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Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Roni Shelley Mar 2015
i lost all respect for Me.
Nov 2014 · 524
Where he went.
Roni Shelley Nov 2014
Forget I told you to drown out the sounds of sarcasm when you left me a note on my doorstep and the navy blue hoodie sitting upon my kitchen counter.
Maybe someday I'll remember that feeling of guilt
When I wasn't good enough to keep you waiting.
Feb 2014 · 705
Don't be shy.
Roni Shelley Feb 2014
I stayed behind to pick up the pieces
Right before I left for you to tell the tale.
Feb 2014 · 566
Be aware
Roni Shelley Feb 2014
Clandestine words and actions that triggered
What could have showed
To be a past nearly forgotten
Or wanted to...
This embodiment is gradually deteriorating
They know, they can see right through you.
Is this an excuse? Or is this a fault.
Dec 2013 · 919
Roni Shelley Dec 2013
I apologize
For my inconsistencies
For my opinions
For being naïve or knowing too much of nothing
For questioning the teachings of great thinkers, great writers, poets, inventors of all time
I’m sure that they’re sorry too
Sorry that not everything is done to a certain someone
Or doesn’t pertain to those who toss it aside
Sorry that we all live in our own separate and made up worlds
Feeding off of old traditions
Enhancing them to make our own “new” ones
But then define plagiarism? If it’s such a huge issue
Then why do we do it?
So I am sorry.
Sorry for copying you, him, her, them
Sorry for stealing what was never there
Another old poem.
Dec 2013 · 849
Dear something to remember
Roni Shelley Dec 2013
Dear something to remember
Dear nothing that I knew
Was it clearly a reason to give me a clue
I’ve reworked the works of past lives
Calculated numbers to exist with mine
To reminisce on such a sweet accomplishment
Known as greed to another man’s treasure
Where thoughts could not coexist
But exist if not measured
Where jubilance is false and apt to do
Walls concaved with no place to move
Well if it’s so weird to think regardless of nothing
Then shall I cope with what’s to come?
Or have walls never been where they are or were
To a place that was never done
Just an old poem...
Roni Shelley Dec 2013
No one to talk to
No one to be
To coexist with the same kinds
Yet I will never see.
Nov 2013 · 595
I'm glad I saw you
Roni Shelley Nov 2013
I saw him in my dreams
The man who always saw potential in me
Who saw all my aspirations before he could see
me achieve them
And so I told him
that he should buy a lake house closer to home.
Nov 2013 · 608
We've all been tricked
Roni Shelley Nov 2013
I've relied on time too much
I'm aware that I confide on a basic thought
"pretending" to be real...
Although, I'm not the only one who checks their watch
watching numbers change patterns
reminding people of moments forgotten
We've all been tricked
I mean what exactly are you looking for when your alarm goes off
"You have to wait an hour" etc...
That's a waste, you're waiting on things that have already passed
and yet... We've all been tricked
We're not able to actually describe time
Our definitions would include the word time itself
But yet,
I think the only "thing" that can tell time
is Fate.
Roni Shelley Jul 2013
A week of reality is gone in just seconds
As my life comes back to the reality
that lacks truth and acceptance
Not everyone can be an actor he said
but not everyone can tell the truth.

So I'm back to where I remain in the back of any group gathering photo

including my family's.
Jun 2013 · 858
Roni Shelley Jun 2013
Tonight I was face to face with a boy who used to ask me out
Years ago
Today I ordered a scoop of chocolate ice cream from him
as if it were some usual encounter with a Coldstone employee
No acknowledgements
Just him, me, and the held out ice cream between our distance
It's funny how things change
It's funny how things have changed
And it's quite hilarious how I've changed.
I tend to always search for a group to "fit" in to
But on the contrary I do not.
And just because he forgot who I was
I, along with him, did too.
Roni Shelley Jun 2013
I (x)
am (is) equivalent to
the negativity of becoming someone who is
when breaking down the exact same yet half
of being yourself, being yourself
taking afar For a common knowledge
that rationalizes you
To become of an existence.
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
Just an evening bike ride
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
Headphones in
On your mark, get set, go.
Time to really look at your surroundings
and forget that you exist for just a moment...
Apr 2013 · 726
Unfinished puzzle
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
I am the puzzle
that is always missing a piece
People try and attempt to solve me
If I'm lucky, I get someone for the real deal
but here's the thing,
as they're about to finish the puzzle
get a look of the actual picture

...another piece goes missing.
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
When times were tough last year
I kept asking myself, "Why do I even exist?"
Biggest pessimist in the world.

Recently, my mind expanded
Things started to pick up
and click into place
Glimpses of happiness were hinted, implied, emphasized further out
and were approaching closer and closer for me to grab
To where I now ask myself a different question:"Why do I even exist?"
Apr 2013 · 598
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
I am the difficult person.
Tell me a hundred times I'm not...

