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Ron Jun 2020
The orifice of my mouth
compels a tempting desire
To speak in the words
Of a thousand tongues
But I will refrain,
And instead give in
To my overwhelming desire
To eavesdrop,
On the conversations
of books.
Ron Nov 2020
Piece by piece
I know despair in the form of love
I know to wander as a homeless dove
before the horizon ever has its fill

In the wind I still believe
To preserve our story
in the whispered breeze
I believe in the warming sun
soft on a silken head
in naked love in times of peace
Ron Jun 2020
I would know her to be beautiful
While carefully walking up to my poetry
In those gentle moments of an afternoon.
Her hair may still be damp
At the ends from just washing it
Smelling faintly of jasmine, a light perfume.
She would be wearing a short tan coat,
An older one,
Slightly ***** at the hem
From being unwilling
to spend money on the cleaners.
She will take out her glasses,
And there,
As the sun streaks in golden sheets
Through the dusty windows long forgotten,
Of a back-alley bookstore,
She will thumb through my poems
Thinking odd thoughts all the while.
Then with a quiet sigh,
She will put them back on the shelf.
And shedding a single tear,
In silence and of whisper weight,
She will say to herself,
“For that much money I can get my coat cleaned”.
And she does,
For the silent price of a single tear.
Ron Jun 2022
On alien shores
all waves find end
   Their dying cries
surround me.
Ron Apr 2021
On alien shores,
   all waves do end.
Their dying breath,
   astounds me.
Ron Jun 2020
Last night I could not sleep
Due to the moonlight crying on my bed.
I kept hearing its distant voice calling,
Asking questions of sudden regret
And then quiet out of nowhere,
Nothing nebulous then answered “Yes.”
Ron May 2020
Deliciously delicate she says,
But how would she know?
could she taste her succulent syllables,
as they dripped from my quivering lips?
Ron Jul 2020
Nightlights, streetlamps,
Convenience store glow,
Lit in a dull meaningless light.
Lives live on another decade or so
The same though, no exit in sight.
Death floats in, begins it all again,
Just as before, all repeats,
Nightlights, streetlamps,
Convenience store glow…
Ron Oct 2020
She had a clear wind sheltered loveliness,
Like pale streams winding,
Through fair green hills withdrawn.
Was her lifting fancy,
but her heart was cherry blossoms
the color of quietness,
And shade in the afternoon.
Ron Jul 2020
Time travels deep amidst you earthly lot,
Are you yet so earthly to be tranquil and free,
From the madding crowds thronging the streets?
What's that?
Your ethereal existence transcends the worldly?
I spot a child picking daisies beyond the roadside edge,
Looking up, perchance she caught sight of me.
Behold the beauty of her daisy’s death,
There is much truth in her reality,
And yet still, I find no better words to explain it.
Then tranquil, earthly and free.
Ron Jun 2020
what have I to offer them
unreasonable nymphos in the night
reasons I have none, but only a desire
to quench their ***** of fire
so bring that chocolate sauce just bought
that may be used or maybe not
on buttocks quivering oh so near
while cat-o-nines install their fear
of a pain transfigured sexually
by someone’s orderly advice.
I’d like to show my astonishment
as I run my tongue on buttered skin
how ridiculously gentle I have been
chasing naked up the stair
that dampened patch of ***** hair
but no, their desire has infected me
and now I’ve lost my sheepish grin
now no more shyness
let’s begin.
Ron Jul 2020
Can one be obligated,
for travesties uncommitted?
Can one admire the flower,
rooted deep in the grave,
Despite not causing the death ,
or ever knowing the name?
Proximity erodes,
the benefits of anonymity,
still from their silver cages,
The cowards all scream,
“If I can’t see, then it can’t be.”
I will not kneel,
But stand tall under the feet
Of those on my shoulders.
Ron Aug 2020
Grim deserts consumed but not eaten
while in the midst of agonies that linger
provide no good taste for truths untold

requested at the table for lies and lecture
slurping bland soups of social conjecture
never have I cared for liquid meals

I am served a gamey, and dark stained fate,
Like a child, I play with the thoughts on my plate
Impulse at the table, feeding my foolish pride

It is not that I need this food to hoard
I am no less hungry as I am less bored
different perhaps, but still hungry inside

Only now do I hunger after my power of will
To taste and ingest, to possess and then wield
A potential fulfillment for life’s wonderful meal.
Ron Jun 2020
I found a fairy on a yellow rose along a silver stream.
The rose must surely dream I said,
to raise an emerald leaf, and have you lay within its bud,
to touch and taste your sweet.
This budding bloom she did reply, this slender flower with its dew,
all memories of the rain its blushing petals hold within,
so now this lovely rose and I,
Today we dream for two.

