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2.3k · Oct 2010
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
Trained to
Against unknown.
Strangers to the world.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
Never let the ******* get us down
The world won’t stop, won’t be letdown
The ground won’t shatter, won’t be a breakdown
The power is out, complete shutdown
Fall to the ground, facedown
Sometimes all is not okay in the comedown
Sometimes all you have to do is slowdown
Don’t make this into a showdown
Turn it into a knockdown
Quarantined, put into lockdown
Don’t let them be a putdown
This world is a freetown.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
1.8k · Oct 2010
Sigh no more
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
Sigh no more,
Put it all in a drawer,
Don’t let life be a bore,
Go out and explore,
Cast your line from ashore,
Do the things you adore,
Remember it like it was pre-war,
Like you ran out the backdoor,
Didn’t stop screaming till the encore,
Waited and watched the downpour,
While kids called you *******,
And you listened to folklore,
Praised the big uproar,
Traveled to ecuador,
Chose to ignore
Listened to the troubadour,
Forgot to abhor,
Gazed at the eyesore,
Praised the antiwar,
Dreamed evermore.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
1.6k · Jun 2010
Don't let me down
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
Try* not to let me down,
But climb yourself up,
The ladder reaches the clouds.

Though the clouds,
We believe we cannot attain,
With all our might may we try.

I can tell you this right now,
If you let me hang on your leg,
You'll never reach the 1000th step.

Leave me behind for now,
When you end up on a wide enough step,
Sit and wait for me.

I'll catch up,
Sooner rather than later,
And I'll let you take hold of my foot.
                        *If you get tired..
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
1.4k · Feb 2010
Roxanne Pepin Feb 2010
Living in fear
Remember who you hold dear
The ones that let you down
Will only do it again
Don’t avoid the words
The actions of those who care
The lies from the ones who don’t
Know the only reason they have
To get close to you
Ego trips.
Cherry pickers.
Nothing but insecurities
Every aspect put up for the
World to see
Don’t judge those who keep far
They know best
Till the day they come to see
Come to live like the rest.
Nothing but gratification.
Loss of love
Loss of soul
Empty thoughts
And nothing but keepsake hearts
Internal clocks ticking
To announce the day that will come
Sooner than later
And everyone will see the real truth
Beneath all their talk
The end of the show
Surprised no one showed for the
Curtain call?
© Roxanne Pepin 2009
1.4k · Feb 2010
Roxanne Pepin Feb 2010
in the graveyard of lost souls,
lies the lives no one cared to hold,
maybe the fear was too much,
or we just didn't care enough,
but it doesn't matter now,
they're gone forever, but how?
were they exiled by the one they loved,
perhaps ****** by the one above.
most will be forgotten,
all are left for rotten,
if you'd cared sufficiently,
their lives may not have ended so abruptly.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
1.3k · Jul 2010
Debating for indifference
Roxanne Pepin Jul 2010
Debating for indifference**
Only for the world to see,
The bats they know best,
All the details in the world.
Seep in all the light,
Shine with all your might.
Publish all your thoughts,
Copyright your words.
The population knows your name,
As you're debating for indifference.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
1.2k · Oct 2010
The advantage of life
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
Bust a rhyme
Not a crime
Take your time
Everything’s fine
Keep up the climb
Stop the wine
Reach for the vine
Forget exterior design
That’s the bottom line
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
1.1k · May 2010
Awaking in a Sea
Roxanne Pepin May 2010
Awaking in a startle,
Feeling as if I’m drowning.
It’s not a good feeling,
Knowing today you’re leaving.

Walking down the stairs,
I know where you’re sleeping,
I sit beside you, you’re eyes still opening,
Knowing today you’re leaving.

Kissing you in the dark,
I know well, this feeling.
Certainly the world is not ending,
But I know, today, you’re leaving.

It’s not a good feeling,
Knowing you’re gone.
Knowing you’ll be back,
Is what keeps me going on.

I loved you yesterday,
Love you a little more today,
And if it’s possible,
It’ll grow a little more tomorrow.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
1.0k · Jun 2010
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
If you could only unsee the things you wish you never saw.
If you could only unhear the things you wish they’d never said.
If you could only unsing the song you knew you didn’t mean.
If you could only unlove the ones who hurt you like there never was.
If you could only untouch the souls of the people you moved.
If you could only unsmell the scents you’d otherwise never forget.
If you could only untaste those lips upon your own.
If I could only pretend not to be..
© Roxanne Pepin
1.0k · Aug 2010
Fluent in silence
Roxanne Pepin Aug 2010
You don't choose according to the majority.
You choose to make the majority.
You choose to say ******* when someone tells you what you should do.
You choose to make your own choices.

