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Ron Sep 2023
Her hot blood whispers,
secrets in the spring,
whispers of her,
whisper to me.

Beneath a jealous moon,
Silky she lies,
within my dreams,
and while sleeping
the world snores softly
carried on whisper thin wings.

And out of the nebulous night,
whisper-like laughter emits,
I feel her smile,
I hear her wonder,
Her breathing, her whispers,
exciting my skin,
Always those whispers,
I listen in.…
Ron Sep 2020
There's a gleam of green in the sunset red,
There's a stir of blue in the quiet mood,
There's an odious glow in the dusk outside,
Tonight, I’ll have my wine inside.
There’s none but me in this empty room,
Drinking lonely in in a swoon,
And yet still I hear a ****** voice,
Where moonlight fingers the window ledge.
Shall I calm the thoughts within my head?
No, I think I’ll drink my wine instead.
Ron Jul 2020
Out of a universe of things,
Only two,
Give me any measure of peace,
The rain,
That shuts you out,
And wind,
That bears me away.
Ron Jul 2020
Oh when will it be, oh when will it be,
That she shall come my face to see,
With wine and love and gladness.
Her lips to kiss those lips of mine
Whose lips will taste of wine,
So, I shall sip the music,
from her sweet lips.
And she…
For all
To see,
may taste the love,
and desire from mine.
Ron Jan 2021
Winter rain means little to summer,
Falling as it does in December.
But the cool wind of the years end,
Leaves spring grieving for winters relief,
Weeping as the chilly rain,
Then turns into its frozen lover.
Ron Jun 2020
Sometimes I wish for a tangerine tree
So that I could undress the fruit
like a lover, spontaneously

Sometimes I wish for an apple tree
So I could view the fruit as a friend
without need to peel, or pretend.

But mostly I wish for a walnut tree,
so other nuts could drop at my feet,
and have conversations with me!
Ron May 2020
In my mind,
I hold the words,
that life denies me.
Words sweet words,
speak love sweet love,
if only to grow wings instead,
if only to rise above.
Words are not speaking,
as songs are not singing,
words to wound,
words to please,
words to bring me to my knees.
All day I have written words.
My subject has been just that:
And I am wrong,
and the words are wrong,
and so the words I burn.
Cerebral pages of them.
Desperate I ask the moon,
to gather her moonlit words,
and those too I burn.
But a poem still remains.
Of the words, with the words,
in the flame, that is now the words,
I disdain.
So I burn the words to contain,
Those meaningless words un-heard,
my words,
and am then burnt,
by all I cannot save,
all I cannot love,
and all I leave un-made.
But the words,
the words remain the same.
Ron Jun 2022
In your left hand
the arrow.

In your right hand
the string.

I am wounded.
On my hands and knees
I cross the stream.

This same fast flow
from life let us go.

Every day I wake
Only slowly to swim to shore.

— The End —