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Ron Jul 2020
After allowing my love to leave me
Because of my own stupid absurdity
I baked myself a humble loaf
A reminder of my missing hope
I then allowed it to sit
So daily it would startle me
Until I vowed to make it quite
So with treacherous trembling knife
I stabbed its crusty hide
And on insertion deep inside
Softly something crumbled
Sadly something died.
Ron Jul 2020
Life’s regrets and failures,
Have formed as frost on my forehead.
No longer do I have the body
To take me where my springs have led.
Why then do I need to go?
Ron May 2020
The night,
Sometimes it haunts you.
But I’ve always felt a kinship
with the night.
Always could I bare my soul
to that dark liquidity
and drink deep red wine,
Until the moon shed tears of stupidity
All for my simple thoughts delight
For moonlight is gentle,
With tears unassuming.

Oh, but out there,  
where I might float with ghosts
In ethereal air.
Amid darkened landscapes
of purple and blue

The night
It belongs to the poets
To the writers the artists and the lovers.
they are the ones who truly understand
the vast darkness and breadth
of its colorless depth.
For often it is mirrored
in their soulful eyes and lovers’ cries,
It is a wonderfully mysterious thing,
The night,
Sometimes it haunts you.
Ron Jan 2021
As my temperature rose
at indifferent eyes
a cold breath tried to escape,
as steam from my imprisoned smile.
Ron Jan 2021
Her song is one of sun and wind,
Much lighter than a butterfly's wing.
On brighter days she may pause to listen,
For lovely thoughts and fragrant things.
I'll never know her beauties business,
Myself being only an earthly thing,
But still I'll gaze in wide-eyed wonder,
At the beauty of her butterfly wings.
Ron Jun 2020
He hangs onto
her every word
with a delicious yearning
for the next batch of honey
to fall from her porcelain lips
and while he withers
with wanting,
her words spill golden
as a lazy summer’s love
from a hundred other flowers
just like her.
Ron Jul 2020
It is a promise unfulfilled,
To which now I humbly view,
The rugged climbing jasmine vine,
Relies daily on the dew.

No doubt this inconstancy,
May be difficult to find,
So tangled are my morning thoughts,
As the jasmine’s skyward climb.
Ron Oct 2023
driving thoughts pierce the mind
as memories forged from steel
fathers weep over family’s grief
cinders turn as buildings burn
children scream at another’s war
and in the corner a tiny spoon
feeds hope to a hungry mouth
while new ghosts created now rest,
and physically hurt no more.
Our world is only as sad as we make it.
Ron Jul 2020
I’ve just held you up to offer my hand,
And cannot help my weeping to see you wander.
Even leftovers leave to appease the nights hunger.
I will await your return with empty stomach.
Ron Sep 2023
The words
drop from the sky
are tangled in trees
fall to the ground
and die
So I
desperate to create
make the mistake
of bringing meaning
to their life.
Ron Jul 2020
I died
with a smile
when she left me
there alone
standing on rain darkened stone

I longed
for my shadow
to stretch
from my brain
to my tired and platonic bones

My lids
half closed
Ceilings of my soul
There I stood
Blood coursing in veins all aglow

My shape
Vile, viscous
Tears run sour
cried over
by none but the dark earth below

I mourned
broken windows
through which
droplets of light
displayed my infinite carbon-based life

But… I loved
And so I perished with a smile that night.
Ron Apr 2022
White as new sliced snow,
Black as the fallen crow,
Time stills its random flow.

Deep as the lover’s swoon,
Sultry as the summer’s noon,
Tender like the bud in bloom.

As autumn falters in crimson color,
Shivering cold in pale chill fire,
Love’s flame will come to an end.

Only then will they know...
Only then will they know.
Ron Jul 2020
beneath the liquid ripple
of water passing endless
pleasant over pebbles
I stop to listen to the stream
and fleeting as the breeze
my thoughts were lost
amongst my ease
now only the gray-faced moon
does sojourn at my sleeve
Ron Apr 2023
And in this eternal dance,
Through gardens delirious I wander,
thinking forward, slipping in,
running water mixed with sin.
Slowly I loose my sight,
In the greenery within,
Those tendril thoughts now winding,
To satisfy my longing.
Could it be here then,
That the clay of my being begins?
Ron Jul 2020
There goes that fleeting loyalty
where goes those selfish whims,
Where I the autumn leaves
I would fear most the wind
Ron Jun 2020
She came upon me sudden,
As a sweet dream recalled at noon.

