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Rose Moon Aug 2011
Give me you're hand, love,
And place it on my chest.
Do you feel my heart beat softly,
Underneath my breast.

The beat is slow and rhythmic,
And forever it stays true.
This heart that beats so softly,
Has always beat for you.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
If I were to leave and never come back,
I wonder who would care.

If I were to love with all of my heart,
I wonder if it'd be rare.

If I were to ask you to wait for me,
I wonder if you'd be there.

If I were to want you to love me back,
I wonder if you'd dare.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
Run while you can.
Run from it all.
Run till you can't run anymore.
Never look back.
Rose Moon Aug 2011

Watching the smoke billow from my parted lips.


The cravings haunt me night and day.


Oh, how easy it would be to get my hands on another.


My head gets dizzy as my body goes numb.


The cravings never go away.

Drop it,
Step it out,
Walk away.

I quit for you because I know you're worth it.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
Sometimes I want to run away.
Sometimes I just want to stay.

Sometimes I want you by my side.
Sometimes I want to run and hide.

Sometimes I want your embrace.
Sometimes I just need some space.

Sometimes I try to get good grades.
Sometimes school completely fades.

But something that is always true,
No matter what you put me through,
I am me.
Not you.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
Love is a mystery
Not understood
Not sure if it's bad
Or if it is good

One thing I do know
My feelings are true
I get lost in your eyes
When I am with you

Don't know what to do
Or what I should say
But if you could just please
Meet me halfway

Don't want you to leave
Want you by my side
Can't escape the feelings
You give me inside

I used to believe
That love didn't exist
But that went away
The first time we kissed

With your arms around me
I always feel right
Like nothing can hurt us
Our fears out of sight

Love is a mystery
But I know it is true
The feelings I have
I know I love you
Rose Moon Aug 2011
When you needed some time
And you went for a walk
I would always be there
If you needed to talk

I was being naive
I thought you didn't know
But you knew I was there
And did not let it show

Sometimes I would follow
Sometimes I would cry
But whichever I chose
Inside I would die

I guess that's when it started
Our "psychic network"
And that's when I became
Less of a ****

And since that day
It's like you read my mind
And you know how I feel
There is no way to hide

And I know for a fact
You'd take a bullet for me
But without you in the world
Where would I be?

You are my life
You're what holds me together
If you weren't here
I'd be lost forever

With nowhere to go
And no one to see
With nothing to do
I wouldn't be me

Besides you can't leave yet
There's still so much to do
My life was so boring
Before I met you

So when school's finally over
And we're finally free
I hope you will still
Stay in contact with me

We've been through so much
Now lets go have fun
The past is behind us
It's over, it's done

We could travel the world
We could sail on the sea
We'd have so much fun
Just you and me

So whenever you think
That life's just not fair
Or you think to yourself
That no one is there

Just pick up the phone
And give me a call
Or invite me over
And we'll patch up the wall

But no matter what
Just a couple more years
We'll be out of this hell hole
And there will be no tears

We will party all day
And get smashed every night
And the **** from our past
Will be way out of site

With you by my side
I will have no more fears
As long as you're here
There are no more tears

So stay here with me
Till the very end
I'll love you forever
My very best friend.
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