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Ron Mar 2021
Grip tight a slick wet ******,
Slide slippery through the neither hair,
Kneel to the urge, to taste and purge,
Such need not mimicked this waning night!

Let prudence part in quickened hearts,
Hold fast those thumps and thrusts and sighs,
Beauties revealing of hidden parts,
Climatic fodder feeding lustful cries!

Nibble softly tautly tender skin,
Moan once more, as breaths implore
The quivering explosion to then set in,
Quiet to follow, with lips on lips again.
Ron Apr 2022
Where before me,
have my ages then gone?
And where behind me,
Are the coming new birth?
I think of sunlight and earth,
They lost without limit,
without end, without mirth.
In silence I sit alone,
As my tears fall down.
Adding water and salt,
To sunlight and earth.
Ron Jul 2020
Someday soon I will be
A feeble old man
Dozing somewhere in the sun
When all I can do I have done
And my life is but a shattered plan
What could be better than
Dozing there under the sun?

I would grow very still
As an old stone perched on a hill
And be content with that one
Thing that has always been kind
To me the warming sun.
I may grow deaf and blind
And never hear a voice
Nor think I could rejoice
With anyone in any place
And would soon forget my face
and love only the sun.
Because when I am weary and tired,
And cannot again be fired
By any small chance of hope
The sun will then be comforting
As bird-song in the spring

Give me only the feel
Of an old and comfy chair
Out in the air
And let me rest there
Moving not
Loving not
Only dozing till my days
Might be done
There under the sun.
Ron Jun 2020
When from the ending of my weary days
Into the depths of my sleep rush soon,
Such sweet and sour dreams of you.
What are these sugared dreams,
To lure bees humming hungry with lyrics
Buzzing quick past my window sill?

Have they from my many thousand thoughts,
Stolen the strange sour sweetness
Of the ever blossomy you.
Our flavors fused in a thousand fancies,
A spicy meld of mind teasing knots,  
in which we are most willingly bound as two?

What sharp tasting tunes, quick with pain,
Do the bees buzz out and back again.
How they tease each mornings wake
To hear their hungry music in my brain!
My day’s tastes have trouble for your sake,
As I find myself constantly hungry for you
Ron Sep 2020
I see you,
Shaking your flowers at me
with open invitation,
Then dancing away,
Deliciously trampling the grass,
Beneath your naked toes.

Let be,
My dreams that shiver under your breath,
You have the rest of the world to breathe on,
Do not tease me and prance away looking back,
I am too weary to play with you,
Let us instead make slow love,
Here in the tall grass.
Ron Sep 2022
Tell me I am needed,
In your sleep like air.
And not like whispers,
Momentarily there.

Tell me I am seen,
In the orbs of your eyes.
Stare into my face,
Present me no lies.

Tell me I am read,
Between pages of books.
A paragraphs end,
My prologue mistook.

When tired and old,
Lying down in our bed.
Kiss me like I'm young,
And taste what you 've said.
Ron May 2020
Such tears of despair,
The sounds of a poet,
are silently shed.

Ah, but what of despair…
Those sad soundless screams
of poetry forgotten.
Ron Sep 2020
Cut'em apart, still intact,
Tidy'm up, still they crack,
Those lives in separation,
A tiny taste of desolation
Ron Jul 2020
The pale heavens of the universe
refute a good morning to her
neither do the sky-punched stars
bother with an evening’s kiss.
This earth, where so many memories,
Among fine sentiments are buried,
could die in need of tender glance,
A cordial comment, or a little peace.
This damp blue ball is lonely,
so very lonely, as she views
the moon's cold cratered clothing,
while accusing the sun of being a thief.
It is a hot sun burning bright,
with many photons un-leased
in an attempt to pacify this earth
as the only living renter it keeps.
Ron Jun 2020
Without you I shall just fade
Back into the fabric of my past
How dare I imagine myself
Part of your exotic weave
My colors worn and drab
Dulled to shades of grey.
Ron Jul 2020
And eighty years
passed among mortals.
With pieces of life,
being laid on the board,
The carpenter takes,
his hammer home.
The work of the handle,
Grown tired and thin,
Hands of flesh,
Now turned to stone,
What he has created,
In this life he lived,
Has left him immortal.
Ron Apr 2022
The climbing vine,
With leaves and tendrils entwined,
Around my unused garden *****,
Such a beautiful sight they made.
Of that wooden handle worn smooth,
By my grasping fingers that grooved,
Lend me your beauty oh climbing vine,
For the garden of my soul to be soothed.
Ron Dec 2022
The clock on the wall
Keeps making faces
In an endless teasing
Of my time soon to come
Ron Aug 2020
Through the windows of a passing train,
dawn rain darkens lighter green,
this sudden color of the rain,
In passing fields revived,
Gives me urge to swelling surge,
A salty rain within my eye.
Ron Sep 2020
With no other lover but the quiet of night,
Here you find me in this same old room,
And as raindrops brighten my window light,
A sixty-watt bulb my head illumnes.
Out of the world these past many years,
I have not been ashamed to invite you here.
But still you cannot come too often,
No more than a lover, or a lifelong friend.
Ron Oct 2023
own no cross to drag through the rock,
just sit as a dog and shiver in the dark.

