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Sam Temple Aug 2016
upon the
lollipops dance

hangman’s noose

Aug 2016 · 260
this time
Sam Temple Aug 2016
stripped  away and sanded down
old love settles /

creaking knees still
bare love’s weight
sweet neck nuzzles
faint patchouli /

hot dog breath
crowds exposed legs /

tipping slightly
placing a soft kiss
onto a smooth cheek /

sunbeams through lace treatments
spotlights our tattooed rings
our eyes meet /

gently upturning
our smiles align
with the sun and moon /

timeless and constant
our love reincarnates
next time we meet
each time
until we travel the cosmos
as wind /
Aug 2016 · 327
equal design
Sam Temple Aug 2016
alleyway stagnation
rivulets of ammonia wander
inhibition slides
out of sight
and shoeless travelers
defecate on pizza boxes ~

worn thin soles
mold to each pebble
reflexology of the pavement
chakras explode with
symbolic frippery
leaving tendrils of aura
slipping into the pastel sunset ~

both hands hold carbon
crumbling and geo-engineered
star souls wait in silence
egg fertilization
key to reforming
birthed again
without fission ~

swaddled universe
howling siren
ships crash on basalt spies
crimson waves alter tourist sands /
Sam Temple Aug 2016
wallflower in shaded green
corrugated plastic roofing
spackled autumn rose
sips tainted punch
under electric seafoam

distorted top 40
crackles and punches
soft youthful eardrums
damp with recent tongue visits

fingers twist and tug
meaningless petals flutter
eyes watch hands slip
natural rouge spreads
heating both neck and face

too ashamed to move
too angry to speak
daggers of poison ice fly
piecing both their flesh
leaving them dead in pools
teenage angst strikes again

silent walk past dark houses
tears fall on dusty streets
tattered gloves float  --
Aug 2016 · 399
Bernie Christ
Sam Temple Aug 2016
close your eyes and dream
open your heart and let the
‘Sanders Spirit’ flow through you .........
         It’s easy!

just take a moment to help your fellow man
pause for a second to consider
being considerate

      show compassion
            to your brethren
                     with empathy
                           and care /

people get lost in dollar signs
thinking a socialist wants all
your personal property
this is of course
pure hogwash
spoken from lips of those locked in greed
            who have forgotten their neighbors
                       first name /

forget Jesus…..
2000 year plus absentee specter
asking you to turn cheeks
so as to be hit again
think ‘Sanders Spirit’
and share
if nothing else
your love /
Aug 2016 · 306
evening near the crick
Sam Temple Aug 2016
droplet ripples disrupt stillness
quiet mountain lake distorts
echoing chirps bounce along
canyon walls
breezes tease the turning leaves ~

bedded doe in thick bramble
snoot to the sky
capturing whiffs of potential danger
and apples ripe enough
to eat /

distant coyote yip
breaks through
softly singing to pups
the coming of night ~

crickets rosin bows and play
filling the countryside
with nature’s fiddle
above, a yellow moon smiles
casting shadows and humming
in time /
Aug 2016 · 311
he seemed nice enough......
Sam Temple Aug 2016
burly gents in waxed mustache
line wooden tavern walls
intently scoping fresh hams
eyes bulge and saliva drips

                                             one might think
                                                                   they never saw a woman

wolfishly staring pondering dinner
to chew through satin of blue
and expose soft pink delicacy
Cosby considerations in the lonely afternoon

Can I get you a          drink?
May I hold your                   purse?

lost in character  
the would be ******
holds the door
looking at an
apple shaped bottom
as they enter, together,
the establishment /
Jul 2016 · 263
accidental fastball
Sam Temple Jul 2016
dirt clod sails
pitched wildly
from rough hands
glinting stone
peaks through
deadly in its camouflage ~

pressed wildflowers
fill pages
ruffled sundress
sparkling under the sky
surrounded by lush green
enjoying pleasantries
humming absentmindedly ~

erupting forth
the barely noticeable stone
sheds the brown suit
upon impact
landing with force enough to
split and blacken
crimson trickle
wailing banshee ~

sudden swiftness from near a barbeque
blows rain down
hostile wind flows forth
distant sirens fill the space
all quietly watched
the final collapse
of tired lungs /
Jul 2016 · 294
the silliest lie
Sam Temple Jul 2016
what sounds good
is that we all write for ourselves
that we write because of passion
we have to
we can’t not write