Old as hot water grown cold.
Where is she now this woman,

who tipped me into her cup of tea?
As I stood swaying on the lip,

of her sinuous dream.  
Swift the current called her, she had to,

answer the hard knocking,
that she in her not-knowing,

thought only a brief interruption,
of our life.
Ron Jun 2020
Midnight dancing
         starlight blinds me

Dancing, in my madness
         Of my love for her

On my knees, with my voice
         I kiss her hands

I will shout; sing words of song,
        Of light for her

I will cry; I give up my words,
         grow wings instead

We will fly like the breeze,
         when we fly,

To the moon, skin drenched rain,
         softened clouds,

The skies opening, as you,
          as we drift there,

                 Come in! they cry!
We love you too!

I will love her, kiss her knees,
                 with my words,

Enter her mind, her eyes,
         her lips,

like the lost lovers,
of us all.
Ron May 2020
Today I banished the quiet,
from within my noisy kitchen.
Not a trivial matter at all,
As I pondered the sounds they make,
For fruit on the counter to ripen.
Apples, pears, peaches, plums,
They all laughed quiet, they all played dumb,
So placing my hand on a knife so dull,
I sliced into that quiet fruit,
A quiet that has now been silenced,
Within my noisy kitchen.
Ron Sep 2020
I am discontent,
and could wait until the feeling,
Becomes a haunting memory,
But I am at this moment,
Already wavering,
In my eminent need to relent.
What by nature,
Is most gracefully remote,
Transforms to bitterness,
With my distant gazing.
I turn my weary head,
to ask the passing gleam,
But the sidewalk scene,
Has grown hollow to me.
Ron Apr 2022
Could you know, I ponder,
While my love grows unendurable
As I pace around this place,
Crying softly, yet aloud?
Like the first winds of autumn
Winging lonely across the sky.
Could you know how long
Those memories still remain?
Ron Jun 2020
I am not inherently anything,
but born as a blank canvas
on which my life’s choices
have been splashed.
I am the writer of the words,
that I reflectively speak,
of the artist of my inborn paths.
My feet leaving prints of life
wherever I’ve stepped,
my words staining the ears,
of many hearts of mediocrity
or all too similar to those of shame.
But still life owns the power
Of my good morning smile
to all those lone wanderers
who would come after me.
Ron Jun 2020
How quiet do I walk among the crowd,
To silence my existence pretension,
and speak of such posterity aloud,
of joyful days, children’s ways,
and tragic plays of passion.
Now peering deeply,
into darkest of night,
I find form in a chaos of feeling,
Dim lit by art’s anemic light,
Enabling a view in the silken silence,
Of my own life’s terminal flight!
Ron Jun 2020
If you have a moment let me tell you the shortest story,
about arriving at a lovely but lonely place,
the garden of thoughts that thrive in my mind.
My lawn of wildflowers, my shimmering trees,
loving the wind as they sway in the breeze.
Portraits hung on sun-gold walls in rooms clothed with shades of green,
an open-air kitchen to tease the senses with fragrant steam.
These my accessories of a genuine summers dream,
some years ago, before,
when I was somebody, someone’s friend,
someone’s lover, with much to show.
Was a young man then, with much of life yet to discover,
As my hands took from life’s garden the harvest of summer.
I could make light bread and serve it to those I loved,
This at a large table, draped with a cloth the color of sun.
In life’s garden I was found, and loved. My eggplant shone like polished wood,
My tomatoes smelled like their furry stems, zucchini scattered haphazardly,
Tiny teacups lined up on the counter, keeping watch for the sugar tree.
Onions round and plump, lording over their minions of garlic and chive,
some wine of love in a vibrant garden of earthly delight.
And into this very sunny story, many years later, I by myself came back,
having been beaten and blinded by the rigors of life,
and there waited for my dream to return me my sight.
I walked into the lawn, waist-high with colors of orange and pink, yellow and green,
fragrant lilacs swaying purple, the subject of a June’s afternoon delight.
My kitchen there, waiting for my bread of life,
to release the scent of ripe peaches, pepper and spice.
There I was back in my garden a displaced man with gray streaked hair,
with no place to which I wished to return, and no one,
to gather me into their arms when I got there.
No one to love me but the sun and the air.
That day life’s garden received me, and though not real,
I loved it greatly all the same, because it seemed all I had left.
And in that same manner I have learned to love much of the world
Since my absence in life’s garden.
Who is to say if I have less reason to live, or more to love,
Than any other whose life has yet begun,
Who is to say that my garden is not real,
Who is to say?
Ron Aug 2020
The laughter of leaves,
whisper testament,
over cool caverns,
ancient moss,
the absurdity of clocks,
and rain upon rocks
while serpents dance,
backlit with sunglow,
at the speed of life,
daring us to defy,
this timeless tapestry,
in which we all grow,
Our voice of life’s longing.
Ron Oct 2020
I have forgotten it all
All but my name
Where I lived
Who I loved
And why
I am simply me
Sad and unlovely
And when I’m alone
I tell myself lies
That no one else believes.
Ron Jul 2020
It is the needing within the silence
deep down in the body,
deep and pure.
Shimmering pools of desire replenished
but never truly full.
Those shifting liquid pools of needing,
their voices calling, ever pleading,
always wanting something more,
Always something more.
Ron Apr 2022
With hues of rose and soft scented haze
A pale dusk light recoils under my door
Her welcome shimmer I will see no more
As her piercing absence distains my gaze.