bite your tongue when heavy-hearted,
use the pain to advance some caution.

wild winds tangle thoughts confused,
summers storms blow but seldom sooth.

shiver at birth, a warmth now lost,
silence in sorrow, loss of the spark.

look close now, the ghosts have gathered,
speaking a sodden, vernacular language.
Ron Jul 2020
The grinding of the grain,
An intoxicating hum.
Hay bales piled high,
prickly building blocks.
We harvest as farmers,
and are self-sufficient,
Knowing the weather,
Of tomorrow will come.
Only after he ‘d stolen leisure,
From work on the farm,
Did he realize how long,
the summer days had become.
Among fresh cut wheat,
Standing there in the eve,
a cool breeze on his face,
Leftovers from the day,
To appease the nights fate.
Time to eat dinner,
And sleep.
Ron Apr 2022
Show yourself
you darkest of name-callers
Who shouts such vile words
From shadows ink thick with deceit
Have your lies forsaken the light?
Your vulgarity the best you can do?
Retreat from the cover of night
Draw not another laborious breath
In secrete you call out in longing
For the sweetest respite of a song
Ron Jun 2020
My soul is clothed
By your body.
Your limbs are swathed in my scent.
Your face is covered
In fine shadows.
Still I drink from you,
I drink…

My ready soul sips the beauty
Of your curves so delicate.
My eyes are vibrant bees,
Your mouth a rosy flower.
Hold your body for your lover,
While I delve,
For greater treasures,
From the beauty of your mind.
Then unguarded and untouched,
I will steal you for my own,
Silky, soft and clear.
I will shape and shift
our need to be,
While I coil and uncoil
Your long soft hair.
I will kiss you,
Ron May 2020
The thoughts of leaves interest me,
Fragile fall, crisp with color,
harbingers of cooler times.
How fleeting flow their days,
How long lay their nights,
Memories of summers past,
Those thoughts that still drift,
Into many a fragrant eve,
hanging gently in their trees
to sing a song of rivers and streams,
and melodies,
of lemon scented fireflies.
This where the image of leaves,
is mirrored in the realm,
of my mind’s infinite summers.
Where the thoughts of leaves,
blow wild and free,
and memories past still wander.
Ron Mar 2023
In a quivering of lips
While our eyes converse
distance closing
until nothing was there
but a shaft of sunlight  
in the scent of your hair.

Silence now,
subtle shock of your words
lying lose on an indifferent floor
sweeping slowly, I scatter them,
through the light of the open door,
Floating whispers in the breeze.  

And no more.
Ron May 2020
Those tiny people
growing green,
amongst a greener leaf

They do not celebrate
They will not clap or shout

Those tiny people slip
under doors, windows,
silent as whispers,

They forage for time,
Rest in shade,
Visit the garden fair,

Together, they lift
Push, pull, shift

Small cracks they
see through
to wonder, and stare.

