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Dec 2014 · 1.6k
Listening to Lovers
Rocky Stonehedge Dec 2014
Shhhh. Tonight all of the world is silent except for the beating of two hearts.
The two hearts beat in unison as two lovers hold one another in the night.

One lover cries out to the other;
You are my life, my hope, my sight.

As are you to me, cries the other.

There was no light before you came into my world.
There was the absence of hope and vision.
Now my life is as the day and no longer as the night.
My inner being is warm as if by the sun.
You have changed me,  my love, my precious one.
We have changed each other, we are no longer the same.
Life has meaning, no more pretending, no more of games.

Love has broken the ice that had surrounded our hearts.
It softened the hardness of hurts from the past.
Love has come, love has changed us, for eternity it will last.

By Rocky Stonehedge
Sep 2014 · 2.2k
Rocky Stonehedge Sep 2014
Raindrops falling on her soft skin as she lifts her face toward the sky.
Raindrops soaking into hair and clothes.
Enjoying life-giving water that brings a sigh.
Raindrops touching beautiful eyes, lovely lips, and perky nose.
No one enjoys the rain from above more than she does.
No one feels as passionate about it as she does.
Seeing storm clouds in the Texas sky brings her joy and expectation.
Knowing that rain is coming causes her to smile.
She loves the rain as much as the shining sun.
This girl, this woman, this beautiful maiden.
When the rain comes, I'll choose to stay with her for awhile.
Aug 2014 · 2.4k
Texas Girl
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
How do I describe my Texas girl.
Piercing brown eyes that touches my soul.
Ruby red lips that I long to kiss
Lovely tanned skin and a smile bigger than San Antonio.
As I feel the soft Texas breezes blowing across my face.
It reminds me of her love touching my heart in the deepest place.
The Texas stars come out at night
Oh look, there are two, shining like her eyes.
Beautiful place, beautiful love, beautiful girl, beautiful sight.
My love for her is bigger than the Texas sky.
She is more mysterious than the Texas desert and Lovelier than the cactus flower that grows by the roadside.
This is my Texas girl.
This girl of mine.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
The Rose
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
As I was walking through the park one day, I came upon a bush of roses
I noticed several lovely looking roses on different areas of the bush
And there in the midst of the other roses was the loveliest rose of all
The closer I came toward the rose, the more I realized that this was
A rose with the fullest blossom and the most beautiful fragrance
A rose that had bloomed from a stem of thorns
And had triumphed over every challenge and adversity
I realized that you are like that rose
From a life of thorns, you have blossomed into the most beautiful woman of all
A woman of tenderness, love, softness and compassion
Your soft heart brings joy to others like the soft petals of the rose
Just like the rose, the perfume of your love is intoxicating
If the rose is crushed, the fragrance is even more evident and powerful
Hurts and wounds have crushed you but also caused a most lovely fragrance to come from your life
To describe you is like describing the beauty and loveliness of a rose
There is none more precious and beautiful than you oh rose of love
By Rocky Stonehedge
Aug 2014 · 2.1k
To The One Who Shines
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
In the darkness I looked up at the stars and saw one that shined so much brighter than all the rest
I gazed in awe at this one bright star, captivated by its illuminating beauty
There were so many different stars yet my eyes were drawn to the one
You are like that one bright star. You have captivated my heart
In a universe of so many others
Your love is greater than all other loves
Your touch is like heaven
Your lips taste sweeter
Your kisses more passionate
Your inner-beauty shines through your eyes
Holding you in my arms is like holding on to a brilliant star
Loving you has brought me the light of joy
You have made my wish come true oh star of love.
By Rocky Stonehedge
Aug 2014 · 989
Love's light
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
Into the dark state of my loneliness came a flickering light
A light so small yet so over-powering
A light of hope and love
It came like the trickle of a small stream
But as it shone brighter into my darkness, it seemed to become like a rushing river
As it touched me, the darkness could not resist the light and the light quenched my darkness
The light was your tenderness and love
It swept over me like a wave in the ocean
The darkness of loneliness left me
The emptiness in my heart was replaced with a fullness that love could only fill
A rush of love, a filling of joy, touching my heart strings to produce a beautiful song
Instead of darkness, filled with the light of your love
The touch of your love embracing me
The kisses of your lips intoxicating me
The indescribable feeling of holding you close to me
Hypnotized by the beating of your heart
The light of your love has touched me
The light of your love has forever changed me
Come away with me oh light of love.

By Rocky Stonehedge
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Love Compared
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
Gentle rain falling down
Bringing life to parched dry ground
Your gentle love invading my night
Coming alive, changing dark for light
Sweet breeze soothing my skin
Breathing a sigh, a smile begins
Your sweet touch, holding me close
Precious arms around me, don’t let me go
Warm sun shining so bright
No longer cold, no longer night
Your warm kisses touching my soul
No longer in darkness
The light of your love has made me whole.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Life with you
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
Walking hand in hand, listening to your dreams and hopes
Laughing together, soft touches, sweet kisses, treasured moments
Thinking to myself that your love is what defines me
Knowing that without you, I would be as one who cannot see
But with you, the world has become a place of radiant beauty
The beauty and joy of knowing your love has changed me
And the opening of your heart to my love has caused my heart to be free
Two hearts now beating as one, two souls inter-twined in deep love
Drinking deeply from the spring of love flowing from your heart
Completely satisfied in, through, and around you
Nevermore away from you, never apart

By Rocky Stonehedge
Aug 2014 · 2.9k
The special place
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
There is a place of peace
There is a place of Joy
A place away from loneliness
A place away from pain
That place is next to you
A secret garden where black and white becomes a colorful place
Of loving, kisses, touching, caressing, there with you and only you
Cares of the world melting away
Anger and fear are not allowed
Prejudice cannot enter
A place where two hearts beat as one
A place where two souls are inner-woven, touching the inner-place of one another
A place that I long to come back to again and again
A place of sweet abandon
A place next to you

By Rocky Stonehedge
Aug 2014 · 908
Your love
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
Your love for me is like a summer breeze at the end of a hot day. It makes me smile.
Your love for me is like sweet rain in the midst of a long drought. Something longed for and cherished.
Your love for me is like the falling of snow in the mountains. Peaceful and beautiful.
Your love for me is like the ocean waves on the beach. Strong and passionate.
Your love for me is like the sun by day and the moon by night. Constant and unending.
Your love for me is like the stars in heaven. Always there, and always more than I could ever imagine.
Your love for me.
By Rocky Stonehedge
Aug 2014 · 2.5k
Beautiful brown
Rocky Stonehedge Aug 2014
I Looked up and what did I see
The brown eyed girl looking back at me
Her eyes touched my soul and melted my heart

I knew that this was the girl of my dreams from the very start

Swept off my feet by her love and charm
Loving her kisses and being held in her arms

Being with her brings happiness and joy

She's more lovely than words can express
She's more beautiful than words that one could employ

The brown eyed girl
The most valuable Pearl
the one that I love

— The End —