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Nov 2011 · 798
Hazy Remembrances
Ross Nov 2011
all of this could, indeed,
be ours
spreading lies between
oiled up thighs
thick with condescension and a
veneer of left over hand-me-down
its not quite you,
it's a not even a substitute
but it will do:
filling the loneliness
at the bottom of the well
Nov 2011 · 1.2k
Techno Rant
Ross Nov 2011
feels liberating
these little first world problems
resolved by unsubscribing
from an annoying mailing list
or deleting an aged account
that is useless, created on a whim
filling in-boxes with spam and junk
killing social media links,
paring back digital presences
all with the idea
of spending less time farting about
more time creating, living, reading
but they **** you back
with 2 for 1 deals, 10% off,
free for a month, look we’ve added
some ****, and yeah, it costs more, but
our life will be better with it
so the rest of the night
is filled with creating spam filters
more unsubscribing, more account deletions
until someone recommends you sign up for
the new revolutionary internet saviour
the be all and end all of all your woes
it will make you stronger, faster, more
organised, less likely to drink yourself
to sleep each night, give you the power
of 10 rhinos, and the ****** prowess of
a puma!

probably best to disconnect now
turn off the router, unplug the modem
get your **** the old fashioned way
before they tie your nervous system
to the silicon pathways
and advertise to your dreams
Nov 2011 · 1.5k
Reflection on Mortality
Ross Nov 2011
Getting older *****,
with all the aches and pains
and worries about growths
and tumours,
cancers and heart failure

my prostrate is fine,
thank you very much,
but can you check this mole?
this pain, this ache?
this over impending sense
of mortality knocking at the door?

the late night harrowing
discoveries guaranteeing
no sleep
until a call to the doctor,

the cutting back on everything
while increasing vitamin intake
exercise, stress free times
for self reflection
and discovery of ailments
and illnesses, inducing stress
increasing heart rate,
needing a drink to calm down
but not too much, as the liver
has already suffered enough

the days advance into night
and the night advances to day
and before you know it
it the sun sets one last time
Nov 2011 · 1.2k
Ross Nov 2011
The man who wants
To be left alone,
Bringing the hatred to
The forefront
The man grumpy and
Grouchy in a beer soaked
Waiting on the next
Delivery of angst
Writing his bad words
Pretentious in his outlook
Driven in his petulance
Greedy and needy
The man, ancient and aging
Fattening on the high fructose
Diet of beer and pastries
Keeping it all in and sharing nothing

But the fabrication
Never lives up to the hype
So the man crawls into his sack
Sleeping the day away,
Awaiting another night of tv,
Jerking off and sugary treats
Aug 2010 · 864
When I Drink
Ross Aug 2010
when I drink
whisky, gin, beer
the naked rear ends
of women
fill my mind
jiggling and wiggling
enticing my half
asleep, half *****
body to do more
than it’s capable

every glance in
my direction from
eye shadowed
lipsticked faces
is a knowing look,
a wanting look,
every wriggle
and flash of skin
directed towards me
Aug 2010 · 884
A Glimpse
Ross Aug 2010
a glimpse of bliss
through the gap of the
door, slightly ajar
your naked body
stretching in the
early morning light

bending to get your robe,
unaware of my presence,
your lithe form, smooth skin
earth shook
and my knees got weak
Aug 2010 · 1.0k
This Could Be My Love Poem
Ross Aug 2010
This could be
my love poem
one dedicated to
the ins and outs
the be all and end all
of my dedication to you
in body and mind
but the sparrows in
my chest flutter and chirp
dampening my voice
and the words all warble
and twist

this could be
my love poem
filled with all the
hows, whys, whens
and wheres
of the passion
I feel when touching
your naked flesh
but the electricity
that arcs from your breast
to mine
constricts my larynx
and the words squeak
and squawk

this could be
my love poem
showering you with
the adoration
that, in past times,
brought nations
to war
but my head is filled
with cotton wool
and my eyes take
one last glimpse
of your smile
and the words are
lost in half murmured
barely audible sibilance
Jul 2010 · 663
Ross Jul 2010
i like the sensation of
you being close to me,
the soft electric jolt running
through the space between us.