I'm fluent in silence,
I'm also fluent in french and english,
And not afraid to tell you what I think.
Though sometimes no words are the best words.

Be the alfa male.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
989 · Jul 2010
Roxanne Pepin Jul 2010
Your sacramental slant;
Surrender to pleasure,
The oblique and understated; love.
You kind of should begin,
Our nerve end's hesitation,
Blue hesitation, resonant,
Where I couldn't miss
Surrender to pleasure,
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
Blackout Poetry
989 · Oct 2010
Self security
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
Set securely within variety
Let  go of habits and face sobriety
Never live to embrace pity
Fight fears to combat anxiety
Don’t let your self be known notoriously
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
986 · Sep 2010
Roxanne Pepin Sep 2010
Smoke a little
**** a litte
Keep a little
Give a little
Love more

Sand falls from hands
Because that is not what they are meant to hold
Hands grasp chests
Because that is the natural magnet
Hands hold hands
Because they’re fitted for each other
Four fingers just in case
But one thumb per hand
Because there’s really only one
Two hands
Because everyone deserves a second chance.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
981 · Oct 2010
A combination of qualities
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
The beauty is
I wrote you a poem
You didn’t understand.
You couldn’t answer
My question
Because you didn’t know
I asked one.
Therefore I don’t know
The truth
Or how to ask you
In a way
That you’ll understand.
Because you don’t
Seem to understand much.
What was this involuntary
Movement towards the
Imaterial part of me?
Or was it in fact
How will you understand
I was talking about my
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
971 · Feb 2010
Roxanne Pepin Feb 2010
Because "blind" is not a four letter word,
     and you can't hear
     a thing I'm saying.
Because life is an object,
     and your soul is taken
     for granted when you say
     you don't care.
Because you'll always be
     and that's how you'll come to find
     that the world doesn't adjust,
     you do.
Because from now on
     there's nothing stopping you
     from making your own choices.
Because that's life
     and everyone's alone
     at one point or another.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2010
Maybe they'll listen more someday
When the rest of the world has turned away
For now I'll let Phil Keaggy lead the way
Mould my brain with music, easy as clay.
Try to explain colours to a person, blind from birth
Then tell me you understand the world, the earth
In this sate of trance, all we have is dearth
Is all we're doing even close to what we're worth?
I could tell you I cared, say I meant it, per say
But those people, their lives so far away,
Won't know me more tomorrow than they do today
I think of these things as I hope for you to stay.
All the others, tell me you couldn't care less
But I know that to you, my love isn't worthless
I wait everyday for that gentle caress
Long for the moment of your next tender kiss.
As time goes on, I'll turn the next page
As the book goes on, I try to remember my age
Sometimes it seem I've locked it in a cage
My heart, my soul, my courage.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
Paper has more patience than people- Ann Frank
919 · Sep 2010
Roxanne Pepin Sep 2010
The existence is indicative of the circumstances engendering survival.
And forced appearance.
This is not the place of departure,
The five senses register.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
Blackout Poetry
905 · Apr 2010
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2010
It's the end you expected from the start,
The in-between is what changed your heart.
Going around you would have never guessed,
The one you loved would leave like the rest.
You brought out the best you had,
Figuring she'd stayed this long, you were glad.
But without even a simple warning,
She's up and gone by morning.
Never forgetting the one you love,
Just remember what to do when push comes to shove.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
896 · Jun 2010
Sea sick
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
Sick of flies,
Sick of lies,
Sick of making alibis.

Sick of bones,
Sick of drones,
Sick of being alone.

Sick of truth,
Sick of this roof,
Sick of youth.

Sick of smiles,
Sick of exiles,
Sick of beguiles.

Sick of frowns,
Sick of small towns,
Sick of breakdowns.