Those tiny people
walk on wind
They tread on light

To build a life,
For all to share.
Ron Oct 2020
All assertions.
Are defeated by time.
And yes, there has always been
more meaning in what's left untouched.
The passing time does turn to dust
amid my solitary and loveless nights.
Such lack of touch still leaves me yearning,
For sleep to remove me from my plight,
with a subtle singing of liquid sighs,
Reflecting loves lake with lonely skies.
Silent I remain, forced to abstain,
From those human pleasures of life,
That most basic need of human touch.
Ron Jul 2020
Without a sound
The moon arcs high
a cratered orb tracking time.
It slips beyond my quixotic experience
beyond the reach of my rational hands.
Pale and round the silent drum,
glistens speckled silver-bright.
The night cats howl, the winds lash out,
blowing and tossing life’s pages about,
There for an intellectual moon’s delight,
New pages that need to be learned.
Lyrics of a song, fragments of a tune
Searching for and nearly found.
Looking for one more story to tell,
The moon arcs high
Without a sound.
Ron Jul 2020
It sloughs my skin,
that unknown distance
it takes to reach
my end in sleep.
Your closed eyes
and carmine lips
formed into a smile
a trait that I’d
surrender into
as often as
your smiles endure
my transcendence
of bone and muscle
Ron Jul 2020
Who is to blame,
for my secret disarray,
like many patterns dyed
in summer fields of color?
Not I,
Who hides my grief,
In deeper shades of gray.
Just let the winds of sky
blow shut a cloudy passage,
that I might keep wisely then,
My many shades of sorrow,
behind me for a while.
Ron Apr 2022
What dank dark alley
have you abandoned this night,
crazy yowling trash can cat
to include to me in your song?
why beneath my open window
do you disturb my peaceful sleep?

Not through Spring’s eternal moon
Nor at lighted front of store,
Do you sing your crazy love-sick song,
With lonely yowls forlorn
Do you know I wonder
Where go sleeping souls to slumber?

Be gone your piercing lonely tune
Before I screech my angry song
Before I chuck my shoes at you,
Before you bring the dawn.
Begone, lonely trash can cat,
Allow my dreams reborn,
Ron May 2020
Once I am dead,
I will evoke night vision,
So that I may see,
From beyond my grave,
All those people beautiful,
Whom I once found ugly,
Within my living life,
Ron Aug 2020
MY little turtle labors alone,
All other turtles have quit this year
No one will pause to stop and praise
Its measured pace of travel I fear,
Now that my turtle time is near.
Ron Sep 2020
A cold wind is whistling under my door,
And the city's naked wail,
sounds pale with the tune.
I see an alley cat crossing fast,
A silent shadow on the roadside path,
And faint I  hear on the wind in the night,
Thousands of typists on the internet.
Instead of wishing for the moment to slow,
To bear me away and watch me go,
I have found your poem so beautiful,
That I forget the cat crossing the path,
To the tune of typists on the internet.
Ron Jun 2020
The land awoke today,
bright and windless,
to gaze upon a porcelain sun.
In love with light,
it shows once more,
wavering subtle shades,
of brilliant liquid color,
within its well-shaped orb.
It is a clear and selfless light,
that never waits to see,
its own flawed colors,
shattered as broken glass,
reflected in windows of poverty.
Alone this painted orb,
knows only of self-comforting,
and in its seclusion,
it may never know,
through either love or wisdom,
just how beautiful it can be.
Ron Aug 2020
Having been forgotten,
I care little for myself,
yet concern still runs deep,
for the life of the one,
who forgot me.
Ron May 2020
Some of them met you
A few remained hidden
in their stretched-out tracings of time

Some harbor revenge
or plot their escape
as they run ruthlessly into their sin

Some linger lonely
at the foot of the mountains
exposed to the elements of love

Some owned your heart
Some gave it back
Some ripped it out and ate it
Ron Aug 2020
whose face in the wind,
and the falling of the leaves,
to curse the ancient rain
drifting long in alien seas
save now that breath
for a future in motion
a short sentence is best
when crossing wide oceans
Ron Oct 2020
Poetry - may you be a lilted word,
May you be that unspoken quest,
in which all may wander in awe.
Let words with wings of bird,
Power of love, and grace of deer,
Be the inspiration of my message,
so that some may treasure,
the unheard cheer of all voices
through my silent words thus written.
Ron Apr 2022
On the red rim of the rose,
A thin frost glistens,
Cold in my bedroom,
A bare bulb flickers.
Deeper grows my longing,
Part the curtains with wavering sigh,
To gaze upon the moon,
Single as the frosted rose,
Now cold outside my room.
Above I see the velvet sky,
Below I see the people scenes,
Of an ever-flowing tide,
Bitter between them drifts my sorrow,
Shall I dream at my dusty window?
Dare I admire the frosted rose?
For tomorrow the frost is gone.
Ron Jun 2020
Please accept my apologies
for pretending to not know you
If I knew you too much
I couldn’t help that either
I cannot accept this choice
in my double-edged world.
Ron Aug 2020
Bought as a lark,
From the corner pet store,
A green and blue parrot,
vivid as newly leaved trees,
Talked always in human words.
And still they did to it then,
what has always been done,
To the oh-so wise and talkative,
They bought a cage with sturdy bars,
And shut it up inside.
Ron Jun 2020
In silence I lie alone,
The lights are all out.
Gently I feel through the darkness,
with a need to touch hand to hand,
a desire to feel mouth on mouth.
The night wind moans its lonely sound,
then suddenly I'm awake, aware, afraid,
with only the cold darkness to be found.
Where is your soft hair, your sweet mouth?
These then are my thoughts of you,
In my sleep since you’ve been gone.
And though I lie here now,
Alone, awake and unwound
My love for you still
slumbers on.
Ron Dec 2020
Well, so long and thank you
for consenting to this visit
by the mortal life of a forlorn man
traveling outcast with only
his wicked beating heart.
Is an abject heart you understand?
Bright red frailty now bled clear,
to let you peer within,
my stained and ***** past-life

