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Ron Jun 2020
I am much too alone in this world,
yet not alone enough,
to truly consecrate my hour.
I am much too small in this world,
yet not small enough,
to be only an object, a thought, an action,
or just a simple easy breeze.
I want my free will,
and I want it to accompany,
a path that leads to people;
and though that I want,
during my time begs questions,
where something I thought I made up,
was already there for others to see.
Yet is it enough,
to be so alone in this world?
Is it enough to be only me?
Ron Nov 2020
Dreaming doubters of unheard words,
A wind in the trees has startled the birds,
And insects cower from cold in the grass,
But the barflies at least have beer,
And nothing to fear till the midnights past.
Ron Jul 2020
My evenings umbra
stood watching
The nights damp
sweet falling
breathing lone sighs
and calling
the sky's departure
of dew.
Diluting loose tears,
in a fountain
of fears
where my fate
spread supine
in a cascade
of time
to ponder my present
Ron Apr 2021
Again, the tall weeds
Have grown pale green in my garden
Changed yet unchanged they remain

But I have hurt you
Who looks at me with pale green eyes
Those tears contained of which are mine

Time goes by with evenings glow
Tall weeds grow, pale green and slow
Pain fertilized among them

I hear your silent words
Running among the ****’s unseen
Still your hurt I retain

Sleepless this morning
Green weeds have comfort none,
Hurt, you grow cold colored flowers,

Weeping pale green among them.
Ron Mar 2023
I see the spirits gathered at my side,
Speaking their oblivion tongues,
Grieving for my flesh so fine,
Who next shall they long for?
Death-rattles in my hall.
Ron Apr 2022
I sit on my step and offer you wine,
 And ask where you are going and why?
You answer: "I am discontent yet resolute,
  That I will find rest at the foot of my shadow.
Please allow me to leave, and ask no more questions”.
  As I watch white clouds pass without end.
Ron Jul 2022
Wafting away from mouth and lip
Through volumes of mist and fog
My haunting breath floats beyond,
Bearing the scent of my song.
Deep in the city horns linger on corners,
With streetlights then pointing the way.
And the moment of our last meeting?
Will our shadows again ever cross?
Should destiny then ask from where?
We were borne on separate paths,
Simple the reason to vanquish our care.
Ron Jan 2021
Something tossed on a chair
makes you mentally linger
the scent of her hair
Her woman’s whisper
her musical laughter
Now crosses your absence
So the days pass by
As you strain to listen
For her beckoning voice
In the darkening distance.
Ron May 2020
I don't think answers should be doled out by popularity,
or even by the general masses huddled within the light,
But by those of us with an individuality,

i am not lost, not anymore,
i have not found freedom,
but am working hard,
toward that end,
and right.
Ron Oct 2020
Sleepless without ease,
I see I will not be,
Next to your lilied body.
You were neither,
my master, nor my muse,
But only a longed-for delirium,
dismissed but loose in my memory.
Distant yet never so close,
sleepless I walk your sinking earth,
lying down only to hear your mirth,
And feel your hard ticking of time.
I urge you, set fire to the rage,
Collect the ashes of your pain,
And go,
Then allow me to sleep here alone.
Ron Mar 2021
Well, so long and thank you
for consenting to this visit
by the mortal life of a forlorn man
traveling outcast with only
his barely beating heart.
Is an abject heart you understand?
Bright red frailty now bled clear,
within to let you peer,
At a stained and ***** past-life

Still, may we converse a while?
Let us live within this day,
exchange a few words, shall we say.
Share some wine, taste some tears.
If only for you to hear,
my lightly murmured pleas.
My heart would then be slightly healed,
Because fondly then could I say
Yes, truly was I here.
Ron Sep 2023
I remember when spring once silenced me,
and summer did boil my blood.
I remember when fall fell scratching,
And winter took hold of my tongue.
I remember when night stood facing me,
Soft praying for the sun to come up.
I remember the dawn of my youth,
Patient I wait for my eve yet to come.
Ron Jun 2020
I come from a long line
of moments in history,
each one a bit more weary
than the one before.
Words all a-wander
Lost in dark pools of lace
No thoughts, no ties,
For I have cut
Both men and gods
Out of my life.
Ron May 2020
Having no promises to keep,
and no bed to head to,
immeasurably shortens his miles.
Demons of the dusk, a knight’s villain of the dawn,
Having nowhere to belong.
Whose thoughts these are he’s sure to know,
he lives in silent shadow though,
Somewhere later in life.