such drivel
this is a public site
if you post your work here
it is not

just for you /

sure, you like to pretend
it’s all about craft
honing skill
trying to be better

this is a public site

expect feedback ~

lies are acceptable
we are writers after all
poets, really
but you shy away
like that word
hurts you
like embracing your gift
makes you an egomaniac
instead of driven
makes you pretentious
as opposed to free /

each time you type your life
then submit it to this site
you are no longer writing solely for yourself


that bubble needs burst

you are writing for acceptance
for love
for community


you would simply file each writing
into your desk
never to be seen again /
Jul 2016 · 579
accepting self
Sam Temple Jul 2016
It’s such a strange phenomenon
people writing poetry
desperately seeking not to be called a poet
like they are afraid of that label
like if they call themselves a poet
instantly you are held to a special standard
you are forced to be brilliant and insightful
each breath inhaling beauty
and exhaling wisdom and exuberance
maybe you think you have to sell all your clothes
wear only black and brood
contemplate death endlessly
while recognizing nothing as worthy
or interesting
only pain is real
if you say you are a poet…..

I am a poet.
I write poetry near daily.
I think about the way in which the leaves twirl
as they fall to the ground
consider children running through hoses
in the summer ~

I am a poet because there is no other name for me /
Jul 2016 · 219
decision time
Sam Temple Jul 2016
watery eyes blur after a yawn
unwelcome images play in the saline
chawed hands elongate
feeling tugged as the shadow calls
thoughts trail into thin tendrils
smoky whips of nonsensical incoherence
unfinished ideas void of flesh
waltz merrily with lost lovers
and screaming banshees
stretching and shaking cobwebs loose
only the hum of discontent lasts
alone with complacency
intellectualism flees
bad ideas pepper
only a single option remains
time to get the **** outta here /
Sam Temple Jul 2016
don’t bother
hitting the heart
sharing, liking, paying, promoting
save your energy
and time ~
we are not friends
brothers and sisters in poetry
I am a rude 40 year old white guy
who writes as release
writes to be the best I can be
writes with an eye to hard print publication
I write for me
this is just somewhere to put it… ~
I barely ready anything here
your feelings, musings, thoughts
useless fodder cluttering my home page
worthless nonsense *******
barley coherent in its triviality ~
remove yourself from me
for a new version is about to break free
the hostility I exude on facebook and twitter
is finding a new home
here ~
Jul 2016 · 727
welcoming committee
Sam Temple Jul 2016
rushing mountain stream
grey stones protrude
blackberries hang just above
little splashes cause sparkles
sunshine filters through branches
light dances on the moving promenade
a lonely leaf passes by without fanfare ~
we sit watching
discussing home ownership steps
dropping names of realtors
considering taking the plunge
just over 1050 square feet
spring fed wood and oil heat
tiny cabin off Tree Farm road
future property of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Lyman Temple ~
bright blue Steller’s Jay
squawks his arrival
***** a mow-hawked head
and considers us for a moment
three quicks hops and one more call
before he flies off into the foothills
nature gifting us a nod of approval /
Jul 2016 · 172
easier now
Sam Temple Jul 2016
When darkly falls the languid night
and tails all are tucked
frightened faces peer out from sheets
pulled round their head so tight

the moon shown full upon the wall
casting shadow through the tree
gnarled fingers scratch the glass
an owl sounds its call

windswept clouds shift the mood
new pictures form and melt
distorted ghosts play in the din
postures angry and lewd

youthful eyes dart left then right
terror fills a quick beating heart
sweat droplet slips into the quilt
strange noises enhance the fright

creaking boards and a squeaky door
send thoughts of an intruder
robbers, aliens, psychopathic killers
come to settle an unknown score

minutes pass and hours slip quickly by
heavy lids give way to sleep
dreams of restful nights of peace
and images of a blue clear sky

every day the same story is told
fearfully trembling until rhythmically snoring
the plot seems worn and ragged
and this life is getting old

before the sun set and darkness settled in
he cradled a chrome 45
thought of a lifetime living in fear
and how it would never bother him again /
Jul 2016 · 224
education office breather
Sam Temple Jul 2016
2 inch tree tops dot the skyline
red brick beneath housing the insane
education office desk
overlooking bars, concertina, and walls
promoting freedom of mind
in a maximum security facility /

he pops his head in asking if he is in trouble
pleading a case before there is a crime
smiling and offering smooth reassurance.
both of us hope I am not speaking out of turn…..