*Sick of you,
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
892 · Apr 2011
I'm addicted
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2011
I’m addicted to your poetry
I’m addicted to your words
I’m addicted to the symphony you sing
As you recite simple words
I’m addicted to your dance
as you move about the room performing simple tasks
I’m addicted to your smell
As you rush by and let it linger in my nostrils
I’m addicted to everything you do
because I’m addicted to you
© Roxanne Pepin 2011
890 · Jun 2010
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
Fear is not pertinent,
Fear is not relevant,
Fear has no particular matter,
Fear is not suitable, fit or apt,
To the fearless, the bold,
And the brave,
To the gutsy, the intrepid,
And the valiant.
To the fickle, the false,
And the hypocritical,
Because no one is,
Deep down, in true honesty,
© Roxanne Pepin 06/16/10
868 · Apr 2011
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2011
I'll write out all the *******
Because that's what I told you to do
When you told me you were blocked
So now you're giving me a taste
Of my own medicine.
Then help me write out all the *******,
Because I believe you're the reason I can't write,
You're blocking my mind,
And I want nothing more
Than to hear your ideas
To hear your voice
To see your lips move
As I imagine them upon my own
So help me write out all the *******.
© Roxanne Pepin 2011
861 · Apr 2010
According to who?
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2010
According to the rules of logic
Everyone should have clear and rational thinking
According to the rules fairness
There should be absence of bias in everyday living
According to the rules of  reason
There should be justification for everything you’re causing
According to the rules of freedom
Everyone should speak, act and think without restraining
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
861 · Oct 2010
Ten times
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
Numbness takes over
And up until the thoughts surface
I feel fine.
One simple movement
And it's complete breakdown
Complete meltdown
Embarrassment breaks through
But not enough to stop it
I can't believe it's gone this far
Seems nothing is real
Yet the worst is amplified
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
852 · Aug 2010
Hey, Chump!
Roxanne Pepin Aug 2010
Struggling like a caged parakeet to find your way in this world,
-- Or out of this world?
You have no concept of confinement, are ignorant to its terms.
No realization that there is nothing else.
The struggle is useless.
This feeling of depression and anxiety quickens your pulse.
Until -- at last -- you reach your goal.
This, somehow, makes me wonder what hell must be like.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
847 · Jul 2010
Roxanne Pepin Jul 2010
How far would you go,
How much would you give,
To know one hundred p.cent,
That love is real?

And still then,
In this world filled
With lies and insecurities,
Would you be able to believe?

They, the know-it-alls,
Will certainly tell you,
Assure you with all their might,
That god does exist.

But deep down,
Down that pit
You call your soul,
Do you really think anything's real?
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
796 · Oct 2011
with you,
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2011
I'm ready to face the end of the world,
Ready to fall off the face of the earth,
Ready to bring you into infinity,
And never leave your side.
© Roxanne Pepin 10/18/11
790 · Feb 2010
Roxanne Pepin Feb 2010
We'll keep it the way we want it,
Preserve it for all to see,
The love I have for you,
And the love you have for me.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
763 · Feb 2010
Roxanne Pepin Feb 2010
A serious medical condition could not keep me away.
It doesn't matter what disease carry those cats that run stray.
I've got bigger problems than those seen only by day.
With no other way to show them, maybe I'll mold them of clay.

You're not superman.
But for you, my admiration is grand.
I'll spread my fears upon this land.
Reverberating sound like a lifeless fan.

If this someday becomes a cult,
It's not but my fault.
Nothing was to result,
Though we can't forget anything nor exult.

I can no longer keep it here.
My thoughts seldom cohere.
His words in and out the opposite ear.
At some time, was this world clear?
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
759 · May 2010
I'm not sorry anymore
Roxanne Pepin May 2010
Not the end you expected from such a great beginning
You just didn't realize what happened in the middle
Of it all.
I easily picked up your life in my hands,
Later smashed it against the curb,
Your words, not mine.

I'm sorry I broke you,
I'm sorry you didn't kiss me like you meant it,
I'm sorry about your relationship with your mother,
I'm sorry you have no respect for authority,
I'm sorry you don't really appreciate music,
I'm sorry you left me one night to go get high,
I'm sorry you hate me when I'm moody,
I'm sorry I,m better off without you,
I'm sorry you don't want me to go,
I'm sorry I'm through with being sorry.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
756 · Oct 2011
Open up
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2011
I wish i could write to make you see,
how much i love you,
but don't you know the blind can't read?
748 · Jul 2010
Flick of a switch
Roxanne Pepin Jul 2010
I'll shut everything off
Because I don't want to think
About you anymore,
And it just so happens
That everywhere I look
I am reminded of
The things you do,
Then I realize,
I probably won't forget
Any day soon.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
746 · Aug 2010
Why not?
Roxanne Pepin Aug 2010
Why don't I just give you the silent treatment,
Or spill my guts with these words,
Building up in my head.
While my nose runs,
And my eyes drip,
I swear, I'm not crying.
It's all the after math of a sneeze.
To each his own,
Or lean on me?
How could I when you're so crabby?
After all, you'd probably just tell me
To leave you alone,
Solitude your only virtue.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
730 · Aug 2010
Fail to remember
Roxanne Pepin Aug 2010
Being less than nothing to someone
Means being more than everything.
If they have to think that hard
To hate you that much,
To have such an intense dislike
There has to be some passion there,
You don't forget the ones you hate.
© Roxanne Pepin
716 · Jun 2010
Define the means
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
Front line:
Keep your head up.
Don't forget who knows.
It's never too late to know what you should have known before.
Take 10:
Stop being so drastic.
Before the end:
Keep calm and quit giving a ****.
Bottom line:
You should have known before.
© Roxanne Pepin 06/12/10
698 · Mar 2010
Key to my devastation
Roxanne Pepin Mar 2010
“So where’s the problem here she asked,”
“I’m not sure anymore, it ran away with my heart.
Right after it ripped it out.”