I found myself wandering a darkened wood.
discovered within in a brilliant forest.
Between past ghosts and future dreams, I got lost.
Long now has anyone asked a promise of me,
none will notice should I choose a bed or a box,
a matted rug or the forest deep.
Like promises made and left by others
It matters not where I sleep.
Ron Sep 2020
Even in this fast world  
the spirit of a friend
May live and reign
for a thousand years.
Why are friends long lost,
Always the most stable,
Of the four legs on a chair?
Ron Jun 2020
Because as a word,
Is both the answer
And the question.
Ron Jun 2020
Long have I avoided the dark hunter death,
And now I am weary,
and in much need of learning,
where my still peace is.
Soon I will hear that voice of the ages,
That knows nothing of my old earth’s yearnings.
And its cry,
is but quiet,
Like wind over water,
And it knows nothing of love…
Only of dying.
Ron Oct 2020
Have you ever been where raindrops fall
in shades of purple gold and blue,
where in the clouds such beauty sings
of breezy days in June

Have you ever been so light and free
of human bonds and plight,
to laugh aloud with a pleasantry,
that blooms within you bright!

Have you ever been alone at dusk,
to see the lonely moon,
and wonder where it finds such light,
to brighten up your view.

Have you ever been where raindrops fall,
in shades of purple gold and blue,
and if you have did they rain,
their beauty down on you?

For May,
Feb, 1989
Ron Jul 2020
What pleasure it is,
For rain on my skin,
to dry in the bright sunshine!
Ron Oct 2020
I longed for red lips,
red roses and rest,
soft cotton and comfort,
found upon her smooth breast.

The red of her love so entangled me,
But oh how I did crave the pain
To banish my own mediocrity
And burn in her molten red rain

In our days we danced so wildly,
Through red skies so happy we flew,
But soon our red turned to crimson,
A red much too heavy for two.

Now I long for white roses,
A somber display,
I’ll curse it in horror,
And fling it away.
Ron Jul 2020
Regret has no business interfering with a person's life,
as if one could change the past by spending the future dwelling on it.
Were it not for regret,
the present might be a much more pleasant place to live,
allowing one to look forward to the future with optimism,
rather than hesitation.
Regret is useless to all but the person using it and deserving or not,
is nothing more than the disguised past tense of guilt.
Regret is a selfish act.
Ron Jul 2020
On the hills of a slaying darkness,
I hear still my lost lover’s roar.
light and sad, with grief transparent,
my melancholy fills with you.
You, and you alone, my sorrow,
Still untouched and unmoved.
My heart flames again, and loves,
for then what else could it do?
Ron Aug 2020
I cannot speak of those days,
when fresh coffee scent began to float,
filling the morning air with hope,
when our sons' childish laughter,
hung like musical notes on currents of air.
Let us not speak of the glowing arms of sky,
that used to capture us at dusk,
And oh, the live oaks let us not trace,
Their spreading branches clothed in leaves,
They giving us shelter in our dreams,
or yearn for the noise of a colorful bird,
that treated us with humors ease.
Let us not remember the first smell of rain,
Instead, I can only think of now,
In the present of past lives lost to me.  
I might consider remembering them,
With the glowing sky and coffee beans,
in shaded houses on sunny streets.
Might I then set my memory afloat,,
like a paper boat down a river.
I could ask that paper please,
whisper our story to the water,
that the water sing it to the trees,
for the trees to shake and shiver,
at pleasure through their leaves.
If I keep still and do not speak,
I might hear our whole life past,
Remove my presence from this void,
until the wind is the only word heard.
Ron Sep 2023
Let us escape in our wonder
let us paint our own picture
let us hang our great hunger
from frayed ropes of hope.
Let us harvest our time,
from such smiles divine
that our hearts may grow strong
with our plunder.
Ron Aug 2020
Walking beside a river,
I watch my silly shadow dance,
From ripple to ripple in wild romance,
With the rivers frantic drop,
to clear and brilliant pools.
What does the river see,
In my shadow unfettered and free?
One thousand sparkling eyes in sun,
Reflected from its liquid run?
Or is it only an admiring gaze,
The wisdom of the river seeks?
Ron Jul 2020
You want to run you say? But where shall you go?
City concrete has no need to follow, it is already there.
Steel beams do not see, and do not breathe
That most pungent stench of human misery.
They will not care, it does not matter,
Run, flee, get out before you’re seen!
Listen close you’ll hear it everywhere,
The meter maid, the bus driver, the newsvendor
All waving goodbye, urging you to go
Farewell to you they say,
So long until another day!
Go! Why is it still you waver?
Are you not puzzled to remain?
With feet laced neat in in running shoes,
You could run fast along these jaded lanes.
Pack your clothes, leave behind your ruined lives,
Translate your unknown language at another time.
Midnight street lights will not save you,
There are no hallowed halls in downtown stalls.
Do not become a future myth to bleed,
You are human, why pretend? Go!
Find your home in future seas, lift your chin,
Live unburdened, love again.
Ron Jun 2020
This remorseless dark separation
I bear unequally with you.
Why cry?
Rather, I search for your hand,
And ask for your promise
to visit me in dream.
You and I are like two seas,
many shores separated,
No more meeting in this world.
If only sometimes through starlight,
You would send me a greeting
through the salty stars,
streaming down my cheeks.
Ron Nov 2020
People on the screen
Are murdering one another
while I remain just the same
Maybe even a little bored
unaware my minds eye
Now bleeds blood red
Ron Aug 2020
She weeps,
Never to see her true love again.
Soft cheeks gleam wet on her face.
She might ask where now
Her love may be found.
Past streets of longing
Empty is her place.
The passing of my neighbors spouse, married 52 years, I mourn for her loss.
Ron Sep 2020
What the material world values
Does not shine the same
in the truth of my soul.
Long have I been intrigued
by her shadow.
The sun a mere backdrop
to her grace and beauty.
I have need to rest lightly,
In her shade.
Ron Aug 2020
If you see me led,
With old hand tethered,
to a mangy one-eyed mutt.
Dare you not feel shame for me,
Yet still I retain the dedication of one.
Ron Jan 2021
I needed you
But shall never forgive you
Oh long shirt sleeves that I wore
You always got wet,
With tear-stained regret
And furthermore,
Love lost traveling by sleeve ends
Always proves hard to forget
Ron Aug 2020
I am short this night,
the leftover shadow,
of a noonday sun.