Where now will my light live long and old,
Leaving haunted corners so drafty and cold?
Will my dark desires be free to soar?
As light retreats from under my door?
Ron Aug 2022
I so much out of touch
of these humanities affairs
Caught listening for every lisp
every subtle shift
of social media cares
I so thirsty for the feed
Of my ego-maniacal need
For outrage hard and crisp
Me scrolling through long lists
Of new postings every day
All in search of mean things
I so joyfully hate to see
Speed-reading my frantic way
Through an obsolete humanity.
Ron Aug 2020
The west wind screams,
A hard rain comes,
Beyond the sound,  
Of this immediate need,
the noise of near thunder,
turns the sky’s great lock.
Ozone fries as lightning flies,
A tattle wind tries to escape.
Young as I peered,
through my bedroom screen,
when the gods of weather,
struck me dumb.
The love of the storm,
Still ignites my sadness,
One inch of love,
is another of madness.
Ron Jan 2021
The sounds of her sighs
Slid voluptuously
Long into my wakening nights
She made me a lover,
Of common things,
She made me a lover, of light.
Ron Aug 2020
In private at her they laughed,
Such laughter never more foolish!
Dwellers of this earth,
should cry and not cease.
Time's vulgarities crush us like glass,
Never to be reassembled in one piece.
Ron Jun 2020
As when a numbing illness or hard times past do part,
Could it possibly be that a terrified body and mind,
Does envelop in warm thoughts to repose a childhood rhyme?
Will every leaf in the forest, every stone on a path then release,
an unheard lyric to accompany melancholies departing spirit?
Does her prompt arrival with ***** wings and crusty eyes,
In poor days of ill health, low spirits and mournful times,
then bode well for her later departure with joyful cries?
A shy creature then am I, trembling softly from the dusk,
To view calamities past, through melancholies truthful eyes.
Ron May 2020
Exiled from my own home, I walk through
A lattice of shadows in the hushed rooms.
No one speaks, but in that emptiness, I sometimes hear
The sticky vernacular of the unreal.

The scents that used to wisp around me when she passed,
Gardenia on an evening out,
are but memories past pleasant now,
Ethereal butterflies gone back to their cocoons.

Nothing relents: I deal with the damage
to my downspouts, drainpipes, the kitchen sink.
One more hard storm and I’ll be drilling weep holes
In the basement walls to let the stink out.
Ron Jun 2020
What you don't know
is that when I’m walking
thoughtful and alone
to cross a busy street
I sometimes start to reach
my hand out for you
As if you were still here
Ron May 2023
I don't look so ugly now,
since those many worlds have stopped
revolving around me.
Painted only in hues of a colorblind sight,
My colorless life.
Surrounds me.
Ron Sep 2020
The moon grown full in my distant sight,
Turns cool blue the damp dark earth,
Bringing still to those separated hearts,
The long thoughtfulness of the night.
It is no darker now though I turn out my light.
It is no warmer now though I pull up my cover.
So I’ll leave my message with the moon,
And turn late to my bed yet dreaming of you.
Ron Jan 2021
Life’s currents have cast me out,
Indiscretion now holds sway,
Over my dissolute tower.
My body,
lies naked upon the stone,
Immoral, unreachable,

Like a wispy breath,
The seeker within me,
Has gone forth,
To claim my identity.
I will not weep,
Stripped free of morality,
As I am.
Ron Jul 2020
Doe eyes closed and lashes lovely
with parted lips you lay,
Darkened waves on white pillows
spread your unbound hair,
Awake, I watched your sleeping face
Finding perfect beauty in the slow breaking day.
And then I knew that love had passed my way.
As the soft morning glow shown on your face
Within its light I saw your true grace
that beneath my fingertips touched.
Then came that glorious music in my heart,
And I wept that this love,
Had been granted to one such as I.
This love that gave her heart and soul to me.
And she while radiant in the early outburst of dawn,
Slept on, as a breeze swept through the room
With the smell of green June,
And I imagined flowers for her hair.
Ron Aug 2020
My friend is living now
among serene green hills
Enchanted by the beauty
of mountains in clouds.
In the green Spring days,
he lies sleepy in the woods;
Dozing as the sun shines high

If you were to ask him
Why live among the hills,
Quietly he would laugh to himself.
His soul is calm as blossoms birth
He follows the running waters
And there finds for himself
another heaven and earth
Ron May 2022
Recently I have become confused
over all but my love for her food.