It’s once again broken,
Though I know it can be repaired,
The battle wounds will never be restored.

Turning the keys will never be the same.
Though the melody will sing,
The song will never be comparable.

You will never know how it feels.
Never realize the discomfort,
Unless you too, had to endure a broken guitar.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
695 · Apr 2011
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2011
He was shot to hell
Burned before he could tell
Choked before he could yell
Held back before he could rebel
Tied down before he could compel
His soul, forced to expel
© Roxanne Pepin 2011
693 · Oct 2010
Life matters
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
The people that care about you,
Out number the one person that doesn’t anymore.
Life is worth more than that,
Take it into consideration.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
686 · Jun 2010
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
You, the best of my friends,
are the definition of audacious.
Be bold, take risks, you might take notice..
Yet again maybe not.
Willing, I am, to show you love,
But would you ever really know?
Brash, you may be.
I feel for you more than you surmise.
Tell me again you love me.
Tell me again you hate me.
I'd like to say I only want to you to be happy,
But would that be in true honesty?
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
682 · Apr 2011
How it feels to be me
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2011
it feels as if all the
important words
have been drained out
and I'm left with nothing
but dry heaves and
deep coughs.
it feels as if all the
has run away
and I'm left with nothing
but sore feet
and shoes filled with
holes and blood.
it feels as if all the
floats on top of my mind
and that's all I'm left with.
© Roxanne Pepin 2011
665 · Oct 2010
Catching colours
Roxanne Pepin Oct 2010
Catching colors from the sky
The happiness you bring is nothing close to a lie
You’ve always been here
You’ll always be near
Catching colors from the sky
Catching my tears when I cry
You’ve always been here
I’ll always hold you dear
Catching colors from the sky
Make me believe I can fly
You’ve always been here
You’ve always been sincere
Catching colors from the sky
I won’t say goodbye
You’ve always been here
Chasing away my fear
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
Happy Birthday Dad
663 · Sep 2010
Sorry doesn't cut it.
Roxanne Pepin Sep 2010
Don’t ask someone to try and then give up,
Be done with the lies and ‘fess up,
I’m not ******, I’m torn up,
My heart’s not shattered, it’s ripped up,
It didn’t fall to the ground, it got picked up,
It’s only lucky if it’s head’s up,
This isn’t a poem, it’s a write up,
Don’t be a coward, stand up,
Open your ears and listen up,
This is life, no matter how ****** up.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
655 · Apr 2011
Thanks Patrick
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2011
we all die eventually,
the walls are closing in,
I’m only made of skin,
the world breaks down casually,
the skies are closing in,
let my blood run thin,
share my secrets confidentially,
the screams are breaking in,
who’s my next of kin?
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
652 · Jul 2010
Roxanne Pepin Jul 2010
All you can,
Knowing what

You don't.
Over thinking,
Under consideration. an exact
Replica of what

Hounding her soul
Under influences, you couldn't
Gather your words.
Heroics you
Thought necessary, what a
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
649 · Sep 2010
Introducing new thoughts
Roxanne Pepin Sep 2010
Introducing the subconscious
Where the ideas lie
And the person differs
From the abnormal.
A contrast with the formal
Unbeknownst to anyone credential
Live high and mighty
Get through the fighting
Nothing lies above
Nothing lies beneath
Introducing the subconscious
Where the ideas lie.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
644 · Apr 2011
Infinite Black
Roxanne Pepin Apr 2011
let the light fade away
I don’t care if I don’t see the day
Because there’s not turning back
Into infinite black
Your eyes will adjust
Once you learn to trust
Until then
Try to at least pretend
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
634 · Feb 2010
To the highest listed price
Roxanne Pepin Feb 2010
I'm done with sin, I've payed my price.
My thoughts are clear, yet no longer suffice.
I've stolen your words, not once did I think twice.
If you could only get them back, boy wouldn't that be nice?
Sorry son, now drugs are your only vice.
Maybe next time you'll learn, for now roll the dice.
I may have mislead you, my information was not concise.
Few times before, have you taken my advice.
In anticipation, you've payed the lower price.
Never have you learned, my heart not but an mechanical device.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
632 · Feb 2010
Don't Swim
Roxanne Pepin Feb 2010
Drown yourself in sorrow,
Keep the tears for 'morrow,
Today is where it ends,
You're left alone to fend.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
631 · May 2010
Broken thoughts
Roxanne Pepin May 2010
Grand desires and
Irritable matters.
Restrained words from
An opposed perception.
Fly with the birds,
Flirt with the devil.
Ever long dreams and
Shattered hopes for tomorrow.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
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