                         there is always a chance I am full of ****

we part ways as he heads to chow
I click clack the keyboard in time
chapel choir muffled bellowing
behind them, radio’s crackle with line movement /
Jul 2016 · 253
Sam Temple Jul 2016
beyond wire fencing
chiseled bodies
sweat under new slavery’s sunshine
clanging weights fall without care
as ancient pulleys bear the brunt /
six feet stomp around the track
four laps equaling one mile
the three bronzed men
have walked 736 miles together
so far this year ~
it being only mid-July
they have a goal of 2000 a year…
no one doubts their determination
only if they can avoid segregation /
loud voices echo
as a soccer ball fly’s foul
the loudspeaker interrupts the game
as the yard closes for another day /
Jul 2016 · 266
lost evening
Sam Temple Jul 2016
silver sphere suspended
atmospheric phenomenon
through the dark branches of an old oak
it hovers ~

arm hairs stand
magnetized and energetic
they seemingly dance along the tanned skin
weaving and braiding themselves
while a low mysterious hum
surrounds me ~

frozen in place
not with terror
but instead with molecular glue
feet became ground
rooted to the grasses and trees around me
I was one with the landscape
before instantaneously I felt
myself floating
blinded and paralyzed ~

the cold metal table had the same hue
as the silver sphere I had seen
in the sky
resting behind the old oak
that sunny afternoon
unable to hold my thoughts I considered cheese
why we ingest cow milk rotted
I thought back to hot stringy grilled cheddar
as I watched grey tubes being pulled from my body
examined by three fingered hands
and placed back inside my body cavity /
the vision is startling
I remain numb and interestedly intoxicated
as a whiskey drunkard on payday
witnessing his own appendectomy ~

flashing strobes holiday style
leave me disorientated and nauseous
beneath my brick stained hands
green shoots of grass
poke up
I puke ~

staggering and trying to orientate myself
I realize it is early morning
and I am face down in the yard
above oak branches cross
and block a shiny silver anomaly
floating in the blue sky /
Jul 2016 · 350
Tripping OCF2016
Sam Temple Jul 2016
electric tingle travels spinally
and I exhale a breath 17 years held
double dose gel cap
freed again through LSD ~

vibrating with bass drops
howling without control
fixated on raindrops sliding
along glass
behind the pane
wet leaves tremble /

furrows of worry smooth
deep inhalation
and memories of peaceful transgression
replace twitching eye lid
and monetary concern ~

having forgotten my old self
what a pleasure it is to see me
again /
Jul 2016 · 426
Dose of Real
Sam Temple Jul 2016
beauty fades to grey
foreboding storm clouds
carry bigotry bolts
and the thunder of fascism ~

she tells babies
fanciful tales
leaving out the hot breath, sharp scales, and jagged claws
handing over a leashed dragon
for holiday /

a child walks through front doors
never stepping on a crack
plays nicely on fresh mowed grass
sheltered from truth
until the van pulls up
presenting brightly colored
sugar coated
reality /
Jul 2016 · 173
the beginning
Sam Temple Jul 2016
there is a line of thought
that each soul chooses its path
creating a general outline of experiences
a sense of direction without any concrete
it was then I became a writer ~

my mother sat me upon her lap
read to me little golden books
and Dr. Seuss
from time to time she would experience nostalgia
and read to me her own youthful writings
it was then I became a writer  ~

AP English taught by a wicked witch
no vision   no freedom     no fun
write this style this way or fail
I failed
it was then I became a writer  ~

sobbing over stationary
attempting to write away a failed marriage
trying to rhyme piece of mind
with leaving a daughter behind
ultimately choosing a needle and the life
like Hunter, Jack, and William…..
it was then I became a writer ~

sitting across from murderers
sharing the secret I held most dear
I read aloud my poetry for the first time
It was then I became a writer  ~

I became a writer the moment I
cocked my head to examine closer the delicate petals
of a dandelion  ~

