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I love the winter
-- oh how I love the cold.
The numbing temperature is morphine to my soul.
Rushing through my veins, turning my blood to ice
A natural drug; my only sense of sanity, my demonic vice
And it frees me.

I love the winter,
and all its melodramatic glamour.
There's a sheen of romantic sadness when church bells clammor
I love the winter;
-- it's when I came out of the Cave.
Saw the Truth for what it was,
and wrote it down page by page.

Leave me with the snow;
I want to hear the church bells
© Leelan Farhan 2012.
they try to find me another
push me out towards the sea
but I'm still drowning
in your river
still craving the way
your water kissed my knees

they tell me I deserve to be engulfed
by waves
but all I want is silence
the ocean is too loud

your still water
is all I need

© Leelan Farhan
     June 4 2013
Your words are hollow
But your eyes fill the void.
- first time trying a 10 worder, not that great.
© Leelan Farhan
My aunt had a yellow Volkswagen Beetle
As bright as her hair, as fierce as her mind
With a sharp tongue, she left every man behind
She thought she could change him
My aunt is the one bearing the scars.
© Leelan Farhan
    May 2013
broken church
sins drowning veins
breathe like silence won’t pull you down
torn dignity spinning you away

                        your body isn’t love

children inhale battered minds
like it’s an inhaler
but it won’t save them
it won’t pull these waves
from my flesh
and stop my little lips
from smiling at death

I dream of your sweat
when we’re entangled

but your thoughts are vile
and my bones don’t need you
broken churches

A little something I threw together using my "words" page; thought I'd put it to use.
© Leelan Farhan
    June 5 2013
Her skull;
sallow and broken -
full of decay
ruined beyond repair.

My first haiku in a very, very long while. Never been too great at these.
© Leelan Farhan
    June 2013
Lurking around every corner you pass;
Waiting and watching to see if you'll last.

Being judged about every move you make;
And they wonder how long until you break.

You watch them whisper and giggle until you start to cry;
As they continue, you can't help but feel shy.

You're afraid that the crying will turn into much more;
But as you think about it, your body becomes sore.

Crying, cutting and starving won't help you at all;
But it gets so bad that you're now as soulless as a doll.

You've hit rock bottom as the scars start to appear;
Only then you see how bad, and you spill a few tears.

When you look in the mirror you don't recognize yourself;
You've hurt yourself badly, and believe you belong on the shelf.

You sit there is silence hating yourself for what you've become;
At that moment you decide to turn your life around, and leave the situation numb.
I wrote this poem for everybody out there who is being bullied and I want everyone to know that it's okay to feel down but when it gets to an extreme and you can't control yourself you need to seek help.  I am here for anybody who needs to talk and vent their feelings, trust me when I say just getting your feelings off your chest helps a lot, and also to know that there are people in the world who care about you and want to help you!!
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