But I guarantee soon enough
you'll walk away
like the rest of them.
Apr 2013 · 761
Yin and Yang #2
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
I feel as if I am supposed to hate myself.
It's a ****** feeling, yes I agree
I cry because I'm frustrated
which is beautiful
It shows that I'm passionate to learn how to love myself.
Apr 2013 · 669
Yin and Yang
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
All things I applaud:

In order to get what you are looking for
You must never forget its contrast.
Oh I am not crazy believe me
You are.
Apr 2013 · 2.3k
Multiple PERSONalities
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
Sometimes I sit in order to readjust thoughts
I sit to feel nothing, but end up feeling something
Like multiple desires
or scattered emotions that can make me lose my original thought
Where I'm able to hold conversations with myself
Now isn't that something...
Humans as "Transformers"?
We are literally made up with different human beings within ourselves
Optimus Prime
I like that name. *Does everyone agree?
Apr 2013 · 5.4k
Find "x"
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
We are doing quadratic equations again in math.
Find the domain when x is on the bottom of the fraction beneath 1
All "real" numbers, negative infinity to infinity....
not including 0?
It can either be that or this, it cannot be "what is normal?"
I think you're wrong.
I'm finding something made up
You're telling me to read your mind
Well I can't.
What about this... Let's say that I'm "x"
Now find me other than undefined.
Apr 2013 · 2.3k
Apology Unaccepted
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
The thing is everyone has faults
I have faults
That's why it stings whenever I say sorry
Because I know it was both my fault
Apr 2013 · 574
Who's really blind..?
Roni Shelley Apr 2013
People forget to draw the line between loneliness
and being lonely
The wanting of acceptance
can fog any mirror.
And to those who don't own a mirror
I applaud you.
Mar 2013 · 621
Time is made-up
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
I held out my hand hoping for someone
An unexpected grasp to be received.
But for now
We weep
Listen to grass
when it hushes to trees
and for a second I am silent
You blink.
For a second my thoughts pause
and my finger remains on the button
For a second we stop...
For a second we discover time.
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
I continue to predict
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
Call me a heretic
I question the Bible
I question faith
my own.
I believe because it says that it's the right thing to do
I'll be saved?
But define religion.
Define what is infinite but is secrete
God, YHWH, Allah, The Creator
of what?
We are able to gain information of such large rocks
within our galaxy
Yet we see them...
from Earth
As tiny specks through a large magnifying glass
That makes it seem colossal or the actual size
but still remains at distant and a permanent mystery
Never in person. Inaccurate as well
I guess everything is just a hypothesis
It's become a habit that if you get more people to agree with you
You assume valediction
Well if that's what it has come to nowadays...
Mar 2013 · 633
I punched a wall
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
Can we all just be ****** for a second?
People forget to give anger recognition sometimes
So let me throw **** around and have you watch me
In fact, join me.
Someone finally admitted the problem
That everyone kept to themselves.
Mar 2013 · 897
People watching people
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
Yes people watching is fun
But that's because watching people is harder to do.
Mar 2013 · 1.7k
Rhythmically Unstable
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
Yiruma knows where it's at.
He speaks to us in a language everyone understands
or has the potential to
or can.
But am I the only one hearing the complexity within every fingertap unheard?
Mental conflicts
or maybe I'm selfish and draw his life back to mine
Unintentionally compare two inseparable distant lives
So maybe it's not his fingers, but mine
as I vigorously type to the beat of a thought
That I cannot even claim as my own
Call me selfish
and I apologize Yiruma
You sound great.
Mar 2013 · 791
I run away in Circles
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
How many times has my mind contemplated the thought of running away?
It would seem like the more fingers the better
But would it be beneficial?
That I run off to another location labeled by a type of hierarchy to call "home"
Should I keep running then... in a circle where it is said a circle does not stop?
But it stops somehow
It stops when the fat lady sings
I sing.
I've been lied to. But I remain running
Why can't I stop? But at the same time...
Why can't I get out
Mar 2013 · 530
Damn right you know.
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
You say you're confused
Your confusion covers actual knowledge
So you know
Stop closing the door now
when clearly it has been open this whole time.
Mar 2013 · 782
Humanoid as a Label
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
Insert chuckle
There is a fine line between "existing to live" and "living to exist"
So I'm here.
Roni Shelley Mar 2013
How many people have I disappointed?
I do **** and maybe I like it
I don't.
I search for nothing
I grab an apple from the ground when it was supposed to be from a tree above
So I'm hated for being naive
But convincing is good
Good for the mind; functioning but discombobulated
Convinced equals the force of what the mass equals in Newtons?
Oh **** it. If it's balanced I'll take it.
I guess that it's better when it was never known.

— The End —