I became a writer the instant I felt
          anything  ~

the day I set my hand free
and it became dearest of friends
with both my head and heart
that is the day I became a writer /
Jul 2016 · 341
touring the mountain pass
Sam Temple Jul 2016
wildly winding mountain road
descending elevation blurs
careening towards freedom
the darkness seems to follow ~
white knuckled and madly steering
screeching wheels struggle to grip
gaskets swell with petroleum pressure
radiator coolant hisses and spits ~

a long exhale on a straight stretch
a droplet of harsh mortality
leaves the temple
and travels its own downhill journey
twisting along the neck
banking on the pectoral incline
picking up speed slaloming belly hair ~

slamming the transmission into first
engine whine echoes
howling moan bounces off canyon walls
as the cramp in my colon reaches
maximum ache
I drop the metaphor and head to the toilet /
Jul 2016 · 267
like maple leaves
Sam Temple Jul 2016
pianist extremities grace battered skin
soft sighs and indiscernible whispers follow
the soothing of unconditional love
gives any horror some reprieve /

emotional balance tips precariously
the crevasse bottomless and lavender
only the azure of her eyes
keeps the see-saw at bay /

painfully wanting physical contact
stretched fingers like maple leaves
caught in a warm August breeze
never knowing contentment or peace /

alone with the mirror and memory
haunted by unclear faces
youthful victims and playmates
wind chime within a closed mind /
Jul 2016 · 724
the poet's job
Sam Temple Jul 2016
wordsmithing virus lyric
twisting lines empirically
like British empire builders
treating native speakers
subhuman /
reading worn cliché
daily lamenting regurgitated
form and style
while smiling at the beguiling nature
of multisyllabic structure ~
it’s easy to forget (in a legalization nation)
that the idea of utilizing parentheticals
is really
just using parenthesis  ~
creating space between the artist


is pretentiousness personified /

it is our job to play Ishmael
and take them with us
not leave them shore bound
watching the speck of sail
slip into the stratosphere ~

come with me
lend me your hand
more importantly your eyes
and an open mind ~

then we can journey
together /
Jul 2016 · 456
skin issues
Sam Temple Jul 2016
skin, so little faith
they think you may crack
under sunshine
break with words
fall apart at conflict ~
it does not
elastic properties
complete with personal regeneration
self-healing… self-correcting…
self, your skin /

do you not realize
at moment of birth
only one thing truly protects you
only one ***** takes the world on
only one facet shines red
brown and yellow
peachy apricot and olive
all under the blue sky  ~

it has been forgotten
especially by United States society
how tough skin is
how wondrous its ability to bounce back
from 700 pounds to 175 ~
after 70% burned in a house fire ~
and yes, your skin can heal
even after
you are insulted ~

the real concern
is if you can let it /
Jul 2016 · 702
summer slough
Sam Temple Jul 2016
spotted fishy wandering brook
leaning willow casts shade
mud and clay banks bake
August dries the shoreline ~

mosquito larva dart
evading crawdad claws
red and robust /
a dragonfly lights softly
metallic blue eye scans ~

death rattle of a male mourning dove
perched above passing perch
calling to a mate
that sits just beyond sound /
dusty wind floats lazily
carrying warmth
and the scent of marsh ~
decomposing ***** willows
melt into the muck
giving carp
tasty treats /
Jul 2016 · 363
wrestling fan
Sam Temple Jul 2016
flying elbow smash
top rope lunatic
smashing forearms with finesse
deftly bringing a ruckus crowd
to froth ~
cleverly spouted phrases
heel delivery  
sneering with spittle soaring
microphone weather system /

flexed pecs bounce in time
chanting masses standing proud
electric air
goose bumps for all ~

steel chair buckles
as skin distorts and goes purple
screaming hordes count in unison
each whack brings fresh cheers
sprinkled with groans
their ‘guy’ has been beaten ~