Still, may we converse a while?
Let us live within this day,
exchange a few words, shall we say.
Share some wine, taste some cheese.
If only for you to hear,
my lightly murmured pleas.
My heart would then be slightly healed,
Because fondly then could I say
Yes, truly was I here.
Ron Aug 2020
Lights through a thousand dappled leaves,
Recall my mind from a noon day nap.
The shadow of a tree grows winding on my wall,
Through the variegated path of my window screen.
The tree on a hill shares the sun's bright light,
Warming my shades only partly drawn.
All life is now shadow in my room it does seem.
And now I know not if I wake or I sleep,
Music breathes through the silence to sing,
Wind in the shadows tree leaves or a song?
Drawn from a violin with shadows for string,
Be this visual music within my dream?
Ron Jun 2022
Fouls words have bruised the tip of my tongue
My raspy thoughts have come un-done
****** are the voices telling secretes in the night
Cold breath shimmering softly to the silver moons delight
Allow those words give birth to the darkness they did stain
When perceptions past are crushed like glass
Their silence still remains
Weeping words in a thousand ways
To wash away the pain.
Ron Jun 2020
Her barefoot patter on the floor,
My straining ears do hear no more,
So I will cut in half what minutes waste,
Those memories of her smiling face,
To be bound up tightly then be placed,
In a warm sunbeam outside my door,
To be released then gently in the night,
When once again my love arrives.
Ron Jul 2020
Unfold this dream
Against the light,
crafted hills and streams
Finely painted nature

Thin clouds, light rain.
Far stars, faint moon.
I sit, I look, the green moss grows
Soon becomes one with my clothes.
Ron Jul 2022
She: Enticing waters with luminous waves,
         that can tempt the dead from their bed.

I: The sinews of my soul stretching for both,
    Her beauties form from where it is fed.

She: A wondrous storm in a turbulent sea
         that has taken hold of the deepest of me

I: Refusing to slip off to a peaceful sleep
   until her waves of desire sing sweet release.
Ron Jan 2021
I loved the sun.
And so it rained like pain,
upon my questing head.
Drops flowing down my slender stalk,
Fine steel quills drenched again,
Only to bend as flowers do,
Before the will of the wind.
Ron Apr 2022
My books weigh no less,
after I read them.
But how can this be,
After so much they have given?
Ron Jun 2020
Stones pressing every soiled surface,
of my well-worn soles,
far and hard they have walked.

People expect so much and realize,
So little of the horrors,  
that others go through.

Does this frailty now become me?
Should it now become my weakness,
To grow old with my time?

I would say no.
Even old smiles have need,
to maintain a past happiness.

Still I listen for that hidden life
that to calls to me
hopeful healing for a well-worn soul.
Ron Jun 2020
It’s raining outside, once again.
Water leaking on my head.
As I lie here soaking
In the sorrows,
Of this miserable life I’ve led.
Ron Sep 2023
Her hot blood whispers,
secrets in the spring,
whispers of her,
whisper to me.

Beneath a jealous moon,
Silky she lies,
within my dreams,
and while sleeping
the world snores softly
carried on whisper thin wings.

And out of the nebulous night,
whisper-like laughter emits,
I feel her smile,
I hear her wonder,
Her breathing, her whispers,
exciting my skin,
Always those whispers,
I listen in.…
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