As slow as a milkshakes release,
My thickening thoughts,
Now turn moldy as cheese;

Still for me no sustenance shows,
angry my stomach growls as it groans.

My sugary cascade no longer is sifting
Flour and yeast on air currents drifting
Honied love buns, no more to be lifting

Her menus are missed, entrées we shared,
Her nourishment given, all with great care.

So long my old friend,
May you continue toast
May you continue to blend,
May you continue to roast
Ron Jul 2020
I’ve not seen her
for a long time now.
Each day above my dreams
I see us hand in hand.
Memories of painful leavings.
If it feels like this now,
What did it feel like then?
I’m glad my now don’t know.
Ron Jul 2020
My shadow has gone up the mountain.
Shall I accompany him?
The day is closing, I close my gate.
As the autumn winds rattle my fate.
When early next spring
the brown grass turns green,
Will my shadow return to me?
Ron Jul 2020
This evening my shadow
Has come down the mountain.
sole company kept with only the moon.
Looking back, I see the path they’ve taken
Through twilight glass of purple in June.
With sighs my shadow flies to greet me,
Spring staines upon his traveler’s clothes.
Was 3 years and 8 months between the time I wrote "My Shadow", and this one where "My Shadow Returns". I don't really know where my shadow went during that time frame, I'm not sure I want to.
Ron May 2022
I want to inhale you like cool moonlight.
Like I would seek a taste of fine wine,
swirling round, teasing my mouth
I want to devour spoonsful of you sweet
and warm like honey in slow dripping sips,
slipping my tongue between slippery lips.
I want to love you again and again.
Until you're so happy you could cry,
And this is why my wondering sighs
Cannot provide for you my truth.
This is why my eyes cannot lie, and so,
I avoid your gaze in shame.
Be it my name.
Ron Jun 2020
Even those places,
the sun will never see,
in the darkest part of the woods,
where shadows seem to breathe.
Even those places that never dry,
Dampness drifting everywhere,
thick wet layers underneath.
Even those quietest places,
you've never been,
or may never be,
are disquieted by your cry,
Even those places.
Ron Jun 2020
Come in
Said the sound

As I tumbled down
A staircase of toneless music

Or perhaps it was just me
falling asleep

To a lyric only found
In my transit.
Ron Jun 2020
And then suddenly,
Everything stayed the same.
And those who had called so strongly
on clear cool colors subdued
Refocused their lenses,
On those who had seen
The warmth of those same colors move.

Yet others without the solitude
of times infinite sound in flight
Were slowly revised within the sky
Then encircled in scents of blue.
And whether they felt soft color or not,
Still they sculpted from pools of light,
Their own shadows to celebrate the sight,

Yet the sun still burned their ideas alive,  
To drift along windblown visual lines,
to see the place where passion shines
Ever un-unprepared for the view.  
A day and a night they cowered in fright
And then suddenly nothing changed again,
Suddenly nothing was new.
Ron Jul 2020
There was a sharp crack
in my ecstasy;
it split a weathered rock
with a shameless fire.
Then sometime later,
A carnivore left,
my splintered bones there,
in that divided space,
And then ran off uneasy
to a hidden sanctuary.
I knew I would bleed,
but there you were,
surrounding me.
With your slanting sun
shining in, and I loved you,
I loved you again and again
Bring it along
in crushing jaws
with golden clause
and breathy pause,
Such pun intended,
my carnivorous bone-bringer,
I’d welcome the pain
All over again.
Ron Jul 2020
These jeans, this shirt,
What must they think of me,
With all my windy farts and tears.
Both jeans and shirt, how old they grow,
Bearing the weight of my aging years.

Yes, they’ve seen my lonely days,
while these jeans, this shirt,
Their color fades.
And yes, they’ve seen the subtle change,
Of my once brown hair now turning grey.

These jeans worked hard,
Through cold and fear,
Protecting both my front and rear.
Now do they seek a warmer place,
To help old feet keep up the pace?

This shirt a warm but humble cloth,
Absorbing years of stains and sweat,
Never one to disagree.
Yet in its secret knowing warmth,
My youthful arrogance it has kept.

This threadbare shirt, these faded jeans,
So many tender passions,
And lonely sorrows have they seen.
They have no feelings I am told,
Where will they go when I am old?
Ron Oct 2020
I am blind in your eyes,
Pupils enameled hard,
against your glow.
When moonlight grace,
through treetops trace,
Our hearts then twined
still shine dark within our souls.
You are elusive as perfume,
a wavering gust of wind,
Not long will you remember me,
Nor those secret places I have been.

I am a solitary light in your sight,
a shadow short marked
for our rapturous flight.
I cannot ask,
for the cast of your body.
I cannot ask for the taste,
of your tongue.
You leave me from under the sheet,
your dark eyes drinking me in.
Now alone and awake I lay there,
Tangled damp in the silk of our sin.
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