sweat pours from a chiseled physique
and a belt is raised high /
Jun 2016 · 320
stick ball revisited
Sam Temple Jun 2016
darkly were the eve
‘n they played in streets
torn sneaker stick ball
under twinkling lavender ~
gnats circle lampposts
blind and lost
forever beholden to
electric lies /
bats dart seemingly haphazard
plucking juicy morsels
dusky scene unfolds ~
hollering mothers
send waves of discontent
as the last player
kicks rocks
until porchlight /
Jun 2016 · 722
sounds for ears
Sam Temple Jun 2016
Envisioning revisions
Singing broken rhythms
Carrying misgivings about miscarriages
Disparaging pigeons
White speckled calling cards hardly
Invoke the Bard of North Korea
I be your favorite poetic stylist
Freely beguiling smiling at the Wailing Wall
Rotary phone call shopping mall sneakers
Tweekers in Arby’s bathroom break
Picking faces like lottery scratchers
Meekly begging change with blank expressions
Did I mention we offer refreshments?
Jun 2016 · 270
Sam Temple Jun 2016
Fully entrenched in my MFA program. Will start posting again in July. I plan on cleaning up my page and presenting myself slightly more professional.....slightly.

Love you all,

See you soon,

Less 'cute' and forced, more revision and polish.
Sam Temple Jun 2016
florida panhandlers sandal tan is grandiose in its segrega-shan
city planners fan the flames and canned candied yams expand
the ******* underhanded band called Manfred Mann
killed Dan Rather in the soft white Hawaiian sands
expanding his hands and glands through a process
developed by Ayn Rand
for the growing party of
republic-ans –
Jun 2016 · 414
stoner dog
Sam Temple Jun 2016
a long slow exhale sends my med of choice swirling around the candlelit room
everything comes down half a step and a smooth calm surfaces
irritations fade and the Wu bumps me free
thin smile passes across my eyes as shoes tumble
little tan Pit rolls over and sniffs the cloud
leans partly against me and partly against the soft brown couch
both of us stare off into space
eyes glazed
fully medicated –
Jun 2016 · 482
never alone
Sam Temple Jun 2016
we all rise and fall with the calling
long after lives are lived and ambition becomes compost
the vibration continues
energy mingles with the surrounding atmosphere
giving ghostly haunts a place to reside
on the edge of sanity and the shoreline
when the tide is out far enough
and the stars shine without moonlight
from the precipice of an river inlet
one can see the flat earth
and spin infinitely, a cosmic dot
recognizing itself as forever
part of everything –
we lost a poet today, but he is with us still, musing and inspiring
Jun 2016 · 368
thoughts on revision
Sam Temple Jun 2016
Dew drops shined on the grass
Morning dew glistened on the fresh green shoots

The delicate dew drops
at the very tips of
long and reaching
blades of green grass
in the warm summer sun

the dampness of night left its traces
dancing upon the crab
as the dawn glow shown across the valley

nearly translucent water particles
waiting for the rays to transmogrify
their very structure
and give rise to photosynthesis
under the starshine


Dum dum dum dum doobie doobie do
Dum dum dum dum dum
Doobie doobie …

Two dew drops walked into a straw shack
Rolled into a grass hut
Sauntered into an old saloon…..

The morning dew sent me spinning……
Sam Temple Jun 2016
jumping to stump speechify
my eyes cast upon a darkened horizon
locusts and tsunami
sahara dust storm 1000 miles wide
stretching into the stratosphere
engorged on the land laid out before
fattened and grotesque
the words spew forth
slime coated and green
sickeningly sweet to inferior ears
tales of bigotry and fascism
are spread on the common core classrooms
like molasses
giving everything a hue of diarrhea
**** water paint job
gleaming teeth of innocent school babes
tainted by the lies
and unrealized potential
a nation sits in its **** and waits
for anyone to extend a hand –
Sam Temple Jun 2016
Replaying what their saying praying they bring light to this white uptight insightful wannabe rapper
Cracking the code attacking the slackers taking wack swings trying to use the Clapper dressed dapper
Like Versace shoestrings singing like ODB making sure my breaths clean, it’s my upbringing two parent
Household got no gold but I make you mind blown rocking rhymes about frog and toad I’m road worn
And born weary love oregon’s rain, dreary love to read Beverly Cleary like Ramona wasn’t cheerleading
A future bare back ******* posing as a children’s reader more like a chicken head feeder yet sweeter
Cold toes in the morning gotta find a slipper pull up my cargo pants, can’t find the zipper feeling like
Jack Tripper …. its slipperier the ***** to attacking Iraq with most black troops a whole new set of roots
The truth is uncouth like jerking off in a telephone booth *** shooting on yellow pages gobs coating
Everyones names strangers in cages with rage faces and misplaced hate…******* ingrates –
Jun 2016 · 370
some morning woo-d
Sam Temple Jun 2016
a debt is owed to those of you
who write so clean and pure and true
inspiring me through and through
washing away shades of grey and blue

