leave me
340 · Oct 2013
Samantha Steele Oct 2013
I like to drink a lot in the winter
'cause then I don't notice
the biting cold at my cheeks
or at my heart
333 · Jan 2013
If this is what it is
Samantha Steele Jan 2013
If this is what love is then I dont want it
Get it the **** away from me
Its tearing me apart
More importantly
my skin
Love makes me do stupid ****
And its all for you
Ill sacrifice my happiness for you
Just because I love you
And what will you do for me?
Will you try to make this work?
331 · Jul 2012
Samantha Steele Jul 2012
My eyes are squeezed shut in an attempt to keep the last of my sanity
I still feel all of my emotions and my minds repeating everything
My mind wont stop and I cant seem to control anything
Nothing goes right and I keep asking him to stop
And he wont and it makes my hands tremble
Im thinking about the sleeping pills
Thinking about taking them
To help me escape
This hell
318 · Jul 2012
Her story
Samantha Steele Jul 2012
And she writes her story with blood,
Her blood.

And she crys
Shes screaming help me

But no one hears her pleas
Shes going insane

And no one can help her
shes off to her own demise.
318 · Oct 2013
bad friend
Samantha Steele Oct 2013
when you talk about him
i feel bad
but i cant help but to
think back
to his face thrown back
in ecstasy
due to me
314 · Aug 2013
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
I took some pills
and my hands were still shaking
the water was running
it turned pink
then red
and then they stopped shaking
309 · Aug 2013
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
Baby i'll be
under your sheets
or over them
just don't say
*I love you
299 · Feb 2013
Just stay a while longer
Samantha Steele Feb 2013
You only have to touch me to drive me wild
You're voice, it makes me quiver
All the things I want from you
Please, just stay a while
Because I need you
Just talk to me
294 · Dec 2012
Samantha Steele Dec 2012
its like
your mind is drowning
and all the voices are muffled
and everything is fuzzy and you cant pay attention
and you just keep going
to the point of where you cant see
can breathe
cant hear
cant do anything
all of your energy is gone
and you just want to sleep
to forget
and to never wake up
292 · Aug 2013
Someone To Say
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
I want someone to say
"I got lost inside of her,
and I don't want to find my way"

I want someone to say
"Her eyes stole my soul,
I don't want it back"

I want some one to say
"Her mouth ate me whole,
I don't want to be spit out"

I want someone to say
"Her hands captured my body,
I don't want to be let go"
291 · May 2013
Samantha Steele May 2013
is this what he felt like
on the edge
like he was drowning
at the end
289 · Jul 2012
Untitled 2
Samantha Steele Jul 2012
I want drugs

Drugs that make me look ******* fine

I thought I put all of that **** out of my mind
This is another poem that I dont know what to do with, its just been floating around my notebook.
288 · Aug 2013
Samantha Steele Aug 2013
I think that


There's a reason deeper than what you say
to make you destroy yourself like this

and just maybe

I'm wasting my time
trying to help you
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