What of the rain I did reply, do drops of rain fall down in dreams?
Happy to leave their cloudy sky?
The rain she says in its defense, makes pools where poppies drown,
They float upon this silver stream to enter a land of flower dreams,
where all our fancies sprout and spring,
Only to return again next year to sing the lyrics of the trees,
And give the bees their buzzy sound.

The fairy stretched her gossamer wings and caused the blooms to blush.
Why must you ask such trivial things,
in delicious moments such as these?
Your questions they are all remote,
and cause the ladybugs to sneeze.
The mystery now I put to you, as a hush fell over the trees
Is have you now, or have you ever
Dreamt a dragonfly dream?
Ron Aug 2022
Softly sings
the southern rain,
a silver sheen,
On ivy gleams,
Painted vines,
on a painted wall.
Whispered voices,
crisp with color,
A crimson dusk,
dark curtains fall.

Night parts before me,
my moon of envy,
Along the shores,
Were night birds call.
Shadows laugh,
Just made of mist,
As evening’s breath,
Drifts slowly past,
My window ledge,
I sleep at last.
Ron Aug 2020
Once, while sharing some wine,
On the tranquil banks of a silent lake,
I asked someone what romance was.
And they told me she was a lone woman,
in flowing gold robes,
smoking a joint upon still listless waters.
Dreaming amid her silver ropes of haze,
she was beautiful and lovely melancholy,
in the evening of a summer's fun folly,
all enveloped by the light of the moon.

Much later my admiring sigh,
travelled across the water
to her still waiting form,
and shattered her silence too soon.

So I stayed up all night,
to search for that moon,
the night sky's only living daughter.
Unaware that my affection,
was aimed only at a reflection,
that my romance had been lost,
in the water.
Ron Dec 2022
What dew on the petal,
Who’s moisture before,
Found solace in my uncertain plight?
She of soft flesh,
Her black and white sense,
Will I see her again,
In the stars of the night?
Ideas do drown in spasms of light,
Where poems lay down to die,
But I,
I am slight,
One with, but apart from the night.
Ron Jan 2021
I am loving,
a wonderfully **** you,
intense in a sudden sense
where shades are drawn,
against a coming eclipse,
Sharply showing at noon.

The light streams thin,
Hungry for your face,
In a hurry to trace,
Its soft outline upon you,
A revelation in its image,
An unveiling anew.

I find too much ecstasy,
In the curve of your sun,
Too much left untasted,
Sudden salt on my tongue,
Eyes dim unable to focus,
Shadows dance, elated,

I am much too narrow,
In the coming darkness,
Breath drawn in, a scent of you,
Skin merged, as umbra’s do
My being sensed, soon it knew
I had then just willingly
Been eclipsed by you.
Ron Jun 2020
There will be thunder,
Cascading in tumultuous waves,
Remember me she says,
As she called for more storms,
This entire world may be the color,
Of my bright electric blue,
And your heart will then turn to fire.

That day as the storms blew in,
A true prophecy was discovered,
When for the last time she said goodbye,
Her lightning soaring through the heavens
Deep sparks flashing in her eyes,
Yet still my burnt heart longed to see,
Her electric blue fire in the sky.
Ron Sep 2020
I should have kissed you
in our garden of sighs
under the deep purple sky
while you shook the daylight
from your free-falling hair
that moment knowing only
the thick stain of life
staining fingers tip to tip
colors dripping limb to limb
tasting deeply the seasons
of the whole world hidden
on your **** tender lips.
Ron Jul 2020
Those days long gone,
Of my life’s living empathy
are like tranquil pools,
clear liquid jewels,
in a forest green where,
my shadow haunted dips his hand,
and cools his fevered head.
As too, the warm moist air,
Comes blowing softly,
upon his heaving breast,
Hinting but lightly,
at the sacred mystery of rest.
Ron Sep 2020
Out of the wind you visit me,
With the rain of being,
Still fresh on your clothes.
I ask where have you been?
You say: Hidden deep in a haze,  
Of swordtail and swallows,
Living at ease as we did,
When last, we once parted,
Laughing wild as emerald fire,
Leapt cosmic from our *******,
As blue dogs danced madly,
At our capricious request.
How grey our thin hair,
has grown since then!
If you follow me now,
I’ll I enchant you again!
Ron May 2022
Release me please,
So as a ghost I may float,
Among all those lives,
Still living within me.
Distant their lights,
Stretched out long,
Myself a passenger,
Riding the wavelengths,
Of their radiant creation.
Between the clouds,
Wispy I will soar,
To bring them a song,
From passionate dreams,
where music is born.
Ron Jun 2020
The one whom I thought of as a teacher
Passed deftly like the shade leaving no shadow.
He drank all the inertia, all the lethargy,
And waited himself in vain for fame.
He was his own omen, and the warning,
compassion for all, breathing torment,
Until he endlessly suffocated himself
On the nothing for which he waited.
I have learned well of his teaching,
It has become me.
Ron Dec 2022
Rinse your worries,
In the spirit of the rain.
Fling your laughter,
In the face of the sun.
Dance round wildly,
In the yard till I come.
Then kiss me slowly,
Till our hearts become one.
Ron Jun 2020
Much feeling in my heart
but it's just as if there's none,
Twice I think this
behind my window
but still only smile as one,
The light has a heart
and it too hates parting.
At my window,
the light sheds tears at dusk.
Ron Jun 2020
Why did you fade into the dawn so soon?
So far away beyond the lightened hills
natures sounds made a thousand songs for you
Yet could not hold you with the morning dew
We dream of our past, yet dream of you still,
Where are you now, little fading moon?
Ron Aug 2022
How very small,
quiet she would be,
Walking up softly,
to tickle the tree,
So livid with laughter,
A melody of scene,
Escaping out through,
splayed fingers and leaves.

