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Rose Moon Aug 2011
Your always so happy
But what about me?

You seem so free
But what about me?

You always see
But what about me?

I’m sad
I’m trapped
I’m blind
I’m lost

But you helped

Now I’m happy
Now I’m free
Now I can see

So I must thank thee
Rose Moon Aug 2011
I wanna run
Under the sun

Away from here
To disappear

Just gotta run
Before I come undone

Cause of all this
This so called bliss

Just wanna run
Run for fun

It’s all just fake
It makes me ache

I gotta run
Cause I’m so done.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
In chest
Beating, stopping, breaking
Oh, how it hurts
Rose Moon Aug 2011
You are my friend
Until the end
You helped me to mend
You are my friend

I look to you
To get me through
When I feel blue
I look to you

Cause I’m just me
Can guarantee
That this was meant to be
Cause I’m just me

But I’ll be okay
With my sky grey
I’ll be away
But I’ll be okay

Promise you won’t fret
Please don’t regret
Don’t be upset
Promise you won’t fret

Don’t be ******
I couldn’t resist
Had to follow the mist
Don’t be ******

I went so far
I touched a star
Didn’t use a car
I went so far

Wish you were here
To wipe away the tear
And rid of the fear
Wish you were here

I’ll be fine
I won’t whine
And though I don’t shine
I’ll be fine

Don’t try to find me
Cause you can’t find where I’ll be
I needed to flee
Don’t try to find me

I’m sorry for leaving
While you were believing
I was deceiving
I’m sorry for leaving

This is goodbye
Please don’t cry
I took to the sky
This is goodbye
Rose Moon Aug 2011
Why’d you have to break my heart,
Why’d you have to tear it apart.
Every time my sky was grey,
You would make me feel okay.
But sometimes you just don’t see,
What it was you did to me.
Sometimes you would make me cry,
And I would think I’d say goodbye.
But then when we would talk once more,
You’d make me feel like I did before.
Back when you would make me smile,
And being with you was worthwhile.
And I know that I should let you leave,
So that I can just sit and grieve.
I’ll get over what you did to me,
Just you wait and see.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
If I were to jump
High in the sky
Would you jump with me
Or would you say ‘bye’?

If I were to fall
Back down to earth
Would you stand there and catch me?
What am I worth?

Cause to me you’re worth everything
Big and/or small
So if you were the one hurting
I would not let you fall

You’ve seen me crying
You’ve seen all my tears
You’ve heard all my stories
You know all my fears

Yet through it all
You still stand by my side
You help me through
When I just want to hide

You’ll always be there
You’re my best friend
And I’ll stand beside you
Till the very end!

— The End —