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Rod Watson Dec 2015
The Great Depression
Days where countries felt like secession
The deadly dust bowl swept crops away
The stock market crashed
Everyone had to pay

The Great Depression
A lot of people died
From the dust that flew by
As the tumbleweeds flied

The Great Depression
The money went away
Food was rationed
But not every day

Most of the food
Was sent away
For the soldiers
That risk their lives everyday
Rod Watson Feb 2015
My school
It has hallways filled with screaming students
Lockers that has been unused for years
Teachers that act as Dictators in the classroom.

In my school sometimes you can even hear
a teacher yelling at his students
he's yelling at you very on peers.

Even in my math class
My teacher Mr.Broyles
Acts as an terrible Dictator
Sit down
Shut your mouth
Turn around
He barks at my class
then all i can think in my mind
is wow he's such an ***

Oh and during the pledge of the Texas Flag
Don't you you dare talk
or to the principals office Mr.Broyles will send you for a walk

In my U.S History class
here comes Mr.Pace
He's an jolly man
and he always has a smile on his face

But you better do your work in his class
Or like Mr.Broyles he might act like an ***
Don't have your phone out
or he'll scream and shout
Then he'll take your phone up
Then you'll argue and pout

Now My Favorite teacher
is Mr.Fellers
He works on cars
I've been in his class for years
look how i've come so far.

In his class i have learned to change oil
Learned to change a tire
and check the pressure
He tells me one day i could be a mechanic for hire

This is my school
Those are some of my classes
and i Thank God almighty
that not all of my teachers are *****
Rod Watson Feb 2015
The burning flame
That lays in my heart
Starts my day with a kick start
It gets me from start to end
That burning flame is the love that grows from within.
Rod Watson Feb 2015
My eyes
They see so much
My eyes are graced with spontaneous vision

They see wonders beyond my wildest dreams
They see the beauty of waterfalls
They see lakes with their slowly moving streams

They see the light blue sky
And the snow white clouds
My eyes are something that makes me
Very very proud

They see the dark night
They see the stars that shine so bright

But most importantly what I see
Is the hidden love and creativity
Hidden in me
Rod Watson Feb 2015
What is a dream?
A dream is something that you want to come true
A dream is something that is treasured no matter old or new

A true dream is a thing that you would climb upon the highest mountain
And reach the top of the highest peak
A dream is something that is special to you
Because everyone is truely unique

A dream is truely a piece of art
Beacause to achieve one all you have to
Is believe it in your heart
Rod Watson Feb 2015
My friends
They always have my back
My friends are loyal
Together we are like a family to each other
Noble and royal

They are my long term friends
Noble and true
We stick with together
Stay together
No matter what we go through

They give me a hand when I am down
They lift my spirits when I am broken
they are my true friends forever
And no matter what ever happens
I will be by their side
As they would be by mine
Rod Watson Feb 2015
I now trust no one
for you have betrayed me

You have broken my heart into two lonely pieces
broken my trust
broken those lovely feelings I once had for you

You've nearly made me cry
you made me angry
you made me hunger for the evil feeling of jealousy

But I wont stoop to your level
I wont feed my hunger for revenge
but know I truly see
That I can trust no one
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