Fleeting sweet dreams.
So lovely a trill,
her voice would quiver,
Throughout the green hills
a pleasant light shiver,
time sensing relapse,
Beginning to tremble,
So hard she did struggle,
to clearly remember.

Uncovered, unshaded.
Only the tree could bear,
Such artistry unaided,
And shuddered to think,
Her beauty had faded.
As late evening fell,
In amber drenched light,
The light of the faerie,
Leapt into the night.

Among high hills,
Dark streams did glisten,
The wind fell silent,
The tree there to listen,
Restless in sleep,
she waits in her dreams,
for memories so vague,
of tall laughing trees.
Ron May 2020
While I was wandering
lost in the cold
A little blue fairy
flew up and spoke to me:

"There may be danger
in a heart made of stone"

"Yes, I know I replied
Weird sounds
Have been floating around
in my thoughts all day”

"I really don't know
What may be found".
"Perhaps the ghost of my hope
Has been living underground".

"Yes, says the fairy
weird creatures those,
I've lately seen them creeping
through darkness all alone"

And with that warning
the fairy flew away.
Ron Oct 2023
Shall I dismiss the coming of winter,
An old man bent with burdensome thought?
Shall I forget the fall that found me doubting?
From autumn weans a cold December,
the meanest month of all.
Ron Jun 2020
Love said farewell to me,
Though not without her tears.
Did she recall the gladness of those years,
We talked together,
With little laughs?
Yes, but no weeping can be done in half,
So sad!
Out from my open door she went,
Her proud soul torn, her breathing spent.
And though I know not where she’s gone,
Her laughter still I hear,
in the beauty of the dawn.
Ron Aug 2020
He asked her for a short cut,
she showed him the way.
He asked her for some water,
She drew for him a shower.
He thanked her for such kindness,
She returned him her smile.
All night she then sighed
scarlet cries like flowers.
Her longing unrequited
In the morning’s quiet hour
Ron Jul 2022
A shadow from afar,
      in a dark silk suit,
Walking slowly past,
      my cup of noodle soup,
Has brought to me,  
      with a shimmery sound,
The breath of trees,
      and a thousand streams.
I heard him in,
      my sunny breakfast nook,
I traced his path,
      in my steaming tea,
And I fear no change,
      no future needs,
though my restless heart,  
      may one day die,
As my summers chase,
      the cloudless skies.
Ron May 2020
The memory of your scent so familiar and pleasing,
Like a pale mist lies between me and these lines.
And the north wind washing through this tent,
Sets the cold canvas walls to shiver,
While my mind plays back your delicate quiver,
As my tongue slipped between your glistening lips.
My nerves sting at the spatters of rain on the fabric,
And I am uneasy with the howling of the wild dogs
outside in the night.
In the cold, devoid of light,

Where are you my love?
Why have you thrown my devotion away?
Ron Sep 2020
Boundless tall grass that carpet the land,
Will come and go with every season,
Wildfire tries but can’t consume them,
In the new spring wind yet still they stand,
Thickly pressed on the roadside edge,
Winding their way to the forest line,
Prince of fire, you'll flame up again,
I'll hear the tall grass whisper after you.
Ron Jun 2020
I have a tulips sense today,
soft and sweet, but short to stay
and where it goes no bee can say.
I have a tulips sense today

I told a daisy’s tale today
her petals damp in a sudden shower
that blushed bright pink within the hour.
I told a daisy’s tale today