Long I await now,
the mornings mystery,
to slowly extend me.
Ron Feb 2021
Oh daylight star burning bright red
My shadow stands mute on the mountain
Please whisper my secrete name
Over distant lands I have seen

Will solitude never tire of silence,
And thereby long to sing?
Hearing not of the winds of June,
Means not that they have lost their tune.

Never did I know how subtle,
Was the secret success of silence,
Till thunderous showers ravaged my valleys,
Shattering my stillness to fragments.

Silent mirrors of night-stained waters,
Where do you keep your secret tomorrows?
Floating on petals of glistening calmness.
Then drifting away in shrouded sorrows
Ron Jul 2020
Too long tonight I've lingered here,
And though time itself be intimate,
The ticking of the clock, is not.
Unlock those dreams of fate.
Old rising sun, you must wait.

If I had made of my scrawny arm
A pillow for my boney head
I may have had a moment's time
To chase a summer's dream that fled,
What would the Sun have said?

If in this troubled world of mine
I must linger sleepless in the night,
My only friend shall be the moon,
Who paints my lids a sadness shone,
As the Sun now shines a brighter light.
Ron Jun 2020
He sits in their kitchen with mingled aromas,
where creatures arise from coffee mug steam.
He has only his hands to hold up his head,
he came from where small talk,
to large loss has led.

But then, oh so willingly,  
He was trapped among many fine things.
The wind is now searching to trace out a path,
While sunlight glints on a shiny juice glass.
He can see with a twist of a dull butter knife,
the ease of drawing such strawberry blood,
his trembling hands ready to spin a red thread,
on her hot buttered toast, or a bagel instead.
His lips remain silent with thunderous cries,
eyes resting on windows with live oaks outside.

And so she said, “my love”,
“there should be no more to life than just this.”
Watching her hesitate he stirs hot coffee.
Then curls his hands around hers and her mug,
while time ticks through the day just begun.
The fresh morning mist a subtle mosaic,
lit by the sun preserved with such color,
as a new summers leaf,
with a yellow lace flower,
such was their love once discussed.

Once drenched in love,
Soaked softly in sun, this moments relief,
Spins slowly across his kitchen motif,
until a breeze blows in to surround him,
scented words of lost love, a hope yet revived,
in a fragrant unbalanced wisp of his life.
The past cannot die without a death,
If only he could heal her with more coffee,
While patiently he waits,
for other such fools to fall in love.
Ron Sep 2020
You glow in my heart
Like the flames of a thousand candles
But when I reach to warm my hands
My clumsiness upends the light
And then I stumble
Against my love and desire
And your cold indifferent stare
Ron Jul 2020
Once a small child now an old man.
White hairs to match the child’s down.
Easy the heart gets hurt by life.
Slowly now the urge to move,
Beyond the closing doors,
Where then all craving ends.
Ron Jun 2020
Below the tree line
love ran its rank course
in hungry silence, with diligence,
where all are meat, and none are free,
to the lone wolf prowling through the pines
pure of heart, and lovers’ dreams
over many a distant hill he roams
his silent sorrow speaks to me.

Here amongst these rolling hills
among no person's love or lust
resigned to chase his dimming suns
with knowledge of his end to come.
None should know such lonely thoughts,
as this simple creature, filled with light,
chasing always loves request
to find his longing in the night.

Howling deeds that others shun,
Silver drops of heartache shimmer,
from jaws of silent moonlight come,
glowing with the faintest glimmer,
of peaceful evenings left undone.

