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Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Masked Revolution
RSV Aug 2014
O you, sitting on the highest power echelon of this country
Revolution is mere change of masks???
O you who orchestrate these stage plays to ridicule, already ridiculed masses!
O to you,
The unnamed, the invisible nucleus of power
Have you ever seen the revolution?
How it looks like?
O You
Yes you, who pretends to be the only savior of this country
Do you promise, from tomorrow, all the people will sleep with full stomach??
Health and education would be free??
Justice will be accessible??
O oooo
Have you ever seen revolution?
Do you know how it looks like?
Or I am too naïve to ask this…
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
RSV Mar 2014
Of blood and ashes and condemned heart
Of life that is no more
Of nothing, but nothingness
My words are meaningless
All I talk is but, nonsense
I carry my own ashes
My tale is soaked in my own blood
My book is stained by madness
Some random lines with the ink of life, which is red! Wo kub sunta hey kahani meri, aur phir wo bhi zabani meri...
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
RSV Mar 2014
Laughter, giggles, smiles.
Tears, heartbreaks, pains.
Success, failures, mistakes.
Loves, bodies, unions, partings.
Births, deaths.
Life keeps moving on,
even when we don't.
Time ceases, moments goes on.
Life got to do, what it got to do!
Mar 2014 · 852
RSV Mar 2014
I suppressed it far too long!
Heavy with burden,
I can’t breathe anymore.
Release me from my own cage...
Mar 2014 · 863
I love You!
RSV Mar 2014
I love You,
Oooh it sounds so simple. Right?
A combination of three words.
Mere. Three. Words.
Do You see the fire
that burns in me
till it turns me into ashes?
And then I rise back from those ashes
To say to You the same words; yet again!
I love You!
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
RSV Mar 2014
Was it You, Last night?
Who, like a star lit my memory with light so bright
soaked me into fragrance, so rich
Was it You last night?
The music of my dreams, so beautiful, so exquisite...
And now in day light
You are gone
the light
the fragrance
the music
and You are gone...
Stay a little more my Love!
Mar 2014 · 2.2k
Another World
RSV Mar 2014
My dream of another world is not dead, yet
The blood in my veins is flowing, ever so red
Beaten, burnt, molested, abused,
but not defeated.
My soul is revived by each tear I shed
Tears are my message of defiance
and my heart beats, ever so violently
in struggle for the other world
I still think, the other world
can be...shall be..
To all women...
Mar 2014 · 394
RSV Mar 2014
Inside the walled city of stone
The glass being
Shattered into pieces
While looking for a door
We must keep going...
Mar 2014 · 677
RSV Mar 2014
Between reverie and naught
I found You
I could have You, only for this much!
Mar 2014 · 898
RSV Mar 2014
I touched Your eyes,
in Your sleep.
the dream was
beyond my reach...
I can have You, only this much!
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Forever. Enough??
RSV Mar 2014
I send you my verses,
immersed in my blood.
My words, as imprints of my soul.
Will it remain with you forever. Enough??
Mar 2014 · 638
RSV Mar 2014
Random pages of my unwritten book are lying here and there,
The words on the pages have faded,
and sentences do not make any sense, anymore...
Feb 2014 · 368
Forever is a lie
RSV Feb 2014
They tried hard
each day, every moment
to relive the magic
unknowing, that
hearts once out of the spell
wander into wilderness
and forever
is a lie...
Feb 2014 · 337
RSV Feb 2014
I carry a restless soul
my fragmented body
and divided heart.
Feb 2014 · 790
RSV Feb 2014
I sail through utter silence
Words are ceased
And thoughts freezed
Nothing more remains to be said, I reckon
Or there is too much
It is too much
that words cant capture
thoughts cant express
yet it flows
like an ocean which moves from shore to shore
and never finds an abode...
Feb 2014 · 332
In my silence
RSV Feb 2014
I said so much, You know
My silence talked to you for eternity
You sat there, looking at me
Did you listen to what I said??
The monologue that went on and on???
So much so that perhaps
You stopped listening
I, unable to utter more... stopped talking
I talked so much to You, You know
In my silence…
Feb 2014 · 487
Chasm of Life
RSV Feb 2014
Living in black and white universe,
I knew not of gray realms
Of wilderness
Of hopelessness.
I knew not of love.
lost and wandering.
Beaten by the white, swollen by the black.
I entered into the gray.
I found the soul of my body,
saw the reason in insanity,
felt that light ray on my face,
And then I tried looking for tracks,
for directions
for signals and signs
to move around the gray.
I drowned more and more
and found that the gray was
nothing but a chasm, staring back at me…
Feb 2014 · 745
Will I be Enough???
RSV Feb 2014
All those times when you drank the wines
The beauties
The charms
The temptations
As cures
All those times when you went rushing to
What you thought was the end of your quest
Was but a mirage
All those times when you gave all you had
And got but the illusions
All those times when you
Lost a piece of your heart
Come to me and let me make up of for all those times
Let me be your wine
The beauty, the charm, the temptation
I shall be the cure
The magnet to pull all the pieces together
And make you a whole again…
Will I be enough???
Feb 2014 · 3.8k
RSV Feb 2014
...And I were
but a smoke
of the cigarette,
You just, finished.
Feb 2014 · 519
RSV Feb 2014
If the immense pain in my heart
The blood soaked scars,
and my aches find words
I will find myself from my own ruins
I will, then find the secrets of the world and harmony
With the secrets in my know, I will find words for my poem of love,
for the chronicles of my pains
And when my silence finds the voice,
this world will become my kingdom
…And when my silence finds the voice,
and my pain finds the words,
my poem of love, my chronicles of pains are expressed.
I will own the treasures of heaven and earth...then…
This is translation of and inspiration from, one of great poets of Urdu, Faiz Ahmed Faiz's poem. The poem titled in Urdu as, "meray dard ko jo zuban milay"...

— The End —