I pinched a roses bud today,
she pinched right back and used her thorn
To draw my blood and show her scorn
I pinched a roses bud today

I had a tulips sense today
the bloom in mind
was one of a kind
then sadly it faded it away

I had a tulips sense today.
Ron Aug 2020
Moth wings flicker
on a porch bare bulb,
The winds breath still,
the trees at peace,
Waiting for the dawn
to come within the hour.
All though my quiet heart
flicker thoughts of you,
But I shall wait perhaps
far longer than an hour
Ron Feb 2021
Why so does peace still leave,
When old loves then refuse to fly?
And shall your light then conquer all things,
A prism of impossible pain and sheen,
Until my sudden longing leaps,
Strong at the sunsets peaceful calm,
Only at last to taint my love,
And fall aflame like a sacred star,
Because my love had flown too far?
Ron Mar 2021
I am desperate for her passion
Desperate to squeeze
the night between us
Desperate to feel forbidden

She was a veiled moon born
on the pain of my lonesome sigh
Hiding careful her hurt behind

I am desperate for her passion
Desperate for the taste
of her many smooth things
Desperate to feel forbidden
Ron Jul 2020
It sparks lightning,
and broadcasts thunder,
Canceling drought,
in the calendar leaves.
It weeps for all the trees that stand
and for all the stones that sit,
Unclothed and dry their open grave
It may give life
but then could drown
my will to live.
I have tried on all the climates
and rain is the one hat
that never seems to fit.
Ron Jul 2020
I saw a blood red paper flower today,
barely nourished by a forgotten stain,
it’s leaves blackened in shadow.
Too much neglect will do that,
slow the sap’s passage,
blacken the leaves,
dry the green to gray,
and the heart.
It may have been saved,
If only someone had listened.
But nobody I told believed,
in its odd color or scent,
or the way its leaves grew,
in fragrant splayed rows,
down the entire length of the page.
In fact, the very page itself,
smelled faintly of spilled red wine,
dark chocolate, and treachery.
And something else,
something hard to describe,
the mustiness of the sea,
on a foggy day perhaps?
The odor of truth it was,
Wilted words in shades of red
so familiar,
yet so strangely new.
Words you could have almost,
wrote yourself,
if only in your dreams,
there had been a pencil,
a pen, or even a paintbrush,
a thought presented paper thin,
If only there had ever really been,
a flower to see.
Ron Sep 2020
Walking along a hidden path,
I find a footprint in the sand,
A low white cloud rests quiet on a lake,
Sweetgrass slows my idle pace,
A tree grown greener within the rain,
A stream flows quiet from a sacred source,
Mingling unnoticed with truth among flowers,
It seems I have forgotten what words to say.
Ron Apr 2022
remembering my mother
i still take off my shoes
just inside the front door

my feet are squishy
from splashing in the rain

i leave gleaming footprints
across the pine floor
trying not to slip and slid

but I just can't seem
to transit quite right

empty is the space
just inside my front door
so full of quiet

asking please for thunder
to appease the rains remorse
Ron Aug 2020
I can’t meet my selves now past,
And those others of the future,
Are much too far away from me.
Worlds move on through times that pass,
Will my future me, then see light at last?
The ghost of my past five minutes ago,
In future times may let me know,
Impatiently, I wait to see.
Ron Sep 2020
As my years went by, I begged for peace,
Freedom from many hundreds of burdens.
I asked you once and received no answer:
What could be better than going home?
A wind from the future blows my curtain,
And my eyes are bright with the evening moon.
You asked me once about good and evil,
Listen for my singing, I’ll be home soon.
Ron Sep 2020
To the antiquated assembly,
of so-called leaders,
In this, the modern world.
I say go forth and pray,
For a healing rain,
To cleanse and disperse,
the blight of corruption,
Rooted fast and deep,
in the soil of ignorance.
And soak the mind's field,
For the best of living beings,
There where good grasses,
Now struggle to grow.
Ron Sep 2020
Stories of passion,
Turn book dust to relics,
Calming short vowels,
linking verbs unconcerned,
in the stillness of a sunset suffix.

As consonants cry in the wind,
Prepositions fall,
like a predicate’s robe,
While conjunctions,
connect to their sin.
Ron Aug 2020
Seamstress of my dreams,
upon the break of day
you sew the sleepy
eyelids of shadow
onto my open
eyes of grey.
Ron Jul 2020
Today I ignored
This stale old world
To better refresh my garden
Ron Nov 2021
I see your shady greens,
Your emerald gates of earth,
Your vines entwined in pillars of time,
Lush green leaves conceding rebirth.
Your beauties grace in shades sublime,
And I so surprised to be standing there,
In those most glorious greens of you.
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