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Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
I sense it,  
I can feel its mist.
Thunder begins to roll.
Lighting begins to flash.
“Drip Drop”
Now I can hear it.
Where already there,
Where getting into it.
“Drip Drop”
Comes closer to me,
Taking away my every breathe
Begins to pick up the speed
“Drip Drop”
We begin to intertwine,
I begin to lose control of my mind
All of a Sudden
“Drip Drop”
Realises my struggle
Begins slow down
Understand me,
So it slows down.
“Drip Drop”
Please I beg take me away,
I fell in love with you,
Please don’t go away.
“Drip Drop”
It stayed and waited,
Until I fell asleep,
Falling into a subliminal state.
“Drip Drop”
I woke up,
Only to remember its sound,
Never looked once upon its face.
“Drip Drop”
© RGN 19 Nov. 2009
Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
The acoustic guitar plays softly, in the background of a critiqued ball room as he made his entrance. The attention of the audience fell upon him; As he walked readily towards the dance floor, The melody of the flute and the rhythm of the bass guitar, Dramatized his beauty. The spectators in fear, but his passion so real, As I stared into his eyes, that made beauty felt unreal everything else that surrounded me disappeared. He focused his eyes on the dance floor they began to whisper; Who will he choose? Who has to leave now? He flashed his eyes upon the viewers that were once in shock, now in terror, but their ****** expression in awe. The apothegm states that he continually seeks for the one that would heal his disease but bound to the power of the earth’s forces, his determined, stunning eyes will never be able to reveal, the secret one that can heal. The bass drums play wildly as he shows the crowd his fury. The once stunned viewers now begin to panic, but I draw myself closer. Before I could reach him someone else got in the way. “I would like to die” was the words I know her to repeatedly say. He gently pushed himself away in anger. He looked around the ball room, and observed the reaction of the audience to his response. They’re now in astonishment. He then stopped and his focal point was clear. The piano and the cello played softly to become one with his voice. He said to me “let us dance.” I’m frightened, the majority of the onlookers left in a daze. My vision weakened before our dance began. He smiled, and as he looked upon my face all the instruments faded away. He said to me is this your last dance? Will you leave us tonight? I’m the kiss of death will you close your eyes forever or will you leave me in delight?”
© 19 November 2009 RGN
Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
The cool air sweeps lightly against his chest,
I can feel his fingerprints,
Brushing gently against my face.
I take an undeniable gasp of breathe.
The stars and the moon is our only light.
The trees, the sand, and the ocean,
Are the only guardians of our secret this midnight.
Passion is the extremist determined to find love,
Only to be my weakness I ask him for more.
His masculinity is perfect but it’s more than just that,
His personality unique it takes me away,
I’m not obsessed but he drives me crazy.
Don’t even know why, cause he’s not my baby.
But this, what I’m feeling is not normal to me,
This time it’s midnight, and I’m feeling free.
Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
Bright lights, Centre stage,
White rose, Blank page.
Addicted to the aura,
Infected by the venom,
Not locked in Pandora’s Box,
But I’m in my own personal plenum.
Could feel the pressure,
Yet I’m enjoying my high,
The pain doesn’t lessen,
But I’m willing to fight.
So caught up I fell,
Leaving me unconscious.
Woke up oblivious only to realise,
I was already in my subconscious.
Don’t mind going back,
I’m already a dreamer.
But I don’t mind making my dream a reality,
Only to be with you.
Bright lights, centre stage,
White rose, blank page.
© RGN Nov. 19th 2009

— The End —