t’was as if you’d always knew
the way to build me up anew
like a cobbler designing a shoe
you spoke to me as I changed and grew

i lost to taste for rotten shrew
and threw away memories not of you
until I sat alone, hair askew
wondering what next I would do

then came a flash that skewered me through
I was only able to muster a ‘mew’
as the realization came that this could never undue
the great Ric Flair and his infamous “Woooooo”

the point is, if I can get real here, crew
it’s important to me, the writing you do
this comes from my heart so it has to be true
I hope you all have a day under skies sunny and blue –
I just love you folks..... happy to be part of this community of writers
May 2016 · 226
here's a thought........
Sam Temple May 2016
overcome with thankfulness and gratitude
sitting in my regular life
with my common car
enjoying brain chemistry
free from lapsing synapsis
and misfiring nodes
I live mentally healthy
it is my joy –
of course I get down
the weight of the world
attempting to rest on my shoulders
I shrug
pull the rug
and unplug…
do mounting bills cause pressure?
could a opinionated youth
be reason for irritation?
are stinky dogs
enough to make one curl into a ball
and cry or stare
trapped in despair
hair all messed
acting contrarily to your ideal of self…
the point is
the world is not all roses and ice cream –
we all face adversity
we all experience anger
when we allow that feeling
to rule our lives
we are slaves
to chemistry –
I know, I know
Where is my compassion?
Where is my empathy?
I just don’t know what depression really is
I just can’t relate to a lack of attention
I just don’t understand the pain……
I do…….
I just get over myself
wash my **** face
and step out into the day

try it –
Sam Temple May 2016
Trump reached the magic number
pledged delegates

this morning…..
sad day for the nation.....
May 2016 · 351
thirsty desert
Sam Temple May 2016
the embankment was crumbling red clay
drought had removed any moisture
and mule deer migration had
destroyed the edge
below, cracked and warped,
the lake bed sent mirages
shimmering along the horizon…
it was from this shimmering
that a figure appeared
at first easily discounted as imagination
or the heat dancing on the sandy soil
but as the edges became more defined
the figure took a solid state
as one lone pronghorn
meandered slowly across the desert
looking for any sage with green tips
or juniper with new growth
to satiate its near unquenchable
thirst –
May 2016 · 337
she saves it for me
Sam Temple May 2016
stubbly cheek and chin run along
a smooth creamy leg
the faint sent of pre-*** wafts
as a slight moan escapes her lips
the back of a rugged hand brushes away
fallen hairs
laying haphazard across a face
engrossed in ecstasy
gently rubbing the nub behind decorated *******
drawing forth inadvertent twists
and a few giggles and excited noises
teeth grip and tug at elastic
exposing a trimmed and curly
treasure trove
I dive with abandon
enjoying a meal
saved just for me –
May 2016 · 860
fuck social media
Sam Temple May 2016
While snapchatting about my newest cat fail video
my Instagram bea blew up my twitter feed
I was all, “***! DM much…”
But she was already facebooking selfies.
I shot her a gif and invited her to follow me
On tumblr….
The whole time lamenting
Over my dead myspace account –
Sam Temple May 2016
Just beats on amazon prime groove train taking my mind
Unwinding inside the ride I applied tide and sideways glanced at a passing fancy
Take a chance on me and see the reality of freedom in an American slum war vet bums with their hair in buns growing hipster beards for fun better run to the PX and demand *** from reckless transgendered
Next step Freddy Fender Tejano  rockers walls crashers in bobby socks fighting ***** behind the block building wielding cash money slinging organic honey skinning bunnies on a sunny Tuesday
The blues swaying my body as I rocksteady the cracked Levey with a disheveled teddy bear in tow
Can’t touch this flow like the raging river goes and a runny nose when the allergy shows if you didn’t already know MCDJpjs can still touch his toes
Homeboy I am limber yoga instructor over for dinner Charlie sheen style winner and I grin with a thousand watt smile
sometimes one is stricken with a need to do one is such a day
Sam Temple May 2016
Rollin down the street with lil Pauly trollin all the freaks with their Converse conversing on the Servicemen and the suicide rates waiting at the gates for the slow ride to make the left turn at the community estate, I state, its great liven upper middle in the greenest state eating entitlement cake acting like I am vital and any mistake would break the system we bump fists and switch the disk by remote control stroll down the veranda like a Versace panda rockin an ice banana and a Bernie Sanders bandana living breathing socialism planner listen to the police scanner don't have to smoke bammer like Loc in the slammer up in Alabama fresh pajamas flannel and polyester pics of a jester wrestler molesting a waitress successfully doing the Cosby ya'll be callin me insensitive but I'm representative of a nation that don't give a **** --
May 2016 · 760
GED rap (MCDJpjs)
Sam Temple May 2016
Sittin at my desk wrestin with casas testers it’s a mess in the west when they express they hate these tests I rest my head on the desk and try to take a nap, restless sleep as my guests are blessed with criminal success and some failure see they are in jail and your gonna meet me if you leave the streets and catch a rap maybe packin a strap thinkin you all that it’s a trap like chicky saying its your baby actin lazy head all hazey bout to go crazy but instead you head to the jail cell cant afford bail whinning and wailing set you mind sailing quit flailing and failing let jail bring you educational singing graduation bells ringing mamma bringing baby sister to the shindig, it’s a win win better community orientation with a chance at employment despite a conviction let go the friction its just a decision and I am given you the chance to start liven …..
May 2016 · 227
my moment
Sam Temple May 2016
It really is the little things…
catching her watching me watching t.v.
our fingers bumping under rich dark soil
simultaneously saying “I love you”
and smiling... –
I lay in bed last night
listening to you breathe
thinking about your story
and you knew
at a kiss…
I thought a lot about my moment
about when I knew –
you stood in the doorway
stunning and aglow
and said the words,
“when I get back you can have me
any way you want me.”
I lay there thinking
“I want you every way
for the rest of my life.” –
May 2016 · 221
humanity (10W)
Sam Temple May 2016
What if……