Those longing cries for others,
Friends, enemies, lovers,
They cannot peer within
such chilly hills where solitude lives
Lone wolves run free and live apart
They have no brothers, no friends, no lovers,
to claim their lonely wandering heart,
the coldest, grimmest winds that blow
are all they need to nourish and feed,
their hunger wandering cold
and lean amongst the silent trees
Ron Dec 2022
So loud as I shout,
I am not heard.
As much as I sing,
I am not song,
So long as I see,
I am not seen,
sometimes I know,
It is all me,
But most times,
My dull light,
Is too dim to see.
Ron Jan 2021
The roses on my doorstep
overtake the sidewalk’s growth
tomorrow I shall plant more sidewalk
to better expand my rosy show
Ron Jan 2021
In distant times one might see her,
walking restless lonely streets,
compassion trailing in her breeze,
A simply being of light, she fought,
against the enemies of love and loss.
Unlike a ghost or a wandering wraith,
Her eyes were not a such solemn lakes,
but lifted her love, her life, her fate.

Blue eyes teasing skies above,
till nights unknown enigma begun,
My friend, my love, my poet, my dove,
If not reading, writing or crying tonight,
Above my laptops blueish light,
Should her silken breath then kiss my ear,
my death may then be solid and real,
as her ghost of life might then become.
Ron Jul 2020
Rain gone now.
Earth a wet void.
Warm night air,  
A fine summer show.
Bright moon,
Shines in my eyes.
Dreams, clear streams,
falling on stones.
Faint clouds roar,
"Who now heads home?"
The trees then answer,
"Who wants to know?"
Scenes of summer
Will never stay.
But I,
I will always remain.
Ron Jun 2020
People can’t be stretched like starlight.
Even through the rebirth of time
of intention, of loyalty, of love,
there’s always another above,
that lingers like sudden pain,
of the salted wounds cut.
A past someone, a present devil,
declaring power over lives,
not theirs to control.
Oh how I yearn
for the freedom to burn,
If only to be stretched like starlight.
Ron Jul 2020
Many years in this world,
And I am not yet immortal.
Wandering through,
A thousand lives,
of sun-kissed lands,
Deep dark rivers,
Of opaque glass,
Tall grass so green,
it hurts your eyes.
Borderlands, flatlands,
where dust devils thrive.
Tasted time, sipped on wine,
still not immortal.
Loved cooks, changed looks,  
inserted myself into history books.
(at least I tried)
Now here I am yet still alive,
Head in the clouds,
to view my skies,
Still not immortal.
Ron Jul 2020
You are not forgotten
my thoughts are bare *****
like small veins of dried flowers
between pages of a book
at times by tender thoughts
To recall your lovely form
Folded open in my mind
Ron Jun 2020
Out there,
alone as a stone on the road,
After one of life’s lectures on finer times,
my own two feet carried me home.
I moved fine-tuned with a steady direction,
Until an obsolete ending ensconced in a reflection,
Did capture my dreamer’s attention,
Thus causing my downward fall.
In dreams I’ve braced for the impact so solid
Of the ground rushing up from below,
But still,
I’ve been the static sharp ending of a show.
I’ve sung like a siren and I’ve flown.
I’ve been a child peering in all alone,
I’ve been a pebble,
I’ve been a rock,
I’ve been a stone.
Ron Jun 2020
I have been combing the strands
of my thoughts for you
who left traces of your fragrance,
in lieu of yourself
a pungency as of ripe apples
hot tea
or things lain long in lavender
very faint
but of a lingering sweetness.
Now that I have found you
I can see
your delicate coloring
which once so delighted me
has been faded in the wash
of my tumbled mind
and yet do you still
bring the tears to my eyes
as will some small phrase
someone said to me long ago
to whom my desire
to mean so much
still meant so little
I have untangled you
from my web of delicate things
only to find you were the last of a kind
within my yearning soul
shame on me... I did not know.
Ron Aug 2020
Concrete now the farmers field,
where we once played together,
Picking warm red strawberries in the sun.  
Here, where we used to search,
for the power of words and ancient mages,
Your tablet of poems diffuse peace to my pocket.
The wind has torn it and the rain has beaten,
Through the frayed binding and tattered pages,
Seeking new life upon those words you wrote.
Yet still I trace your strawberry scented breath,
Well preserved in your long past pen strokes,
Evocative memories of the Strawberry Songs,"
found within the tears with which you wrote.
I go now in further quest of words,
and warm ripe strawberries in the sun.
Ron May 2022
There among the broken bottles
Rusted cans and oily puddles
Are cigarette butts and lace *******,
Left lying on newspaper spread for the fun
A stark testament on newsprint
near crunchy old eggshells
all these touched by the cold morning sun
and me against the wall, just staring
frozen inert, thoughts muddled and numb
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