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 Apr 2015 Jessica McGuire
there are invisible children hidden behind
miles of above ground swimming pools
and wooden swing sets. they've seen
life sized doll parts scattered across
their front lawns and were taught how to
take their first steps
as though they were being sent off to war;
knees straight. head tall.
don't flinch at the sight of blood.
a few weeks ago i turned on the local news,
the upcoming story took place in the west side of Detroit.
a photo of a young, colored girl wearing
butterfly shaped barrettes in her hair comes up,
the headline at the bottom of the screen reads,
the news reporter talks about the situation
as though she's being forced to discuss
the weather in the middle of a heatwave;
it's the same. ****. thing. every. day.
i'll tell you what no one pictures
when they hear about another ******
in the same city that might as well
start building their front doors
like cemetery gates.

picture the mother
trying to sell a cradle so she has the money
to buy a 3-foot long casket. picture her
walking into her daughter's room
to tuck her into bed & remembering that she's
got nothing left but empty hands.
dear america,
tell me why some of us were born
with targets sewn into our backs, tell me if it
disturbs you at all that there are children
who want to chip off their skin, that want to be painted
a new color because they want to see if the light
will hit them in a different way,
& make them less invisible.
lukewarm tea
chocolates never gifted
an old book that makes me
too much and
a blue pen with
black ink with
bite marks on the cap
from where you
used to hold it
between your
for me
while i wrote
about how much i
loved you
i do believe that kissing has been labeled a sin  by the vary people who over-sexualized it in the first place;
two lips
rubbing together like the skilled hands of a masseuse on another person's bare back.
like painting my nails
or watching baseball
or wanting cherry flavor instead of grape
my want to kiss
another person
male or female
is a desire of the flesh:
a sin against God.

how do i discern the the good from the bad?

this must be why religious people go to such extremes, live in such strict communities, allow themselves to be enslaved by a culture created generations before they were born.

they are confused.
she walks in
        "i have a splitting headache"
and then retreats
to her room,
too long sweatpants
on the floor.
and i wonder
if it's the same kind of
headache i get
when i can't stop
about the
until all i know is that
i don't want to be breathing
                  ­           correctly pumping blood
                             from my heart
                             to the rest of
                             my body.
i wonder
if she gets those
kind of headaches
that the
stuff can never
empty cups
curtained windows
and a bible that hasn't been opened since they told you there's a chance.
clusters of papers-
                                          coupled with
that old journal you vowed to never open again.
the orange bottles need to be
unma­de bed
beat up tissue box.
                                                            ­                  no one gets it.

this is sanctuary.
                            this is how you start to live again.
                                                          ­                             no one knows about
                                                           ­                                            the used to be.
the full cup
the bolted windows
the brainwashing
the attempted letters
and the pages decorated with a different kind of ink.

they don't know about
the thoughts before the pills
the never-empty bed
the fits of anger.
                                                          ­                       this is how you start to live                        
                                                                ­                                                    again.
 Feb 2014 Jessica McGuire
stand up at the podium
and tell everyone
I was mad

there was not a single cell
in her body that was sane

*Each molecule was rabid
Each word out of the mouth
breathed in another's pain,
another's thoughts, another's foot
another's absolute, down to Earth

She gladly swallowed razor blades
and never once, coughed up blood
She sought to hold all pain
beneath a heart that would never gain

She was insane

 Feb 2014 Jessica McGuire
Kay P
Life is beautiful
they tell the
generation born of
depression and

Life is beautiful
with higher percentages
of suicide than
drop outs

Life is beautiful
to the “me” generation
called self centered
because of

Life is beautiful
to the highest
price of living
in American

Life is beautiful
to the generation
that romanticizes
February 17th, 2014

— The End —