i like the look of you,
lying on the sheets, without
a stitch on, playfully inviting

me to come closer and
fell the warmth of your embrace,
the softness of your lips, and
more within.

i like the feeling of being wanted,
more so needed, to fulfill your
***** desires in any way i can.

i like being completed, fed
and sated by you
Jul 2010 · 3.2k
wish you were here
Ross Jul 2010
the last embers of day
dwindling from view
thoughts of you rush
swirl and bob
illuminated against the
coming night
amplified by distance
plus time since we
last talked, touched
Jul 2010 · 652
Comfortably Numb
Ross Jul 2010
through the static
your voice, barely audible
prattles on

through the haze
your fingers wag
and your body language
barely visible

the armchair, so plush
and comfy, supporting
the weight of the world
that I just shrugged off
my shoulders

my body doesn’t respond
to the signals from my
but that’s fine
as I settle in
eyes slowly closing
on this fuzzy hazy scene

pain, misery, happiness
all mean nothing, nothing means all
as i’m consumed by the void

I can’t explain,
you wouldn’t understand
this is how I wish to be
May 2010 · 924
Ross May 2010
I've seen the work of the best minds
of previous generations scuttled and
passed by like garbage in a dumpster
the angel headed hispters
have gone the way of the dodo
their legacy nothing more than
some printed word and fading images
replaced, for a time
by the high energy punks
fighting the machinery that
keeps us enslaved to the grind
and the money that they own
and use against us
buy buy buy or you’re not
doing your part!
but alas
their legacy is nothing more
than safety pinned faces and scratched
records discarded in bargain bins
replaced, indefinitely by apathy;
global apathy

pockets of resistance remain,
but they are ground down,
shut down before their fire
can be seen
a new movement is needed
angry music, vitriolic poems
revolutionary diatribes
printed in meatspace,
where it affects real people
not as ones and zeros
in blue lcd glow
ignored as rantings of
crazy people;
demonstrations, pranks,
hoaxes, calling out the
powers that be to own up to
their actions and decisions
a pulling back of the curtain
to show the gears and cogs
that make it all work
but who shall lead this
not I, I’ve got TV to watch
and things to buy,
and alcohol to numb all the rest
inspired by Howl  by Ginsberg
Mar 2010 · 884
Ross Mar 2010
wake up, in a mood
feeling like dog ****
after a night of restlessness
stumble out of bed,
to the bathroom
to relieve yourself,
the dog comes up
with his “good morning” stretch
and a gentle bump from his muzzle

then its over to the kitchen
for a glass of water, or OJ,
whatever is more convenient
then to the wood stove

re-start the fire from the
embers of yesterday
realising there isn’t
enough wood and then
have to go to the shed

the raccoon that has made
the shed his home
skulks near the back
trying not to be seen
by the flashlight
or the over excited dog
who knows it’s there

fill the bag with wood
picking pieces that will
keep the fire going all day
some smaller lighter fir
mixed with heavier arbutus
haul it back inside
dog ever at heels

crumple up pieces of the
free newspaper
arrange embers, fresh wood
and paper to allow quick re-lighting
leave door open a quarter inch
to allow adequate airflow

head to office in basement
check email
not that anything of use ever arrives
check news
not that anything of relevance
happened overnight
head back upstairs to
check on fire
dog ever at heels

close wood stove door
head back downstairs
put on shoes, coat, hat
grab leashes
take dogs on morning walk

make breakfast
eat while making lunch
usually tempeh with steamed veg,
or tofu with rice/noodles
or something similar
pack lunch
get fresh underwear, socks
and shirt for work
head to basement bathroom

think of how easy life is
when there is no one around
to complicate it
life alone would be ideal
you get things done
on time
there’s no interruptions
no one else to consider
just you and the tasks at hand

get dressed
still thinking of how
well suited you are to life alone
walk into bedroom
dog ever at heel

see her sleeping
hear the silence punctuated
only by her slow steady breathing
realise that without her
you would be lost

kiss her cheek
tell her you love her

trudge out into the world

— The End —