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Rose Moon Nov 2011
The wind blows outside my window
A tear falls from my eye
I’d do anything for you
I just wish you would try

You are the one I want for life
The one who’s always there
She ****** you up so badly
It just isn’t fair

I know you love me back
You’ve made it very clear
But she did break your heart
And now you live in fear

I don’t know what else I can do
I want to make you see
Yes, she hurt you badly
But that isn’t me

I’d never do anything to you
That would hurt you deep inside
I wish that I could gain your trust
To help, to be your guide

You know everything about me
I know nothing about you
I promise I’ll always be here
I want to help you through

I know next year you’ll be gone
And I will still be here
But if you would just wait for me
Soon I could be near

You cannot do long distance
She ****** up your trust
But being with you in my life
Has now become a must

I don’t know what else
There is that I can do
Just know that if you ever need
I’m always here for you
Rose Moon Nov 2011
I see you on that field
Oh, I love to watch you play
The sport you hold so dear
The one that's keeping me away

I know that it's your passion
I know it is your soul
But I need to have you close
You're the one I want to hold

If only football wasn't
Such a big part of your time
Than maybe I could finally
Say that you are mine.

But then you wouldn't be the man
That I have come to love
So, I guess I would change nothing
When push comes to shove

Football is your passion
I understand that's true
I know you love your sport
But Baby, I love you
Rose Moon Nov 2011
Some days it hurts
It hurts more than anything
Knowing I can’t completely have you
“He treats you like garbage”
“You deserve better”
“He’s not worth it”
These words I hear too often
And it hurts
Because I know they’re right
Some days it hurts
Because I know I could do better
Someone who would hold my hand
And say to the world
Yeah, that’s my girlfriend
Someone to show me off to everyone
And be proud to have me
Some days it hurts
But some days it doesn’t
Because just having you is enough
Knowing that you’re mine
Even though I can’t call you my boyfriend
It’s usually enough
To touch you
And love you
And hear your voice say my name
Some days it’s enough
But some days it hurts
Because I love you
And I won’t let you go
Rose Moon Aug 2011
I don't know why I feel as though,
You're slowly slipping away.
It might have been because,
I did not sleep enough today.

No matter what the reason,
I do feel a distance grow.
I feel as if the days to come,
Are going to make you go.

I need you here right by my side,
Through thick and then through thin.
I don't what I'd do without,
You're like my ******.

I think that if I left right now,
It'd be easier on you.
However, without you by my side,
I'm not sure what I'd do.

I wish that summer could last forever,
And I could keep your hand.
But I know that when the school year starts,
You'll continue what you planned.

Football is your passion,
It's where you want to be.
I just hope that you can find some time,
To still be here with me.

Don't say goodbye to me, my love,
I promise I won't go.
I'll be here and I'll wait for you,
If you ever need me so.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
As you watch the movie,
I sit and watch you.
You fascinate me,
With everything you do.

Then you look over at me,
You bite your lip and smile.
Whenever you are with me,
You make everything worth while.

Though I still have no idea,
What was going through your head.
When you looked at me so lovingly,
Was it something that I said?

Was it something that I did to you,
That made you look that way?
That made you want to look at me,
And give me that display.

As you bit your lip and smiled at me,
I almost went insane.
Though to this day I've no idea,
What went on inside your brain.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
If only you were here right now,
Closely by my side.
I could tell you how I feel,
All these emotions that I hide.

I want to tell you every thought,
That rests inside my head.
But every time I try and say it,
Its like the words have fled.

I've typed it up for you to see,
And think it every day.
I guess the fact that I love you,
Is what I'm trying to say.

The words don't want to leave my lips,
The just will not come out.
I thought that I should let you know,
I love without a doubt.
Rose Moon Aug 2011
To me you're more than just a friend,
You're someone I can turn to.
When I am hurt, or need some help,
Or need someone to talk to you.

You're not my best, or first, or last,
But I know you're always there.
You're one of a kind, you always are,
And no one can compare.

Just know that I am always here,
If you ever need a hand.
I'd travel over anything,
Water, air or land.

Next year you leave and go away,
But please don't let go.
Of the times we've had, the goods and bads,
The joke only we know.

Just thought I'd say I'll miss you girl,
When you pack and move away.
I promise that I'll visit you,
No matter what the day.
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