               our curse

                          is to witness

the earth

                                     die –
May 2016 · 267
Sam Temple May 2016
my color keeps me safe
and warm
entrenched in a racist system
of hate values organized as political movement
try as I might,
there is no relationship between myself
and the larger country around me –
born Oregonian
only about 3 million of us as a state
the majority of the geography
votes red
the mass of the populace
lives in Portland proper
and makes the laws for the state
blue laws….
we are predominately white
predominantly rural
predominantly not well educated
welcome to my state –
no amount of reading
or watching lamestream media
could ever gift me
with real understanding
of a ghetto
or poverty as it exists nationally…
we have homeless encampments
and minority communities
just small scale –
darting eyes scan the landscape
seeking connection to the national issues
attempting to relate to federal politics
finding instead
my lawn needs mowed
and my dogs need fed –
I am sure there are many of us
who would fight for solutions
who would stand of injustice
those of us who long to truly know the United States as free
as the land of liberty
and equality
as today,
those are myths I was told as a child
myths that not every American household uses
to put fussy children to bed –
Sam Temple May 2016
I pulled him in the little wagon
the dry grass was browned by the sunshine
his joyful squeal egged me on and I ran faster
the uneven ground was deceptive
and one wheel caught a hidden old gopher hole
the wagon bounced high and flipped
as I let go I saw a different expression on his face
one of terror and uncertainty…
the wagon flew towards the old red house
as I tumbled to the ground
I looked back to see tears trolling down his cheeks
but of laughter, not pain
when finally he could catch his breath
he simply uttered,
“can we go again?”
May 2016 · 263
Daddy troll
Sam Temple May 2016
filling the role, perfectly
of a creepy social media stalker
saving pictures to my phone
of a daughter I have not seen in person
for more than ten years –
spitting image
of her old man…
though she would never know it
she posts about her girlfriend
and I wonder if it is genetic
or anger driven
she posts about school
and I wonder if she is bullied
or accepted
I wonder
because I am too afraid to ask –
once upon a time
when she was but five
we met….
my ex, her mother
became my excuse
and I walked away,
no matter the reasons
I feel the pain of that choice
and I think about her feelings –
I tell myself that one day
when she is out from under that specter
I will extend my hand
as I have no care for her ****** orientation
or career path goals
only to be a part of
and know
instead of always
wondering –
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