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Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
I don't look at myself in the mirror anymore
A glance from the corner of my eye is all I need
To know that I'm ugly.

I know what's there in the reflection
My hair thinning from my scratching habit
The scalp showing through pale and white
My mouth's corners bent downwards into creases
My patchy eyebrows that are uneven
My eyes that sit so far into my skull I have a permanent raccoon mask

My double chin thick and hard
My broad neck and invisible collar bones
My large but flat chest and gigantic belly
My large thighs tapering into tiny feet

My arms so full of fat they jiggle
My thin ***** hands with wads of fat on each finger
My oversized backside with rolls of fat layered on each other
The pimple scars little dots all over

I'm ugly

I guess that's me
Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
Beauty is a word misused
Beauty is defined by
flawless skin,
perfect hair,
And painted lips.
Beauty has become a mask.
Beauty has become a lie.
Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
How can she say she's ugly
How can she be so cruel
Why can't she see through my eyes
I think she's beautiful

No she says, she won't believe
She asks how I dare try
To make her prettier than she is
But it's what I see, no lie
Trying to be positive I wrote about myself from a third point of view. It didn't work. I doubt my friends think I'm beautiful.
Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
Mirror mirror how I hate you
You and your face inside
I know it's really me I see
But I still hate the imagery
I'm ugly and that's no lie
Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
I'm not beautiful
I cannot be
I'm not fake
I will not be
I'm no lie
No one should be
I only try
To be just me
Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
Accepting Ugliness
No disguise
Looking straight into your eyes
Mirror face
What do you see?
Is your reflection really me?
I have decided to accept my ugliness and to quit trying to be beautiful. Hardest decision I've made this week.
Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
I think I will lie down for a while,
Curled up in my soft fuzzy blanket.
I think I will daydream and think,
About the prince Id like be friends with,
Our story together.
We'd face difficulties for sure,
Hard times that would make us cry.
We'd fight battles mental and physical,
Win some and lose some.
It's life.
We'd remain loyal to each other forever,
Never parting and always loving,
Sure we'd argue and fight,
But then come to our senses and apologize.

My prince is a pauper, a common man
I don't require riches or a kingdom from him.
All I want is a hard worker, a great thinker,
A strong fighter, and a kind friend.
Someone who will pick me up when I fall,
Dust me off,
And invite me to try again, and again, and again.
He won't fight battles for me but he'll fight beside me,
He'll lead me when I'm low on confidence,
He'll protect me if I am in harms way,
He'll correct me if I do something idiotic,
And will laugh if I do something hilarious by accident.
He'll watch the stars and moon with me,
He'll dance with me in the car when the radio blasts,
He'll hike rough hidden forest trails and climb mountains with me.
He'll sing with me and laugh with me and make my heart swell with joy,
But when sadness comes like it always does,
We'll hold to each other and cry together.

My prince will be a humble man,
A king though he won't know it,
His subjects every heart he's won,
His kingdom the streets he walks on.

I think I shall lie down a while,
And think a lot about him,
I am no sleeping beauty though-
He'll find me awake and working.
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