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larry mintz Jan 6
The Angel oak boughs  lovely to behold
This horary tree so blest a grand tree.
Old  trees to behold are  the huge Redwoods,
Clear cutting woods they made me quite angry.
Lay me down to rest ;my soul feels not old
Those who **** ancient forests go to Hell.

Ancient forests wrecked I'm angry as Hell,
Angraboda tree the Angel oak - behold    
Other beatific trees are the Redwoods,
The  red oak rusty brown bark a grand tree.
Cutting these trees down-I'm ****** angry,
And pols are vermin their plans way to old

Trees like a skyscraper th epic  redwoods
And hike thru these woods when I was not old
I sat at rest beneath a cedar tree.
Those who destroy them are stupid as Hell
Old growth forests a biome  please behold  
Lay waist to old growth woods I am angry,

Most of the old growth gone makes me angry
I wonder what critters live in Redwoods.
The hair of Jord visit it and behold
I walked thru the green when I was not old
The forest were bare of old trees,oh hell
Old growth Cedars are one hell of a tree,  

What type of vibe could I get from that tree?
Logging roads in BC  grave ,I'm angry,
To lazy to help these pols belong in hell,
Love to muse beneath a  pair of Redwoods.
Protest clear cutting this method not old
Clear  cutting woods -a plain shock to behold..

I am wheelchair bound my protest days to old
Time to stop logging Redwoods ,no,oh Hell,
An Angel oak tree I want to behold.
larry mintz Jan 4
Decomposing footwear leather is done for,
Rotten leather: in an state of eternal rest.
Shoes passed beyond the earthly pale for sure,
Better before they were on Earth was the test.
Send these shoes off to the grave I  don’t  jest.
larry mintz Jan 1
I have a bunch of plights please -answer Sir..
Your meeting with alien official .
Your reasons taking help from a sly race. ?
We needed   primacy over Russia .
I stated the friendly races can  help too.
We would  be at the mercy of Russia .
  I like your view on States-hood too.
And Ike said thank you Other remarks to add?
I said “ The way you taxed the rich was fab.
I said fab means. right  idea at right time.
And Ike replied fine. Anything else he asked.
I like your view on political parties.
And Ike said thank you  and anything else .
Your last speech on the military came true.
And Ike got ****** ,events are getting  worst.
And Isreal is now the new  **** nation.
And doing crimes of war for mankind to see.
I showed him  slides of what zionists  do !
We gave them rights. They act like  ****’s too.
And Ike replied. what else went straight to hell
I stated yes Isreal owns the States too.
I said it is true and Ike  complained quite loudly.
From J F Kennedy. until the present.
The States  will  jump  at Israel’s  complaining.
  Upon  relaying this news he got irate.
And two more things I have to mention Sir.
For thirty five years the rich pay no taxes.
And lastly the States went completely fascist.
And Ike  growled I fought  and died for nothing.
Those who despoiled this land are traitors.
And Ike left to take care of traitors too .
“Write a poem that is a conversation between you and a politically powerful figure from any moment in history. The person can be living or dead; you must have a question you want to ask this person, and ask it in the poem. Let the person answer the question, too; make it a true conversation.”

— The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry by Kim Addonizio,  Dorianne Laux
larry mintz Dec 2024
i lost my leg in April 8  yah know ,
my life ended that day ,so long ago ,
a waif is like the void .stark by 40,
like my half leg fate knocked me for a blow,
the knife bloodied like fate is my history.
larry mintz Dec 2024
I started the McGill pro Palestine storm,
Inveighing over Israel help I gripe.
Shani charged me of anti Semitism.
Protesting Israel genocide ,no hype  .
And butcher  ties to Israel  ,I warn.

Flak is a winter storm ,to Israel- I say,
We had twenty tents set up initially .
Amenities for all protestors too,
They increased to one hundred tents  surely .
The police  called to stop the event anyway.
“Take a newspaper account of an incident—a riot, an assassination, a bombing—and imagine that you are one of the participants. Rewrite the account as a first-person poem, using some of the details from the account-The Poets Companion
larry mintz Dec 2024
The Rose of Jericho is a grim plant,
The Spider Orchid leafs are a tumbled mess ,Looking at this plant where's the charm I confess ,
The Rose of Jericho’s leafs are dried ,gross not scant .
The rat tail cactus is foul to .behold,
It’s tail like tentacles  look like  spiky strips,
And string the leafs together use them for whips,
The cactus flowers are lovely I am told.
What flowers are awesome during the night?
The Evening primrose has a strong scent too,
The Moon flower is lovely to behold.
These flowers shine bright ;they do not need light  ,
This plant  has fatty acids ,good for you ,
This  flower blooms are spiral  I am told .
larry mintz Dec 2024
When doing math I feel despair,
I can not find the correct proof.
And my mind flies round in the air,
I go nuts and go through the roof.

What is the next step ,is it true ?
I can not find the correct proof.
Is it correct ? Great ! Wrong I’m *******,
I go nuts and go through the roof.

And lost steps are like a black hole,
I can not find the correct proof.
Time to put proof in toilet bowl ?
I go nuts and go through the roof.

My mind a puzzle with lost bits,
I can not find the correct proof.
I feel like a dried leaf  -no wits,
I go nuts and go through the roof.

I can not find the correct proof
And my mind flies round in the air
I go nuts and go through the roof
When doing math I feel despair
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